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Wip: Muunilinst

Codja X

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Just wondering... How long does it take to compile?


Originally posted by Pontus90

i just saw that and i cant understand why it makes double posts...


You can always go into your post by clicking the "Edit" button underneat, then check marking the "Delete" option at the top of your post and clicking on the "Delete Now" button.


Double posts are usually caused by a server "hickup", where the forums will "spew" your post a second time, or even 3 sometimes 4 times.


Just FYI. :)

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A quick little update (no screens yet though unfortunately):


Have completed the scripting for my turbolasers and some general ambient effects and have nearly completed the exterior of the map.


All that needs doing now is the internals of some of the buildings, optimisations to improve FPS and the rest of the scripting.


To answer a couple of your questions though:

The models i'm looking to use are:

Clone / Arc Trooper

Battle Droids

Trooper Transport

Those funny floaty tank things that the trade federation uses and

finally: a decent Plo Koon model.


I'll be asking/begging for these nearer the release date.


In regard to multiplayer, I may release it once the architecture is complete, but it wouldn't really play that well - it could be made into a seige map (Republic vs Confederacy) but i'll have to look at that in future.


And finally, it takes about 1/2 an hour to compile - I think there may be a bit *too* much detail :)

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Originally posted by Codja X

And finally, it takes about 1/2 an hour to compile - I think there may be a bit *too* much detail :)


A half hour isn't to bad, especially not for such a heavily detailed map like yours. I spent a long drawn out hour on the last compile I did for the Tower map. Compile times shouldn't be that long though... :p (Fixed some of the shaders, might compile faster now.)

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Originally posted by mergatroid

The killer light stage, it seems to double (or triple) the compile time, it doesn't surprise me in your map though, with all that advanced lighting.


I wouldn't say it was advanced - in fact i've gone for a sledgehammer approach - no advanced shader lights (barring the sun) - just a sh*tload of point and spot entity lights -


it is a LOT less hassle, cut's down compile times by a tremendous amount and I find it gives greater control. The only difficult thing about this approach is judging the RGB and Light values correctly, but even Radiant does a decent enough job a approximating it for you.


I will definitely have some screens for you by the end of the week of a new section of map.

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@GothicX: This is my compiling batch file for my end of day run:


q3map2 -game ja -fs_basepath "D:/jk3/GameData/" -meta -samplesize 4 -v D:\jk3\gamedata\base\maps\%1.map


q3map2 -game ja -vis -saveprt -v D:\jk3\gamedata\base\maps\%1.bsp


q3map2 -game ja -light -fast -nocollapse -patchshadows -samples 4 -v D:\jk3\gamedata\base\maps\%1.bsp


For an end of week run or if i'm going to make some screenshots I add -samplesize 2 for the bsp phase and -dirty to the light stage.


I'm keeping the compile time down by adding "_lightmapscale 4" to the worldspawn and only "func_grouping" and "_lightmapscale 0.125" the brushes/shadows that need it.


[tip] Also, if you copy q3map2.exe and all it's files into your Windows folder, you can use it in any folder in the command prompt.

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Some more screens (WIP of the most severe kind though...):






Some reverse camera shots:




It's a little dark and bare at the moment - this will be sorted by having lots of neon/holo signs, dangling cables etc. It's also making use of the -dirty switch as well, so if it's a little grimy looking, that's why :)


Also, if you're wondering why the windows in the building to the left of the shot101.jpg look strange, it's because i'm currently experiementing with enviromental maps to simulate refections (albeit extremely blurry ones)


(also posted on http://www.map-review.com)

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Keeps gettin better! Only criticism i have is that the one building in the background behind the bridge looks too much like a modern day building that we might all see everyday. Sounds weird but it needs to look more Future like or star warsy lol



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Originally posted by Skyfez

Only criticism i have is that the one building in the background behind the bridge looks too much like a modern day building that we might all see everyday. Sounds weird but it needs to look more Future like or star warsy lol


I know exactly what you mean by that - that building is a relic from an earlier build of the map when I was going for a Hong Kong /Tokyo style busy neon sort of street.


As the architecture is gradually moving to a more classical style, it's going to get replaced, along with the one to the right of it.


It's still a work in progress though, so keep your suggestions coming:)

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