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Cantina 6: PTH Part V, Revenge

Admiral Odin

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((Welcome back, and very interesting post Superthrawn.


Red: Superthrawn can correct me if I'm wrong but I believe he meant Gerd. Going to hold off posting with Gerd until I'm sure.


Wild Jedi: Welcome. Easy character to add. You could have her approach the Asgardried saying she thought she felt other jedi around)).



Voice: You are not going to be killed. And if your bored you should have talked to your Master and got him teaching you some more interesting things like how to get yelled at by my masters. But you may have already mastered that skill.



*Heimdall stands outside the door waiting for Rh Irvine to get there*

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*Sir-Vin walks up to the corrador near Heimdall, he could sense the disappointment already. He sighs.*


Sir-Vin "Heimdall." *nods slightly*


*Sir-Vin notes that he's near the 'restricted' areas of the ship, and Matt could be sensed nearby.*


Sir-Vin "I could make one of two guesses why I was asked to come..."

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Heimdall: I'll help you. Asgardried, please open the door.


*The door slides open and lights turn on revealing Matt inside a small room filled with cleaning supplies. Heimdall looks at the room and Matt.*


Heimdall: Matt, please come out of our cleaning supply closet.


*Turning to Irvine(Sir-vin)*


Heimdall: Your apprentice here was found trying to sneak into the areas of the ship we restricted. Now it would seem he was doing this on his own because he was bored.


When you brought him aboard you said you take full responsiblity for him. As such were normally the punishment for this act would fall soley on him, you get to share in it as well. Since this is the first offense I'm just cutting rations for one week for both of you. If you wish to punish him further, it's entirely up to you.


*turning towards Matt*


It is obvisous that your Master didn't tell you that the ship is aware of everything that goes on inside of it. You try to gain access to any of the restricted areas again with out our permission and the ship will probably do far worse then lock you in a closet. Won't you?


*Heimdall montions towards the ceiling where a hatch slide open and a turrent dropped down.*


Asgardried *same voice that spoke to Matt*: Yes I will, I might just show him some home movies and bore him to death.


*The turrent retracts up into it's housing and the hatch closes again, blending right in with the rest of the ceiling


Heimdall: That is enough. Irvine, I suggest your next lesson be focused teaching your student some patience....


Asgardried: I'm sorry to interrupt, but Josine has just expired rather violently. I have sealed the room off and have some droids examining the area. I'll report as soon as I find any information.


Heimdall: Thank you. If you'll excuse me.


*Heimdall leaves and heads back towards the bridge*

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Tanara stopped, puzzled. She was standing near a ship of a kind she had never seen before and the Jedi presence was very close. She could easily tell there were Jedi on the ship, but what they were doing here was still a mystery to her.


"For shame they don't have doorbells," she muttered as she found the entrance to the ship. "I would feel better about this if I could let someone know I'm coming in."


As it was, she simply walked in, stopping just inside the entrance.

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*Tanara quickly found a number of weapon emplacements pointed towards her. The door leading to the interior of the ship was sealed.* ((The main entrance has a double door system, like airlocks))


Asgardried: Who are you?



*Heimdall enters the bridge and sits down by Svafa. Tanara's image was now on the monitor that had recently been showing Matt*


Heimdall: I see we have another visitor.


Svafa: Up, and since your here, I'll go say hi.


*Svafa stands up and leaves the bridge heading for the main entrance.*

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*The door behind Tanara quickly closes.*


Asgardried: That doesn't answer my question. And don't bother using that lightsaber (I'm assuming she has one since she is a jedi knight.) to get out. My masters will probably want to talk to you.


*Svafa on her way to the entrance quickly stops off at her quarters and grabs her sword. Moments later she is on the otherside of the door watching Tanara on a monitor. Waiting for an answer*

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((Yay! Welcome, wildjedi :D))


Misae's Quarters, Asgardried


The whisper in her head had died away again. Misae had drifted off into a doze when she suddenly became aware of a presence that had been on the peripheral of her consciousness for a short while already.


Another Jedi! Alive...


One year ago, when she had felt the destruction of Yavin IV, she had become convinced that she was the last living Jedi. She was soon disproven, however, when Halren Flax showed up. And perhaps the red-haired Irvine counted. Still, she knew that almost all Jedi in the galaxy were dead...


She had two conflicting impulses. She obeyed the stronger one.


She opened her door and left her quarters for the first time in ages, moving towards the new presence.

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*Sir-Vin sighs.*


Sir-Vin "I wouldn't blame your own curosity, but I thought I told you about the restricted areas of the ship. Never the less your mistake cost both of us some food for the next week." *lows head and smiles*


"Well, back to training. I'd like you to move and reorganise the larger creates in the cargo bay in a few hours after you meditate about your 'boredom'. And when you are training in the cargo hold try not to drop any of them, it might cost us more rations cut. I have to go see something."


*Sir-vin goes to where the 'new arrival' has been.*

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Ritchet straightened himself up, and looked around for a second before answering.


"I'm Ritchet. How I got here is a long and somewhat interesting story, but not worth the telling at this point. All I can tell you is that I've been sent to help you."


"So, can you tell me exactly what it is you're doing and who you are?"

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Tanara's hand went briefly to her lightsaber when the door closed behind her. Then she calmed herself and nodded.


"Talk to me," she said. "If I have learned one thing, it is that when someone says 'talk' it does not always mean communication. I know when I am at a disadvantage, however, and I will be willing to talk."


She paused and smiled. "Am I being let in or is someone coming to me?"

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Originally posted by jokemaster

*Matt went off to the cargo bay. He managed to stack the crates without dropping even one of them.*


((Not really trying to be rude or anything, heck it may be my error in wording it ^_^


Sir-vin wanted matt to meditate first :D))

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Yevoh, Town


Raschel walked down the dirty streets, reminiscing. She had wandered into the housing district of the town, and passed by many quiet houses, noting that many of them seemed abandoned.


Probably left because of the food shortages...poor people...


The street she was walking down now, in fact, had not a resident in sight. Everything was very quiet.


Then, suddenly, she heard a crash. It sounded like furniture breaking. It was followed by a few more crashes and thuds, interspersed with several shouts in a language she couldn't recognize.


She approached the house cautiously. A curtain-covered window was open, and she stopped by it cautiously. Then came a voice in Basic. It was calm, quiet, and ice-cold.


"My men, Sejhan? Where are they?"


The other voice sounded more normal. "They left. Fled. Ran off. Got the cold shoulder. Really bad case of it. Happens. I mean, I warned you."


"All of them at once?"


There was silence for a moment, then the first voice continued.


"You frightened them away. Or have you had them killed?"


"No, I haven't." A pause. "Well, I --- you see, they --- okay, yes, I did. They were a liability, Duncan."


"How can I have a crusade without crusaders?"


"I'm not asking you for a crusade! You just have to kill one little baby Jotun. I mean, for crying out loud. You've done this already how many times?"


"The offspring of Thiazi will be a very powerful creature. Thiazi himself, I could not kill. And the prophecies you yourself obtained said that it is by this child's power that the galaxy has come to this, and by this child's power it will be destroyed."


"I think you're reading too much in between the lines. She's only, what, ten, eleven? This is a nip-it-in-the-bud mission. Kill the demon child before she can grow up and finish off everything."


"If there is little danger, why have you deprived me of my soldiers?"


"You're the only one in this galaxy capable of killing the Jotun. Maybe you were thinking of making them cannon fodder, but it wouldn't have worked. The Jotun's protectors would have finished them off before you could say 'bad idea'."


"I armed them against Jotuns. Certainly some would have died, but they would have at least matched blow for blow, death for death. Unless there is something you are not telling me."


There is a long pause. And a sigh.


"The Jotun child is not with other Jotuns."


Silence. Then the first voice started again, with a steely edge.




"She's with this group of fanatic mystics, who believe they can restore the galaxy by finding an ancient legendary power. You know, another one of those post-Holocaust cults that have been popping up all over. They're pretty dangerous, though. They've been carting her around for the past eight months."


"But why is she not with her kind?"


"She was separated from the other Jotuns in the Holocaust. I had thought her kind would have retrieved her by now, and I didn't want to make things...murkier."


"Murkier? The Jotuns are pure evil personified. Those who wish to align themselves with such evil shall die along with it. I have killed many Sith..."


"Her protectors aren't Sith. In fact, they believe themselves to be really nice guys. And girls. They probably think she's just the most adorable little girl. Look, I know you never killed innocents---"


"I am no fool, Sejhan. I understand war. There can be no pity for innocents who use themselves as a willing shield for evil."


"But ---oh. Well... good. Then there's no problem?"


"This evil must die. So will anyone who stands in the way of my justice. No matter their motives for doing so."


"Right. Guess I underestimated you. Sorry."


"I must know everything, if I am to do this."


"Right. No, gotcha. My mistake."


"You've kept nothing else from me, then?"


"Uh - no. Nothing I can think of."


"Good. Now, I am going out for a drink. I will expect you here when I return. I must know everything about these new adversaries I will face."


"Yeah. Got it."


There was a strange sound, then a pause. Raschel tensed and shrunk into the shadows. Footsteps came closer. The door opened, and a man walked out. He headed down the street without a backward glance.


Raschel didn't dare move until over a minute had passed since he had left. She peeked cautiously in through the window. The man's companion had vanished.


She had a very bad feeling about the conversation she had just overheard.


I have to get out of here.


Forcing herself to move nonchalantly as well as quietly, she walked away from the house in the opposite direction Duncan had left in. Once out of the vicinity, she broke into a run.



((Edit: Made a typo, posted a sentence twice ;)))

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Ritchet turned to Idun, and spoke in his loudest, deepest voice (which was, all told, not very loud, nor deep) and said, "She's talking to me!" Idun looked down at the talking mouse, mouth agape for a moment, then burst out laughing.


"Well....that's quite rude. If I were....I'd teach you...you can..."


He finally realized that he wasn't going to be able to respond to threats very well.


"Uh, yeah, I like your armor," he sighed, in defeat.

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((OOS: Reds, right. Idun wouldn't have laughed or stood with her mough gapping, it doesn't fit her character. Just to keep most of your post intact:))


*Just as Ritchet was about to shout, Idun reached Gerd and not seeing the mouse nearly stepped on him. His somewhat quiet shout saved him from becoming part of Idun's boot as she quickly stepped asided and gazed at this strange diminutive creature.


Ritchet: Well....that's quite rude. If I were....I'd teach you...you can..


Uh, yeah, I like your armor.



Gerd: Thank you, Heimdall made it just for me.


*As Idun looks at the mouse she notices that he is covered in something like blood.*


Idun: Is that blood?


((Superthrawn, I'm fairly positive you said Ritchet would still be covered in blood, if I'm mistken just ignore what Idun said))

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Yevoh, Marketplace


Marin walked down alongside the booths the Irvines had been through earlier, vaguely heading back to the Asgardried, reminiscing.


I told my father I'd be back in a month, two months at most, when I left. It's been over twelve months...a year.


No one had celebrated her 17th birthday. She had forgotten about it herself until a week after it had passed. Seventeen and a murderer. My father would be so proud.


Obviously I can't go back now, even if there was a way to. I'm going to become an adult in an alien galaxy, in an alien dimension...but an alien galaxy that I'm trying to save. What happens, though, if...when we get the Time Matrix? If we can rewind all this...will I be able to get my lost years back? Or will I be making a happy life only for another me?


She began to feel dizzy. The scenery swam before her eyes. She noticed with some alarm that she had wandered out of the marketplace and onto a side street.


That's probably bad...


She opened her mouth to shout, but discovered she could only give empty gasps. She sucked in air, but it did nothing for her. She couldn't breathe!


Water! I have to get to water!


She stumbled and fell against a wall. She was suffocating. She was a Water-Breather, after all, and she hadn't been in water for...how long?


I'm going to die. That's it, it's over.


Then something covered her gasping mouth, forcing it closed. Something else was placed over her nose.




She sucked in the liquid, filling her lungs.


She could hear screaming. It sounded like Raschel. "Stop! What are you doing, you're killing her!" At the moment, she didn't particularly care.


She exhaled and inhaled again. Then the source of the liquid was jerked away, and she gasped for a few more seconds. Then, she felt a tingling sensation, and everything went black.

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