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Cantina 6: PTH Part V, Revenge

Admiral Odin

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*Gortick does not draw his lightsaber*


Gortick: I don't need it.



*Gortick smashes the ground, sending seismic waves through the force toward his attacker. Elella, meanwhile, flings her hands open wide, and force pulls her lightsaber back toward her and stabs under the Ork's raised arms*

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Seeing that lightsabers won't work, Tanara simply watched for a moment, keeping somewhat behind those who could protect themselves and ducking away from any attacks directed toward her. She could feel her irritation rising from being unable to defend herself.


Let me free, her rogue side whispered in her mind. She shook her head fiercely and ducked another blow.


"Never," she whispered fiercely. A low laugh escaped her mouth and her eyes flashed with anger. "Too late. You already have!"


A burst of Force lightning escaped her hand, driving itself into her opponent. "I am freed from the cage you would have for me in your own mind."


"Go back to your cage," she said calmly. "It is your place. This is mine!"


"I have control now," her rogue side retorted, unleashing another short blast of lightning. Struggling to recover, Tanara dropped to her knees and bowed her head.


"I will control you," she whispered, not taking notice of her newest attacker. Another burst of lightning was unleashed from her hand and her rogue side laughed softly.


"Without me, you would be dead now!" she said. Tanara nodded slowly. "Now back to your cage."


A loud shriek issued from Tanara's mouth and she returned to merely dodging attacks, but she was visibly shaken and seemed to be slightly weaker.

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(OOS: Wild, I am loving your character progression with Tanara...even though the story is a bit cliche, the way you're telling it is excellent. :) )


Ritchet nodded, not making another sound. He concentrated eyes narrowing into little mousey slits, and his mousey fists clenching into little mousey balls.


In a brief second, he disappeared from the top of the cage, and then reappeared on the man with the chain's neck. He tensed, and shuddered, and then, even though no one was watching, began to grow. His mousey muscles bulged, his teeth grew longer, he body got bigger. Hair grew from the back of his neck, twisting and whipping in the wind of the battle. His eyes began to glow red, and then, when he'd grown as far as it looked like he'd go, he stood back for a second.


He wasn't too much bigger; perhaps three inches. But, his normal mouse teeth had grown into something much more sinister, and the evil look that began with his eyes and wild hair was accentuated by the nasty looking set of claws portruding from his limbs. He took a deep breath, looked at the white haired gargoyle, flashed a wink, and then wrapped his claws around the necklace. Finally, with one vicious bite, he snapped down on the material which stood no chance against his fangs. The metal snapped, silently, and then began a long tumble from the man's neck, bouncing once on the armor plate on his chest, and then buried itself deep in the snow.


Ritchet disappeared once more, and then reappeared on the top of the cage. "Is that what you had in mind?" He said, cockily, through heavy breaths as he reverted to his normal form. Pausing a second, he looked down expectantly, waiting for a response from the Gargoyle.

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*Before Sir-vin can give Matt an answer, the elf drops him from behind with the same sleep spell she had aimed at Idun.


The gray-armored man and Hal face off. The gray being slashes at Hal, who dodges. A few more stabs with the halberd manipulate Hal into a position with his back turned to the spellcasting elf.


A bright light wraps around Hal and he slumps to the ground.


Orthos fails to completely dodge a burst from the pulse cannon. Although the hit only grazes his arm, shredding his armor but only burning his flesh, the feedback jolt from the energy sends him reeling to the ground.


Gortick's attacker laughs*


Ork: Your choice.


*She leaps into the air over the sesmic waves, over and above Gortick. She brings her sword straight down through Gortick's shoulder, punching through his armor and impaling him.


Ellela's lightsaber rakes across the ork's armor, leaving a mark but not penetrating. The ork turns her head to avoid the blade touching her bare face. Her eyes glow as she whips the morningstar back down, connecting with Ellela's right arm. A burst of light comes from the morningstar on point of contact, and Ellela's arm goes completely numb.


The green gargoyle, master of the animals, chants another incantation as one of its beasts charges Gerd. White rings appear around the limbs and feet of all three animals.


The animal attacking Gerd leaps into the air as the rings appear, just before hitting her, and brings its weight fully into her chest. Gerd is smashed to the ground, the beast with its hind legs on her chest and torso, a foreleg on her throat, and its face directly above hers. It draws back its other foreleg to slash at her face.


Matt's attacker charges him and barrels him over, knocking his lightsabers aside. The animal viciously slashes him, ripping a wound across his arm as it knocks the saber away and pins the arm to the ground. It clamps its jaws onto his throat. The stubby teeth don't penetrate very far, but Matt's air supply is cut off.


The animal attacking Tanara manages to hit her with a glancing blow of its paw. As she stumbles, it shoots its head forward, grabs her leg, and jerks back, forcing her off her footing and bringing her down.


As the man in the white trenchcoat gets within close range of Cracern, he opens fire again. This time, the two streams of bullets were too close to dodge, even with the Force. A bullet grazes Cracern's leg. A burst of energy from the bullet rips into his leg, opening a rupture and breaking the bone.


The lizardman's knife rips a cut across Aidan's face. Aidan suddenly feels very sleepy, teeters, and falls to the ground unconscious.


Guy's shields go down under the magical attacks from Eudoxia and Kyrill. The next two blasts from their staffs smash through the transport, ripping it in half and catapulting Guy to the ground.


Aken doesn't see Ritchet biting his necklace off, or even feel him through his plate armor. The dark elf is focused on the enormous ball of energy in his hand.


Aken separates his joined hands and lowers one. Light remains ignited around the lowered hand, and a line connects the hand to the raised ball.


Two bursts of light head from his hand to Idona and Svafa. The blasts hit the red shields and force them backwards. The two are thrown violently backwards, landing on their backs.


Aken then points his hand at Idun, and blasts the ground beneath her, catapulting her backwards into the air.


The color of the ball changes from white to red, and Aken's hands begin to crackle.


Then the band of flowing light connecting the dark elf to the gargoyle's cage reverses its flow.


Aken freezes and tenses every muscle in his body. He appears to concentrate on something, then a look of panic crosses his face.


The gargoyle in the cage grins.


Aken jerks his head downwards, appearing to take considerable effort to do so.


He looks at the broken necklace lying on the ground and his eyes widen.*


Caged Gargoyle: Check.


*The ball of light changes color again, to an iridiscent blue.


Aken's hand jerks around.


A burst of light bisects the animal pinning Gerd. Another blast takes out Matt's attacker, then Tanara's.


A blast to the gray-armored being's head drops him to the ground. Another blast obliterates the yellow gargoyle's pulse cannon. Another sends Gortick's attacker flying off his shoulders. Another downs the orc dueling Ellela, the green gargoyle, the lizardman about to knife Aidan's unconscious body, the elf spellcaster, the man in the white trenchcoat, and Eudoxia. Aken's hand is pointing at Kyrill when there is the sound of a bang, and a hole appears in his forehead.


Next to him, the woman in blue stands, gun extended in her hand, barrel giving off a thin trail of smoke.


The light dissipates. Aken falls to the ground. His connection to the gargoyle's cage blurs and vanishes.


Of the attackers, only Kyrill and the woman in blue still stand, Eudoxia pulling herself to her knees. They all appear very tense.

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*Idun flips mid air landing in a crouch. She then draws her own blade and stands. Svafa and Idona likewise quickly stand showing no effect of the magical push. The three of them walk towards the remaining attackers, intent to remove their heads.


Gerd other eye begins to glow any icy blue, she shoves the remains of the animal far into the air, before standing. Her skin is now a deathly white while flames wrapped themselves around her. Gerd's eyes have a demon glow to them. It is impossible to see if she is injured at all*

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((OOS: Okay, last of the novel-length posts. :D))



*Guy pulls himself to his hands and knees. He doesn't seem to hear Matt. The snow he scuffed moved at normal speed.


Kyrill and the woman in blue look at the advancing Aesir, then off in the distance at a small winged shape. The two nod at each other*


Kyrill: Perhaps we should take this elsewhere.


Eudoxia: Yes. We only need him.


*Kyrill raises his still-glowing staff and smashes it to the ground.


A rift opens around him, Eudoxia and Guy. It flashes outwards, engulfing each of the group, and each of the downed attackers in turn. The cages, dropped weapons and dead animals vanish as the landscape changes from white to green, and the temperature from freezing to temperate.


The landscape is vast and covered with waving grass and patches of brown, rocky dirt. A huge white castle rises in the distance. Kyrill, Eudoxia and Guy were standing - or lying - in the middle of a large circle on the ground made of glowing runes. Five smaller circles were set within a ring. Guy was lying within one smaller circle, the one in the center. Eudoxia and Kyrill stepped into the two facing him.


Occupying the two other circles were an older man and an older woman, both held within upright devices of iron that resembled open coffins stood on their ends. The woman was bound hand and foot, chained to the device, and her eyes and mouth were both covered. The man was not bound more than enough to hold him upright in his contraption. He was clearly dead.


Kyrill looks at the group, scattered around him. The Aesir were the only ones within close range. He then looks at the groups' fallen enemies. The woman in blue looks at him*


Woman: Remember our deal.


*Kyrill shrugs, and waves his staff. Runed circles form around each of the unconscious attackers. Shimmering blue fields of force rises and walls off each of the circles, including the great circle he is standing in, before the Aesir can cross the line. Kyrill glances at them.*


Kyrill: We will deal with you later.


Guy: What exactly is that supposed to mean?


*He moves his hand, and places it on one of the runes. He then jerks it back as if burned*


Kyrill: The Council has decided your fate, Jonathan. We will destroy your body and bind your spirit to this plane, to these grounds for eternity. You will be a guardian eternal, and a warning to any who may consider following in your footsteps and challenging our power in the future.


*He looks at the group*


Kyrill: After the ritual is complete, you may kill your friends. Yes, I believe that is the appropriate end to your pathetic venture.


*He places his staff at the head of his circle. Eudoxia does the same. The five inner circles begin glowing, Guy's circle glowing red.*


Kyrill: *calling out to the sky* With this may our blood betrayal be revenged!


*He raises his staff.


A voice whispers inside Guy's head.*




*Guy recognizes the voice.*




"I am here, Jonathan. Listen, son. It is over. You must give everything up. You must let down your protection, you must destroy the walls in your mind."


"I cannot," he answered. "You know that. Once they go down, they can never again be put back up. And..."


"This is the end, Jonathan. There are no more secrets. They have already taken your visions. They can never be put back unless you do this. There is no other choice."




"Please, Jonathan. Trust me, as you once did. If you do not, we are all lost."


*Guy pulls himself to his knees. He looks around, seeing nothing but darkness. Eudoxia watches him with a hateful look on her face.*


Eudoxia: Finish it, Kyrill!


*Guy abruptly convulses and begins to glow. With a great crack, an invisible field bursts outwards with him at the center, knocking every person standing to the ground. A sound like a great gust of wind is heard, rushing into the circle like air filling a vacuum.


The runes of the circle around Guy burst outwards.*


Kyrill: Impossible.


Eudoxia: You have no magic! What are you doing?


*Guy rises stiffly. He looks directly at Eudoxia with eyes that couldn't see, then moves his glance to Kyrill.*


Guy: Mother was right all along, Brother, Sister. *His hands glow brightly, and his voice changes to that of a woman's, the voice of his mother.* You sacrificed for evil. We sacrificed for good. And now, we have power unimaginable. Good is always the better of evil, Son, Daughter.


*Guy's voice changes back to normal, and he steps towards the two* If I were you...I would leave. Before we change our minds.


Eudoxia: Kyrill, stop him!


*Kyrill raises his staff*


Kyrill: We have waited nearly a year for this, and we can wait a while longer. This is not over, Jonathan. We will not forget this. The Council never forgets.


*He brings his staff down. The runed circles glow with blue light, and their occupants disappear, leaving the group, the dead man, and the bound woman behind.


Guy drops his facade and slumps to the ground, breathing hard*


Guy: Mother.


*He drags himself off the ground and steps to the coffin-shaped contraption holding the woman. He gropes at her face, finding the bindings around her eyes and mouth, and pulls them off*


Woman: Jonathan, you must leave.


Guy: No. I'm taking you with me.


Woman: You cannot. You must leave me here. They have not dared kill me in the past and they will not dare now.


*She looks around at the group*


Woman: Only remove the chains from my arms.


*Guy complies, unlooping the chains from around the sarcophagus and tossing them to the ground. The woman holds her hands out, and the air seems to vibrate*


Woman: *closing her eyes* Take this, my last gift, until I see you again. Even if it is in the land of the dead.


*Sir-vin's eyes open. So do Aidan's and Raschel's. Orthos' burn changes color back to a healthy pink. The ork's glimmering sword ejects itself from Gortick's body ((OOS: Deac, unless he already removed it.)) and the wound vanishes. Ellela's arm returns to normal. The wounds the beasts dealt Tanara and Matt heal without a trace. The wound on Cracern's leg disappears and returns to normal. The wounds in Marin's dragon body close.*


Marin: <...What is going on?>


*The woman's eyes open. In the distance, figures appear approaching from the white castle*


Woman: Now you have a battle to fight, but it is not here. Go!

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((Red, whats the name for that last move? "Prat with stick hits Swordmaster's blade" WTF? If you ever make one of my characters look like a prat again I'll confine all you're extradimentionals in pan-universe customs check points for smugglings shoddy fighting styles into my galaxy!:D ))


*Hal picks himself up and calls his sword, then walks over to the armoured man and kicks him over onto his back with one boot. Then he places the tip of his blade at the man's throat. Ready to deliver the death blow.*


Hal: Would you please explain what you and your friends are doing here. I have had a very bad year and it is threatening to get a lot worse. So spill.

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((Now isn't it funny that if Admiral wasn't annoyed, his characters would have tons of stuff to say about this. :p:D))



*Hal's attacker doesn't answer. The glowing eye slits set in the suit's helm are dimmed. Inside his armor suit, he is unconscious.


Then, he disappears along with the rest of his comrades.


Guy's mother closes her eyes again. Each of the group faintly glows. The sky rips open again, and the waving grass is replaced again by white snow.*

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((Wrong Red on two accounts...


I'm taking care of some details and getting the group back to the Aesir's base. Potentially some important material in this so probably a good idea to read it all *looks at Scar*))


*Gerd's eyes started to fade and shortly stopped glowing completly. Her skin returned to a normal pinkish color while the flames went up into the air and shortly disappeared. Idun sheathing her sword walks over to Gerd with a smile. She quickly looks over Gerd to make sure that she wasn't injured at all*


Idun: You did very good today. I'm very proud of you.


Gerd: Thank you.


*Idona and Svafa also sheathed their swords and picked up their packs*


Idona: Time is running short, so let's get moving.


*Before they are able to start heading back, a Drake swoops down and lands in front of Idona. The two speak briefly, before Idona begins walking again. The Drake looks over the group breifly befor joining Idona walking along side her. Svafa, Idun and Gerd were slighly behind Idun and were about at the middle of the drake.


((I assume that the group collects themselves and follows behind the Aesir and the drake.))


The Group marched for the rest of the day, camping at night. Idona this time built a small fire, and relaxed in front of that. The drake kept watch for the night allowing the entire group to get a good eight hours of sleep. The next day passed without incident, the group only paused for a quick lunch and continued on like the previous days until sunset. Again Idona built a fire and the drake kept watch. Four days had now passed since they started this journey.


The fifth and final day of their trek began with a clear bright blue sky. A little before midday the group finally could see the transport . It was at that time that athe ground shook and a mournful tune reverberated across the land. The blue sky turned red and the group shimmered breifly in blue.


Shortly after fifty heloki ran pass and through the group. They were traveling at extermly fast speeds. The Heloki barely acknowledged the groups presence as they crossed path and in a second they were gone.*


Idona: We are almost there, lets keep going.


*An hour later the group arrived at the transport. Heimdall stood next to the transport waiting for them. Across his chest was a large silver horn with gold inlays. The Horn was heavily decorated with knot work and had golden runes along the inside. The Runes were glowing red.


Idona goes up to Heimdall*


Idona: When did you get here?


Heimdall: Last night. Told you I was going to be traveling fast.


*Heimdall turns to the Drake says a couple of words. The Drake nods and with a flap of it's wings takes to the air.


Once the group gets in the transport and situated if heads off towards the base. Thirty minutes later it stops and lets the group off on top of a hill over looking the base. In the five days that the group had been away things had changed dramatically. Tents were set up in orderly rows and columns as far as the eye could see. Aesir could be seen walking between them.


Heimdall leads the group into the encampment walking along the rows. Aesir stand aside and salute Heimdall as he walks pass. Heimdall finally stops among one of the rows of tents. These tents had symbols of Eagles are top of them.*


Heimdall: You will be staying here tonight. Marin, Aidan, and Gerd get this tent *points to a tent on the left* Ellela, Raschel, and Tanara have this one *points to a tent next to the "childrens" tent.* Matt, and the Irvines have this one *points to a tent on the right across form Raschel's tent*. Orthos, Gortick and Hal get this one *points to a tent next to Sir Vin's and across from Marin's*


You are free to wander the camp if you want. There are many tents and getting lost is easy, incase you do remember you are in Row 39 Column 150. Tell that to any Aesir and they will show you back here. There will be a feast tonight one of us *Motions to Idun, Svafa, and Idona* will come and get you.


There is a meeting now that we need to attend, so good bye for now. We will see you later tonight. Hal, if you would come with us, you have some guests who are probably angry and want to see you immediatly.


*The Aesir leave with Hal and head towards the actual base. Gerd goes into her tent and looks around. The tent has three large cots set up along the walls Blankets cover teh cots, the blankets were blue with images of eagles on them. The floor is covered in a soft but strong fabric. The center of the tent was a place for a fire. The other tents were similarly furnished.


The Aesir drop off Hal by the exterior door to where Drago, Allessa and the guards were staying. Heimdall nods to the guards who depart.*


Heimdall: Your guests are now free to wander the exterior like you are. Sleeping arrangements are not going to change for this day. Good bye.


*The Aesir walk through another door into the base and head off to their meeting.*

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((OOS: Deac, curious to know if Gortick kept the magic sword that impaled him. *cough*hinthint*cough* :D))


Before the Drake's Arrival


Guy: *to Matt* I...am not sure.


Aidan: What?! We could have been killed! Those people knew you. What do you know, and they know, that you're not telling?


Guy: I will explain later. But we are not in any danger for the time being. I apologize, but there is something I need to do with all possible speed.


*Aidan starts to respond again, but is distracted by the drake's arrival.


Guy is silent through the trip back. He stayed slightly behind the others to awkwardly repair his transport. It seemed to be only a matter of putting the parts together, and a strange liquid extracted from the seams and formed a discolored bond between the two.


He also lingered to quickly pick up the items the attackers had left behind, like the necklace that Ritchet had bit off the dark elf's neck. The cages and the ship had vanished. He stowed what he found away without a word, then spent the rest of the trip carrying on some kind of private communication inside his transport, with a sound-dampening field around his vehicle.


Time Skip to Present


((OOS: Admiral, what tent was Guy put in? Or was he given one at all? Sort of important))

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OOS: Sorry for another OOC post, but I just thought everyone know that I'm still alive...the posts were just too long to read in the time I had. I'm off to audition for a play, I'll be back in a bit, at which time I'll likely have Ritchet wonder aloud as to why he was left behind in the descriptions of who was brought along, unlike everyone else...

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*Orthos and Gortick go back to the tent and sit down*


Orthos: Ahhhh...a seat...what you got there?


*Gortick is looking at the blade he kept*


Gortick: It hurt me, but I'm keeping it. It looks like a good blade. Just in case.


*Meanwhile, Elella sits down in her tent with Raschel*


Elella: Last time I saw this many tents was when I was at that Music Festival on Ledes 4...

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((*spanks red* you know i can only post in the pm now ;)))


*Sir-Vin acted the very same on the trip back as he did the day before they recieved the key, walking as if he was a zombie, but wide awake at the same time.*


*Now back at the camp-site, Sir-Vin takes off his pack and sets it down at a cot. He walks over to the fire place and starts a fire, then sits in a position ready to meditate.*


Cracern *who had done the same with his pack* "No one really noticed, but whats with the funny traveling?"


Sir-Vin "Simple, I was meditiating while we walked. Although it didn't seem like it, but I was completely aware of my surroundings, I could have returned from that mental state at any given point. I've trying to enhance my mental consentration and awareness. I may or may not be a good factor in this war we'll fight."


*Cracern sits in the chair.*


Cracern "At least thats a good sign about how big this army is that we're fighting along with."

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Tent One


*Aidan is exhausted by the time the group reached camp*


Aidan: I'm going to sleep, I mean really sleep, while I have the chance. If you need to get me, put out the fire so I wake up, please.


*He settles down close to the fire, closes his eyes, and turns to stone.*


Marin: *to Gerd* So...um...we haven't really properly met. *She starts to put her hand out, then it occurs to her that this custom may not be recognized in this dimension and she drops it* Anyway...I'm Marin. Your name is Gerd, right?




Tent Two


*Guy had deactivated the sound-dampening field as soon as the group had reached the camp. Now he stood with his transport outside*


Guy: *to Gortick* That sword carries a powerful enchantment. I believe it's designed to pierce armor. Although I could be wrong. I have no analyzation gear with me.


*He touches his communicator, 'reading' its surface*


Guy: If you will excuse me, I need to speak to the Aesir.




Tent Three


Raschel: I was in an encampment like this when I was in the Rebellion. But it wasn't nearly this big, or this well-furnished.


*She stares into the fire* The Imperials discovered it before too long and we had to move.


*She looks at Ellela* How long have you known Orthos, by the way?

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