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Cantina 6: PTH Part V, Revenge

Admiral Odin

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*This time Drago bows.*


Drago: Thankyou, my Lord.


*Drago takes three steps back, turns and leaves.*


*Outside he retrieves his weapons and waits.*


*Allessa seems to be trying to burn a hole in the wall with her gaze.*


Allessa: Well?


Drago: Lord Vidar has been most generous, considering the circumstances.

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((I am assuming everyone confirmed Odin's question))


*After Odin recieved confirmation fromt the entire group the table and weapons sink into the floor and are removed entirely.*


Odin: You will not be needing them. Now if you'll excuse me I'll go get what you came here for.


*The image of Odin walks through a back door leaving the group in the room*



*A Valkyrie approaches Drago and his companions*


Valkyrie: Follow me.


((Again to save time, assuming that do))


*The Valkyrie leads them down a number of halls coming to a door with two beserks standing in front of it. The Valkyrie opens the door to windowless gray room. The only furnishing were four unmade cots. A pillow and linnen lay on the matress of each of the four cots.


The Valkyrie opens the exterior door, and points in a direction. Arms of two beserks could be seen from the doorway.*


Valkyrie: You cargo is 2 miles that way, this will be the only time your allowed to exceed the 100 foot limit. Dinner will be served in 4 hours someone will be here to take you to the cafeteria.


*The Valkryie closes the exterior door, and leaves the room, shutting the interior door as she goes.*

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*The two House Men look shocked, embarrised, ashamed and generally sick. Drago survays the room with an even gaze, he makes a gesture and the two Gaurds step outside to stand with the Beserks.*


*Allessa explodes.*


Allessa: YOU CALL THIS "GENEROUS", I AM FORCED TO SLEEP WITH MEN, I WILL NOT TOLATE THIS DRAGO! *She continues in a very quiet voice.* Do you know what it is like to find your entire family whiped out in an instant, everyone you ever knew and then have the man you love dissapear off the galactic plain?


*Drago rounds on her.* Funnilly enough I know exactly what that feels like. I had to kill the image of my own daughter and I'm still hunting my wife, when I'm not working to keep your pathetic little excuse of a civilization together. I had to offer to ceade our forces to Vidar just to stop them form chucking us out!


*Allessa's composure shatters and she sinks to the floor in floods of tears.* He's not even *sob* there anymore, I can't even *sob* feel him.


*Drago shucks his pack and leaves.*




*Drago turns to one of the Beserks.*


Drago: Is there any chance of me being able to get hold of a glass of mead? The real stuff, not that wattered down version you give the ocasional guest.




*Hal whistles tunelessly while he waits.*

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Beserk: As you were told, you will get food and drink when everyone else has eaten. If you want mead, hope there is some left when you get your food.


((BD: anything else you want to do with this part?))




*As the group waited for Odin's return a wall off to the side suddenly explodes. Rubble flew everywhere and dust obsucred vision. Then there was the distinct snap hiss of many lightsabers being activated*

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Cracern "Ooooh this is a real nice surprise... Soo what do ya think we get out of this one when our weapons are sunk into the table there?"


Sir-Vin "Well I wouldn't doubt that this is a certainly a strange turn of events. Matthew, get behind everyone."

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Raschel: Sithspit! *She looks at her empty hands*


Marin: <Let's form a ring. If you can't defend yourself, get in the center.> *She hisses blue fire. Aidan's hands ignite with lightning and he growls, eyes lighting up with a white glow.


Guy does not make a sound, react, or move except to avoid a flying piece of rubble*

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*A piece of Rubble flies toward Gortick, but he merely places his hands up and it stops ahead of him*


Gortick: Brother, without your sword you can't fight


Orthos: Gort...


Gortick: This is not your battle, brother. It is mine and Elella's


Elella:Orthos...please...they're coming


*Orthos gets in the circle*


Orthos: Don't expect me to stay here if things turn bad

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*The Aesir ready themselves for hand to hand combat.


The dust clears showing about thirty sith with Lightsabers at the ready. They charge the group raising their blades as if to strike and pass right through the group disappearing into the far wall*


((would post more but rather busy))

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((I think red was questioning weither or not that would Hal resort to something like that inorder to create something like that.


IE: if a jedi needed to use the dark side to defend himself, someone would need to be pretty desprite, imho ^_^ ))

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"Minor problem," Tanara muttered, trying to subdue her darker side. It had grown much stronger after Misae had been killed and was much harder to control. She shook her head in partial disgust. "Major effect."


She raised her voice and said, "It would seem that this was to test our Force abilities. If we could not sense these enemies were not real, how well can we expect to perform against the real enemies?"


She sighed and slipped away from the rest of the group. After glancing in their direction, she sat on the ground and leaned forward, allowing her hair to fall into her face and touch the floor. In some ways, it amused her that this was the position in which she could most easily battle the Dark Side within her. At the moment, it was more irritating, for she wondered what her companions must think of the peculiar sight they could see when they turned to look at her.


"The Force is not a weapon," she muttered to herself. "It is an ally. Allies aid you. You do not use them." Then, almost as if an afterthought, she added, "Allies can turn on you. The Force is behind you no matter how you choose to interact with it."


She stood and began pacing. "No, that's not right. It can't be right! It goes against everything I have learned."


She turned around and continued pacing, but her voice changed slightly. "But it is true. Even you must understand this. Not everything works as the Jedi wanted you to believe, does it? The Force is a powerful weapon, not simply an ally. You know this."


"I know nothing of the sort," she said, shaking her head. Her voice was calm and relaxed, but it quickly fell back into its intensity.


"You're a liar if you continue to say these things," she hissed. Her voice was still quiet, so as not to be heard by the others, but it was growing in volume.


"No," the softer of the two voices disagreed. "I know that the Jedi were right. Leave me be!"


"Never!" the other voice growled. She was getting louder. "I will never leave you alone and you must understand this. I cannot leave you alone! You wanted me and you know I am merely a part of you. You brought me to the surface and you had better deal with me!"


"Enough!" Tanara nearly screamed. Suddenly, she was once more aware of her surroundings and calmed herself as best she could. In a hushed voice, she spoke once more to herself. "This conversation is over."

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Heimdall: The ability to use the force was not being tested. Those Sith were just an illusion else they would not have been able to pass through us like they did. This was something else.



*Odin reappears where the Sith once stood*


Odin: Very good Heimdall, the force was not part of this test at all. The real test was in honesty and courage. I asked if you had given me all your weapons, each affirmed that they had. The image of attacking Sith was used to see if anyone had lied, it was also meant as a test of Courage. None of you fled from the Sith, and even better you protected the weaker memebers of the group.




*the floor parts and the table comes is raised once again in the room. All the weapons were on the table plus a new key and map.*


Odin: You have a horn to retrieve and a battle to fit so I suggest you move fast. Goodbye and good luck.


*The image of Odin disappears. Heimdall moves over to the table and picks up the key and places it in his belt pouch. He did the same to the map. Then he picked up his weapons. The Aesir followed suit*

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*Orthos takes his sword*


Elella: Raschel was right...why didn't you think of the avatars...?


*Orthos is quiet*


Orthos: It's not the time. Something's drawing near...when I will have to use them, and I'm going to need to be ready.

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*Cracern collects his weapons.*


Cracern "Hmm, figures. Well, at least we all know that we won't be put down unless we 'throw down'."


*Sir-Vin raises his eyebrow at Cracern as he too picks up his sabers.*


Sir-Vin "I do have to hand it to who ever made these tests. I'm surprised something like this havent happened earlier in the quest. Unless it already did..." *smiles* "And no one told me."

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