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Cantina 6: PTH Part V, Revenge

Admiral Odin

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Tent One


*Gerd looks at Marin and smiles*


Gerd: Yup. How did you find Idun, and Svafa and Heimdall?




Conference Room


*Vidar and the remainder of the ruling council sit in a semicircle talking when Heimdall, Idun, Svafa, and Idona arrived. They quickly took their seats*


Vidar: How was your mission?


Heimdall: Good, we had one causualty but given the circumstances that isn't that bad. Perhaps it is fortuneate that it was Misea. I believe she was falling to the Dark Side of the Force and would have soon become a liablity.


Vidar: Hmm interesting...we wil have to come back to that later on. For now we have more pressing matters. Tyr, how goes the marshalling?


Tyr: Very good, the last forces should be arriving within the hour. We have 5....*Tyr reads out numbers on the size of the their army*

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Tent One


Marin: It's kind of funny. I came here with a key, and was supposed to give it to someone. No one told me who. But Heimdall found me. I didn't trust him, at first, but after he rescued me from...some very nasty people, I asked him what he thought of the key. It turned out he was one of the people I was supposed to give it to. So I stayed with him. I met Idun and Svafa later.


*She looks at Gerd* What about you? How'd you come here?




Outside Tent Two


*Guy approaches an Aesir*


Guy: Excuse me, but I need to speak to Heimdall or Idun as soon as they are available.

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Tent One


Gerd: I dont' remember much, just that a woman in shinning armor put me in this ship and set course. She had a very sad face but told that I would find people who would hurt me anymore and that one would be named Idun. I couldn't fly the ship so it crashed and I was nearly starved. Next thing I can remember was being in a warm bed and Idun sitting next to me with a smile on her face.


How do you change shapes?




Outside Tent Two


Aesir: Come with me.


*The Aesir takes guy through the tents and into the base and to the confernce room. He knocks on the door, goes in and quickly comes out.*


Aesir: They'll see you know. When your finished I'll take you back


*Just before the Aesir knocked on the door Tyr finished detailing the composition of the army. Guy enters facing Vidar*


Vidar: What can we do for you Guy?

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(*Shudders at the thought of Scar spanking Red*)


Ritchet had slept through most of the activities after the battle, exhausted from his excursion, recovering from his miniscule role in the battle.


He awoke that night, finding himself on the shoulder of Raschel, protected by her armor. As he stretched, he looked to her, and reached up to her ear.


"Can you please take me to where Guy's staying? I'd like to see if he's alright."

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Tent One


Marin: It's pretty complicated and I don't really understand it myself. I was born able to do it. My parents can't, but my great-grandmother could, and one of her parents. I can change to the shape of any creature I touch. It's fun sometimes, but not very safe.


How did you light yourself on fire day before yesterday?




Other Tents


*Raschel jumps a bit, having forgotten about the mouse on her shoulder*


Raschel: Er...alright. I think he's in the tent on the other side of us.


*She leaves the tent and looks in the other tents, but Guy is nowhere to be seen*




Conference Room


((OOS: Cowritten with Admiral.))


*Guy's transport projects an image, showing the outsiders' ship. It is floating in orbit in the midst of the ship graveyard above the planet. It does not appear active*


Guy: I trust Svafa and Idun explained something of the events that transpired after Heimdall left us?


Vidar: Not yet.


Guy: Perhaps I should explain then.


Vidar: Go on...


Guy: We were attacked by a small group of high-class mercenaries. I am not sure of the details, because I was only able to hear what took place. However I know that we were attacked, partly subdued, then transported to a pocket dimension where we were intended to die. I believe our attackers were hired through an organization I once belonged to called the Shadows. Do you know anything of them?


Vidar: An interdimensional Crime Orginization.


Guy: Upon meeting me, one of you - a Norn - recognized me as a 'descendant of the Mages'. So I believe you have heard of the Council Magis, otherwise known as the Council of the Mages.


Vidar: Yes...


Guy: How much do you know of what became of the Council Magis?


Vidar: We had dealings with them a long time ago. To make things easier assume we have no knowledge. And please get to the point we have some pressing matters to attend to.


Guy: The Council of Magis vanished and decayed over time. Some are known to survive this day. Some had children, grandchildren, and so on. I am one of them, as you know.


Some of the more power-hungry took vows to undermine what their ancestors had worked for. Some considered the others traitors for giving up so much power, for example hiding the Time Matrix. The most powerful surviving offshoot is called the Aeris Court. My family was among the leaders. The Aeris Court sent the mercenaries after us.My family desires revenge on me for my betrayal of them. More importantly, the Aeris Court wants the Time Matrix for themselves. I apologize for not informing you of this before, but I had to be sure they knew everything before I allowed anything to happen that could give my knowledge of their plans away. Now this is of course irrelevant.


*He waves his hand in the general direction of the projection, a gesture aimed more at the corner of the room, being unable to see the projection himself*


Guy: Now as for this. This is the mercenaries' ship, a droid system. The mercenaries left three caged individuals behind, and the ship now holds them. They will not be able to return across dimensions for days or weeks to retrieve them. The individuals may die unless they are retrieved sooner. Besides that, I believe they would be a very valuable asset, or at least an asset important enough to keep out of enemy hands. I am not entirely sure but I believe they were being used as magic power sources in the fight. If any of you are alive who worked with the Council Magis, you know the significance of this. I wish permission to retrieve them.


Vidar: Sorry, no one is able to get on or off this planet until the battle is over.


Guy: Very well...then I recommend we retrieve them after the battle is over.


Vidar: Time admiting we will. Anything else?


Guy: No, that is all.

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Tanara slipped softly into the tent, only briefly acknowledging Ellela's presence. Then, she sat down, seeming to forget that she was not alone.


"I am falling," she said aloud, seemingly to nobody. She sighed and shook her head. "I am falling into the dark, but I do not desire it."


Another voice took over, this one deeper and more menacing, though from the same mouth. "Tanara is weak. I am strong and will help this group in any way possible." She turned to face Ellela. "Convince her to let me have control or this will not happen."


Her eyes suddenly betrayed a panicked look. "No," she begged. "Please do no such thing. If you say anything, please make it something that would bring me back!"


"She wants me in control," the menacing voice cut in. "She knows it is true!"


Tanara began sobbing. "Not so. Never!" Her head bowed and she curled up on the ground, her eyes pointed toward Ellela. "If there is anything you can do to help me, please do so."

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"I fight, but it weakens me," Tanara whispered. "In that fight... you may have seen... it took control... in fights, it is harder to resist. I don't know why it's here, but I want it gone."


"No you don't," the other voice retorted. "You called me and I have come. Now give me control!"


"You will not have control!" Tanara yelled. She shook her head violently and toppled to her left, collapsing into unconsciousness.

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((you been reading up my notes there wildjedi? :D))


*Cracern gets up and runs to the other tent. Sir-Vin gets up almost casualy and follows*




*in the tent*


Cracern *Overhearing* "whats wrong!?"


*Sir-Vin makes his way in a moment later.*


Sir-Vin "How long ago was it since that other entity had been inhabiting you?"

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*While Heimdall and the others had escorted him to the entrance Hal had been surrepticiously been transfering his shield from his back to his left arm.


When he was dropped off he considered going back to the tent, before he could decide whether this was a worse idea or not he was thrown through the air and landed one hundred feet away, narrowly missing a pair of Beserks.*


Hal: Sorry, she's in a bad mood.


*The expressions he got were a mixture of puzzlement and thinly veiled disgust.*


*Hal trudged back to the entrance, approaching with his shield up and fully open to the force, this time he caught the force-power blast on his shield and disepated it.*


Hal: Can we talk now or shall I come back tomorrow, when you're less up set?


*Allessa storms out, her face a pictur of Regal Fury.*


Allessa: UPSET! I was upset when you went haering off to fight for your father in the Crimson Star War! I was upset when you decided that you had to leave the day before our wedding! I was upset when it took you seven years to set a date!


You weren't forced into this marriage! "Allessa, you're the most beutiful, most wonderful, caring, intelligent........ will you marry me?" I didn't say yes because it would mean being the wife of the Earl of the bloody Northern Compact! The Earl of the Black Wall or the bloody "Lord of Agamar" I said yes because I loved you and I thought you loved me!


Hal: I do, its just...


Allessa: Just what? *She biggins to tap her foot.*


Hal: I've been busy, the war, this quest.


Allessa: You left the quest, then you went back to it. *She raises an eyebrow and the tapping grows faster.*


Hal: I ran into them on Coruscant, while I was hunting the Vampires.


Allessa: That was another one of your excuses. What's the latest one?


Hal: I don't have any excuses but there's a battle coming and I might die and I wouldn't.........


Allessa: We will be married tonight.


Hal: I don't have my armour, this is borrowed.


Allessa: Drago brought it, so you have your Bondforger as well.


Hal: What about wittnesses? We would need two nobles.


Allessa: Are you telling me that in a camp full of these Asier there are no Nobles?


Hal: They should be Rim-Worlders. *Then Hal remembers, he tries to cover the sinking feeling but she catches it, as though they were already married.*


*Allessa just looks.*


Hal: Deac Starkiller's daughter and two of his nephews are here.


Allessa: Good, then thats settled. I'll see you at dusk. *She points to a mound just outside the encampment.*

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Ritchet fought a growing feeling of impatience. He needed to find Guy, and quickly. There was something...something critical that he needed to verify that could fundamentally alter the foundation of the way he viewed him, the way he viewed himself.


He looked expectantly at Raschel, waiting for her to summon a doctor. He cursed under his breath, this quest just kept getting worse and worse.


And the thing was, he still didn't know exactly why he was on it.


(Meanwhile, some distance away)


It had taken a great deal of effort, but they'd made it. K and Sage Haan had managed to remotely track the group, mainly through the aid of superior technology, they'd kept tabs on the adventurers, but not without their fair share of scrapes and bruises. K had been very lucky when one of the indigenous animals had attacked him, while their motion sensors had picked it up from a good distance, it moved faster than either of them could have predicted, and nearly seperated K and his arm, to which he was very attached, and it was all K could do to dodge even the slightest bit. In the end, Sage had managed to put a couple of rather powerful energy blasts through the back of the beast's head, while K dodged ineffecutally. In the back of his mind, he couldn't shake the feeling of a desire to see a couple dozen Noghri show up out of nowhere and just beat the **** out of it...


He was snapped from his daydream as Sage called to him.


"Hey! We've done all we need to here, and the stats are gathered. Let's get the hell off this iceball."


K could only nod in agreement as his daydreams shifted to something hot to eat and drink, a soft bed, and not having to worry about a damn annoying mouse.

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((Careful BD. The Aesir don't show much emotion when dealing with outsiders. The Beserk wouldn't have shown disgust or puzzlement))


outside Allessa's room


*The Beserk looks at Hal, with no emotion*


Beserk: She will forfiet her life if she can not keep control of her emotions.


*The Beserk walks off, there were far more important things to do then to get involved in a lover's quarrel.*



By the Group's Tents


*Valda looks at Raschel Camly*


Valda: Take a deep breath and tell me exactly what happened.

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*Matt quickly finished calling everyone in the group except Hal, who he couldn't find and didn't want to go out searching for, Richet, who was last with Raschel so probably knew, and Guy, who hadn't come back yet. He went back to Tanara's tent.*

Matt *to Raschel and Valda*:I'm gonna keep an eye on her inside.

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((OOS: wildjedi: This has some very interesting parallels to what happened (much more quietly) to Misae over the past few threads :D [To jog ever everyone else's memories: Since she heard the voice in her head on that Sith/Dwarf planet.]))


Raschel: *something about Valda's demeanor gives her words weight enough that she obeys the command to pause and take a breath unquestioningly* It's the new girl...er...Tanara. She seems to have something talking in her head...trying to take control of her. It was talking through her and Ellela told me to get help quickly.

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*Orthos busts his way into the tent*


Elella: Orthos...she's talking in two ways...two personalities fighting.


*Orthos remembers the grim days when the evil Darkstar personality he inherited from his tried to take over him. He kneels down and and takes Tanara's hand*


Orthos: Tanara...who do you want to be? You? Or IT? Make a descision. Because that descision will decide who wins here. Trust me.


I know

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((Admiral: Well, all I ever get from Asier is thinly veiled disgust ;) ))


Hal: As you say, settled. We'll be married at sunset. Can I talk to Drago now? *Flinches.*


Allessa: Yes. You had better turn up this time, Halren Flax!


*She storms inside. A few moments later Drago comes out, masaging his temples. He looks rumpled.*


Hal: You okay, old man?


Drago: Fine Lad, I've just been sleeping in the Corridor with Rackin and Telros for the last 4 days, thats all.


*The two men grasp forarms and imbrace.*


Hal: She told me you brought it.


Drago: Yes, I expect that shiny suit is starting to chafe.


Hal: Give me steel and leather any day.


*The two head off to find the crate.*


*When the two reapear Hal is whearing the armour with the same dull gleam as Drago's and the gaurds. The gauntlets are each engraved with a single wolf and lion. He wears a new sword, slightly shorter and carries a teardrop shaped shield with the wolf painted on it in black. His tabard is a dark blue. He wears a second sword, a spatha, on his right hip, both swords are worn on baldrics. His heavy cloak has a mantle of wolf's pelt. He also carries a retracted vibrolance.*


((Admiral, will this feast take place before or after sunset?))

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((BD: Drago and the guards would not be allowed to sleep outside their room, or sit...


Feast is basically at Sunset, and just as an Hal's lucky that the effects of the Horn keep him from freezing to death. :)))



Valda: What is her current condition and can you describe this forgein personality?

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Tanara's eyes opened slowly, but she made no effort to respond to anybody. She stared straight up at the ceiling, barely breathing. Finally, she began to act as though she understood what was going on and rolled her head to one side to look at Orthos.


"I am not seperate from Tanara," the menacing voice answered. "I am as much a part of her as your hand is of you!"


"It is not true," Tanara whispered, her eyes closing again. "I don't understand... it's very strong... what is it?"


With a sudden, unexpected burst of energy, Tanara sprang up off the ground and slipped out of the tent, stopping just outside.


"Until this thing is defeated somehow, I can be of no service to any of you," Tanara said. The other voice laughed.


"She doesn't realize how mistaken she is!" it said. "I am the power she thinks she has. If I leave, she will die."


"I refuse to believe!" Tanara screamed. "I lived with the Jedi for years. It was only after they were destroyed that I felt your presence."


"It was then I first spoke to you," the other agreed. "I have been with you all along, but you did not feel me for I did not want you to. Do you understand now?"


"Never," Tanara hissed. She turned again to Orthos. "You said that you know of this sort of thing."


"He's had personal experience," the other growled, using Tanara's eyes to glare angrily at Orthos. "He made the wrong choice... you must not make the same mistake."


"Help me ignore it," Tanara begged. "I want to hear what you have to say."

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*Orthos fills with anger at the words "wrong choice"*


Orthos: I think not. I made my choice, and even though I still have that demon within me, I fight it. Who do you want to be? The demon, or yourself. The way to win is to renounce it completely!


So, that's what you think? After all I offered you? After all the strength I gave you?


I never wanted you. I never wanted any of this avatar crap.


Fine. I've got someone waiting for me. I hope you show up to meet us at the battlefield. Bye Orthos. See you in hell.


*Orthos feels a strange sensation as the Darkstar avatar leaves him forever*

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