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Cantina 6: PTH Part V, Revenge

Admiral Odin

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((-130 degree Celsius or -202 degree Fahrenheit (windchill means it's colder). The world has been getting prgressively and exposure to the cold now would mean death in a few minutes. Again the horn's spell is keeping people alive would prevant this))


*Valda listens to what Tanara says carefully before responding.*


Valda: As a Jedi you have a sworn duty to fight the darkside, regardless if it resides in you or is somewhere else. If this helps, failing to defeat this alternate personality will result in you being left behind on this planet and dying.

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Tanara's eyes closed slowly and she nodded. She took a deep breath, then opened her eyes. There was a look of great peace in her eyes.


"Thank you," she said. "Before today, I thought this... thing was stronger than me. Now I see that I am the stronger of us. I will not forget this."


She turned and went back inside the tent.


((Spotlight off me now:D ))

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((Deac: As far as I know everyone is outside. So Orthos would see Raschel, and for simplicity sake the Aesir Orthos went up to is Valda.


JM: Discussion thread please.))


Valda: Lord Heimdall is currently very busy, you will be able to talk to him at the feast tonight.



((In the interest of giving everyone something to do, I'm doing a time skip to the feast. I also would like to get the battle going before Scar has to leave (it's a second reason for this skip). Remember at the feast all questions will be answered about the coming battle...


BD: Just so you know sleeping arrangements won't change even after the marriage))


*An hour before sunset Idona and Valda returned to the group, they both wore caps and their armor had an almost mirror like shine to it, their hair was loose with Idona being shoulder length while Valda went down to about the middle of her back.


The two Valkyries take the group through the tents dropping off Hal (and those who were going to witness the wedding), and finally coming to the feasting area which took about fifteen minutes. Valda stayed with Hal and his witnesses so that she could lead them to the feast when this was over.


The Feasting area was to say the least enormous, there were 278,822 long rectangular wooden tables each roughly sitting twenty Aesir. Each table was linned with a large quantity of food and numerous pitchers full of mead. In the center of this area was a large bonfire. The fire danced into the air and could be seen for miles around. Celtic music filled the air shortly after the group arrived. Idona took them through the tables finally coming to the head two tables. These tables were lined with cloth embelished with Odin's crest. There were Aesir already there waiting for the group.


Vidar sat in the middle of the table on his left sat Tyr then Svafa, Hirst, Idun, Freya, Forseti, and Viddall (Tyr has one hand if anyone is curious). On Vidar right sat Heimdall then Idona when she took her place, then came Sigrun, Gunn, a spot for Valda and next to her a place for Gerd, and then Ragnar. On the other side there were enough spaces for the res of the group (accomidations for Guy if needed Red, and room for Drago Allessa and their two guards).


Behind this table was another table with two chairs that no one sat in. To the right of this table were the three Drakes who save Drago and his party. Included in the three was the one who escorted the group to their pickup point. On the Right was a stage where droids were playing the enchanting music.*


Idona *before taking her seat*: Please sit down and help yourself. Drink only from the pitchers with red handles for those wanting to mead safe for you. If you don't want mead (Mead is beer) then you can have water, those are in the white handled pitchers.


*Once the group was seated and between sips of his tankard Vidar addressed the group*


Vidar: My brother said that you may have questions about this coming battle. If you do now would be the time to ask them.

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Matt: I apologize for pulling you aside, but I've decided to come clean on my secret, mostly because I need some information.

*He took a deep breath. Ok, time to spill it out*

Matt: I'm not from Enoy. I'm from Car'nessa. My father is Lord Briscoe, which is why I've never told any of you my last name. Three years ago he was supposed to be made into a high lord. The current one got nervous and sent assasins to attack our House. We didn't know this until a year ago, right before the Holocaust. They planted a bomb on one of our shuttles and killed four of my brothers, so now we were only three. As attempts began to grow more and more frequent, we were forced to flee. We still held power remotely, and for two years we hid and tracked the assasins to their root. Finally we found the high lord who sent them and had him arrested. We were supposed to be returning to Car'nessa but taking no chances we went on three seperate transports. My mother with my oldest brother, my father with my second oldest and me on another transport alone with a bodyguard. My transport was damaged and we came out of hyperspace near Enoy, where you found me. There we found out about the holocaust and that the damage had been caused by it. When we landed to conduct repairs some hysterical colonists took control of the ship, kicked us out and left the planet with all our belongings. I believe the ship did not last long without repairs. So my bodyguard and I went to working in the mines, until one day he was killed in a cave-in. You guys found me a few months later and I came with you, mostly to get off that planet. I recognized you, but decided not to tell you to keep from distracting you, and to keep you from discovering I behaved in a manner completely opposite to what I'd behave like back home. Well, partly that and I have also gotten used to behaving less formally after months on Enoy. But now I need to ask you, Drago, if you know if any of my family also survived? Also, what are you doing here?

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Orthos: The Lokpihet you're referring to was my brother. This is the evil being he was named after. I know you have little experience dealing with these type of beings, Heimdall, but don't take them lightly.


Gortick: Here? It's here? The thing that corrupted our father? The thing that meant mother had to hide me here?


Orthos: Yes. Yes, Lokpihet is here. And I'm going to face him.

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Hal: Well I'm glad you decided to come clean, Matt Briscoe. I remember my father saying that Earl Aressel was looking for a High Lord Telaban, and that it was looking like he was marshalling Legions. Which was of course illigeal.


One thing I don't understand, why did you never learn to use a sword properly.


((OSS: Remember what I said about this.))


Drago: I recognize him now, you remember the Archers contest, four years ago, it was on Relinion.


Hal: Yes, I know it was on Relinion.


Drago: Yes, well anyway, this young man hit three bullseyes from 200 paces at full gallop. He's probably never needed to use a sword.


Hal: Your that Matt Briscoe.

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