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Cantina 6: PTH Part V, Revenge

Admiral Odin

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Ragnar: That Allessa is a poor reason to wantonly tresspass on these lands. At the very least you should have tried to contract the Lord of this world and ask permision to enter it.


*Ragnar says a word in the tongue he spoke to the Drake with. Ten Beserks stand, from their cover. These beserkes wore white armor and carried rifles of a strange design. They turn as one and march towards the transport.


Ragnar looks at Allessa, and her companions one last time*


You should have headed the automatic warning. It is very likely you will perish on this world.


*Ragnar and the two Beserks that flanked him turn and head back to the transport where the other Berserks were already getting in. The fire had fully consumed the tree by now and died out, a cold wind brings in dark clouds foreshadowing a violent storm was on its way.*



((Keeping the action going))


*A half an hour before Raschel and Orthos's watch was over the moon was full giving off plenty of light. A drake swoops in on the group coming at them in a tight spiral. The swishing of the Drakes wings wakes Heimdall immediatly. He stands and looks at the drake and does nothing else.*

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((Red, the floorless skin thing is just part of the description, I don't want you thinking she has a mole or anything. :D As to being beautiful, I could have come up with an amazingly poetic Homeric similie in heroic heximeter, but I can't be bothered so just take it that she's a stunner, so gorgeous that any attempt to descibe her beauty makes you sound a blathering idiot.


As to why they're all so beautiful. There is a genuine reason that I'm working up to, for the moment all I'll say is that Lelan was a vampire (and only gorgeous in an everyday way) and all the others are Agamarian nobility. Plus bear in mind that technically I've only introduced three seperate females, as two of them are identical twins. Beyond that, why imagine ugly women.))


*Hal senses the arrival of the Drake through the force, he rises silently, his dark cloak rapped around him.*




Drago: Is Lord Vidar so pressed that he will not accept suplicants. We would have comunicated, had there been time, there was not. I know Halren Flax is here, he is looking for death and he will find it at your battle in less than nine days.


((OSS: That should get their attention. *crosses everything.*))

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((BD: they are joking that the proper term would be flawless (you know lacking flaws like a mole) not floorless (as in lacking a floor) :D


I'm also assuming that Drao knows the timing of the battle from the force.))



*Ragnar continues to walk*


Raganar: If death is what Harlen Falx seeks then that is what he will find on this world. I have many duties to attend to Drago, and since you didn't even attempt a communication, helping you is not among them. Although if you do really want transport to my lord I can arrange something.

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((Whoa! Red, a couple of pages ago you said I'd be confused... you were right! I read all of this and I'm still confused!))



Tanara followed the others without speaking. She had been awake when they had burned Misae's body, but she allowed them to think she had still been asleep. This incident had robbed her of her only remaining connection to the living beings of the galaxy.


"I have nothing," she muttered, knowing that few of the company, if any had heard her. "There is nothing left in this galaxy for me."


She sighed deeply and fell silent again.


((A side note, I will be unable to post very frequently any longer. I'll do as much as I can, but please don't expect it to be much.))

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((WJ, that's the cantina series, miss it for more than 2 days and it'll be 3 pages extra and make no sense. :D Maybe we should make small comprehensible summaries after each thread. Do you have any idea more or less how frequently you'll be able to post, IE: once a month, once a week, once a year, etc.?))

*Matt suddenly thought of Tanara, who seemed to be a heavy sleeper and quickly looked at Heimdall, trying to communicate through both the force and his expression if he should wake up the rest and warn them.*

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((wildjedi: Awww. :D Understood, hoping your situation changes :)


BD: First, what Admiral said. :D


so gorgeous that any attempt to descibe her beauty makes you sound a blathering idiot.


What real woman is like this? Especially inbred nobility! :D


Beyond that, why imagine ugly women.


I dunno, but why not imagine women that are just a shade off of perfect, you know, like human beings? :D Beyond that, why aren't your male characters of dazzling beauty ...er... handsomeness... as well? ;)


*is teasing, by the way* :D))





*Raschel looks up at the drake, too stunned to move*


Is that...one of those things from Coruscant...


Raschel: H...h...heimdall...

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*Orthos had nodded off, but the arrival of the drake wakes him*


Orthos: Oh no...


*Slowly begins reaching for Starkiller*


Orthos: Raschel, when I count to three, run back to camp and get Heimdall. I'll try to distract it...one...two...three...go!

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((let's not clog the RPG with these OCC, when there is a discussion thread that they can go in.))


*Ragnar stops and turns around*


Ragnar: You never asked that Drago. Now this is how it will work. First, off you all will ride on top of the transport. IF you want that bring that crate you have to carry it and put it on top as well.


If you do bring that crate It will be dropped off where we will go through it's contents. Anything found unacceptable will be disposed of. After inspection you will be allowed to retrieve it.


If and when you meet with my lord you will do so completly unarmed. Failure in this regards will result in her and your men's immeidate execution. Your weapons will be given over to a guard and will be returned somepont after the meeting.


Finally, you have one minute to get on the transport. Anyone not on gets left behind.



*The Drake continues to descend upon the camp*


Heimdall to Matt, and Sir Vin: Go back to sleep.


*Heimdall walks over to Raschel and Orthos*


Heimdall: Pointless to draw your blade, if he wanted us dead there is little any of us could do. Consider yourselves relieved of your watch, try and get some sleep.


*The Drake lands in front of Heimdall, Orthos and Raschel. It folds it's wings along side it's large body and then speaks to Heimdall in an alien tongue (to the group that is).


Heimdall answers in the same language*

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Drago: If that is what you are offering that is what I will take.


*Allessa bristles, she pulls up her hood, lifts her skirts, and begins walking towards the transport.*


*The two gaurds pick up the crate, one infront, one behind and carry it using recessed handles.*




Hal: What is he doing here.

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((I'm assuming they made it on the transport in time))


*The transport wipped across the ground taking sharp turns and bouncing on the uneven terrain.


They stop in what seems to be the middle of no where. Ragnar steps out*


Ragnar: Open and leave that crate here.




Heimdall: Nothing you need to be concerned about.


*Heimdall then continues his coverstation with the drake*

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((BD: Just another assumption that they complied and removed the crate and opened it. IF you want to specify wants in the crate feel free.))


*The transport continues off still giving a rough ride to the passangers on top. After another twenty minutes it comes ot a jarring halt. The rear door opens showing that there was plenty of room for Drago, Allessa and their two guards.


The Beserks march from the transport, rifles slung over their shoulders. round a snow mound and disappear from sight.


Ragnar takes Drago, Allessa and the guards along a well trodden path to a hidden entrance. They enter a building and go down a number of corridors, finally coming to a door with a table next to it.*


Raganar: Leave all your weapons on the table. When your done, go through that door, Lord Vidar is there. You have ten minutes.


*In the room Vidar and Viddall were talking waiting for Drago's party to come in*



*Four hours had passed, the drake leaving at some point during those that time. Heimdall woke Idona first before moving to wake Svafa. Idona meanwhile went through her pack pulling out climbing gear. By the time the rest of the group was awakened Idona was already half way up the cliff, with Svafa close behind.*


Heimdall: In your packs you will all find saftey harnesses, and other clmbing gear. Idona and Svafa are laying out lines for us to follow. Idun, Gerd, and I will go next. The rest of you follow in what ever order you want. Try and keep noise to a minium.

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*sir-vin with his gear ready, hands Matt an end of safety cable.*


Sir-Vin "Here, the other end is attached to my harness. So don't worry about falling."


*Cracern quickly puts on the harnesses and gets up to the cliff wall.


He looks up the face for a moment. Then he crouches a bit.*


Cracern "Haven't done much of this..."


*Cracern force jumps nearly thirty feet into the air, and grabs onto the face of the cliff, as he grabs onto an already attached cable, which he clips in. Using the force to do it as quietly as possible...*

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