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Cantina 6: PTH Part V, Revenge

Admiral Odin

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((No one else with questions? If there is no one else then I will be wrapping this up and getting to the actual battle))


Vidar: Lokpihet is bound by the laws of this battle like everyone else who is going to participate, and regardless of what you say we will never be concerned about Lokpihet. For that matter we are not worried about Fenrir, Jormungand, Surt, Loki, Hel, or any of the other powerful enemies that we are going to be facing.


*Idun after swallowing some meat looked at Orthos and the group*


Idun: We are not concerned because our opponents are weak but because there is little use in worring about it. In a handful of days we will be facing an army roughly thirty-six thousand times bigger then ours. There is no hope of winning, if anyone can survive until dusk it will be a miracle. Take a look around you for a second.


*If one turned around and saw the celebration that the Aesir were commencing one would think they had just won a large victory instead of marching about to march to their deaths. Tankards were raised in toasts, a few danced to the music, many sat with friends and joked.*


Idun: Each one of them knows that they are probably going to die in this battle, but non of them are worried or upset over it. Instead they are enjoying the time they have left and being with their friends.


Svafa: Since we are talking about the battle, I remember some of you asking about using ranged attacks generated by the Force or some other power source. Simple answer to that is no ranged attacks are allowed regarless of how that attack is generated, so no lightning bolts, no sending balls of fire at the enemy etc. This paticular rule will limit what some of you can do at the battle. Those who find that they have little to offer but their presence should not to fight *looks briefly at Aidan* at all.


Actually all of you should not participate in the battle, but I know some of you are going to be stubborn and want to fight anyways. However, before you dismiss what I say think about this. The battle cannot be won, this will purely be about surviving until dusk. You have the option of sitting it out and automatically surviving, that would be the wise choice. Also keep in mind that you were not brought to this planet to fight, you were brought here because the quest for the Time Matrix led us here. Fullfilling the quest and saving the galaxy is your primary duty. I will also add that your presence on the battlefield will due more harm then good.


Idun: Listen to Svafa, if we were not duty bound to fight Heimdall, Svafa, Gerd, and I would not be fighting regardless of how much we would hate to watch others fight and die while we sat on the sidelines. However, we do not have that choice, but you do...

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((Due to time skip I'm nuking the whole wedding, they got married, they came to the feast. You'll all get to see an Agamarian Wedding later in another thread anyway.))


Hal: How will we fight them?


Drago: No archers, no cavalry, I'd find a gorge or a ridge line and form a shield wall. Any battle that big will have lulls and you can use the time to rotate your ranks. If you keep your soldiers fresh you could fight like that until dusk.

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Elella: I don't know....


Orthos: You two should stay out of this. I'm only going because I have a few personal scores to settle with Lokpihet, and because...It's our fate, our battle. For aeons a great battle with good and evil has been prophesised. If this is to be the ending of this world, we must partake in it


Gortick: Sounds convincing enough.

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Raschel: What is the point of this battle? You'll be fighting one hundred and eighty billion Sith that can't be killed and everyone who fights will probably die? How will we be narrowing the odds hitting undead creatures with sticks and lightsabers for a day hoping to not die? Orthos, this isn't a great, climactic, glorious last battle, it's an empty symbol, a farce. Don't go. There's no point.


Aidan: Then you aren't going to fight?


Raschel: No. There's nothing I can do in this battle. I am trained as a pilot and as an intelligence agent. I couldn't kill one Sith out of an X-Wing, let alone 180 billion. And if I can't even use a blaster...

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Cracern "183billion. Interesting. Were there really that meny that had ever exsisted? Now only to find someone to resurrect 183billion Jedi, we'd be in business."


Sir-vin *to Cracern*"So I take it that you're backing down then?"


Cracern "I'm sure I can make it through fine. Been through hell already. What the heck."


Sir-Vin "I'll just take that as an understatement considering the numbers..."

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Tanara heard a whisper in the back of her mind. You know you want to fight, it said. She smiled and shook her head.


"I'll stay out of this one," she said. "It'll be better that way."


You lost your control of me, she mentally told whatever had attempted to control her. You can never regain your power. I know you are weaker and can only be given control. I do not give you control.


The only response was a small wail only Tanara could hear. She smiled again, knowing she had won. The object would always try, but now she knew she could always win.

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Drago: The numbers are what, thirty three throusnad to one, those odds are not so long.


There are no missile troops or cavalry so we do not have to worry about being outflanked or wittled down from a distance.


All we have to do is find a valley, the walls will protect our flanks and then their greater numbers will count for naught, if, as I said, we rotate our ranks when they regroup.

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((Um, did Hal say that, BD?


Scar: "only" 183 billion, not 187. So Hal/Drago would've probably estimated thirty-three, I'm assuming.))


Raschel: No, actually it's a matter of thirty-three thousand to one. *to Heimdall* So what is the point of this battle? No dents will be made in the enemy forces, since they can't be killed, right?

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*Vidar had listened to the conversation intently before speaking*


Vidar: While this conversation on where the battle should be fought is interesting it is also pointless. It was determined a long time ago that the battle will be fought at the plains of Vidgrid. These plains stretch 120 leagues in every direction and will easily fit both armies. It is a four day march from here and on the fifth day is the battle. *Vidar looks at Hal and Drago* We also have our strategy planned.


*Vidar looks over the group finally stopping his gaze at Cracern and speaks primarly to but is also addressing the entire group*


If you actually want to fight and survive, lose that over confident atitude, otherwise you will die quickly. Also for those who do fight, you will be part of Our army and you will follow all of our orders without question and immediatly. And Raschel is correct it is not 36 to 1 but 32,840 to 1 ((Just making the number stand out))


Heimdall: We have bound by duty and oaths to fight in this battle, it is a little complicated and the hour is late so I will not go into it, but that is the main reason why we are fighting. Also only the Sith cannot be killed, their other forces are as mortal as we are, and that it is another reason why we are fighting.


Tyr: Things may become clearer in the morning as to our reasons for this fight. Try and enjoy yourselves now though.

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Cracern *replying* "I'm only trying to keep a positive attitude. Rather not to dread it and allow it to consume you in the fight. Am I right? 32,840 to 1 is relitively bad odds. I'm surprised I haven't heard those from a protocol droid..."

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Freya: No you are not, that overconfidence can be fatal to others around you especially if you do foolish things. As we said it is best that you do not fight, your duty is to finish the quest and save this galaxy. It is not to fight in this battle where you will likely die a painful death.

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Sir-Vin *with an almost stern voice* "I wouldn't want to interject. But who ever is on this quest, and is willing to embark upon to help fight in this battle, that regaurdless if they are fighting for the mere sake of the galaxy what ever the situation of any second reason they may have. Considering agenst any sort of creature or man, reencarnated or reanimated. That who ever wants to fight quite possibly is willing to fight not just for the galaxy, but their fighting for your world as well, regaurdless if its a loosing battle or not. But like Vidar siad, its 32,840 to 1, and even with the skills of your race, those are some tough odds either which way you look at it."

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Tyr: Matt, just don't think about death then. It's a waste of energy, energy that could used for drinking of sweet mead. Now since this is suppose to be a feast let us end this talk of the battle and enjoy the food and company of friends.


*Talk of the coming battle died away as a fast up beat tune began to play. For the rest of the evening the conversation was kept light, serious subjects being deftly sidestep so that people may enjoy the feast. When a couple of hours had past and the food and drink all but gone Vidar and the other Aesir rose from their seats*


Vidar: The hour is late, and tomorrow will be a day of marching. It has been a pleasure to have you dine with us. We will see you early in the morning. Good night.


*Vidar leaves the table and heads through the feasting area to the encampment. The Other Aesir at that table said their good nights before following Vidar. Heimdall lingered for a little bit*


Heimdall: If you can't remember where the tents are signs with arrows have been erected. Just follow them and you will find your tents. Good Night, sleep well.


*Heimdall follows the other Aesir, in no rush to get to his bed*


((Tomorrow or friday I'll post a set of rules for the battle, and some information like the size of the enemy army for easy reference))

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Matt*Looking around at the soldiers*: I hope so. What happens to us then? Are we returned to our previous lives with no recollection, or do we just feel a change and when we go out everything is as if though the holocaust never happened and we've just been missing a few years.?

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Marin: I...we don't know. I guess whatever happens, happens, but the important thing is that the universe will be changed, for the better.


*She goes back to picking at her food.


After the Aesir start to leave, Marin gets up and follows Heimdall*


Marin: *out of earshot of the others* If you're not busy, could we talk?

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Heimdall: Sure, follow me.


*Heimdall takes pass the tents and into the base and finally into his apartment. The apartment was fairly large and well furnished, the common room had a fireplace, and a couple of large comfortable chairs and a couch. There were a couple of closed doors in the room.*


Heimdall: Please have a seat.


*Heimdall sits in one of the chairs, and Marin also sits down*


Heimdall: What is on your mind?

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*Heimdall looks at Marin for a little while before answering*


Heimdall: No, I don't think your presence will do any good. You can only hold a shape for two hours, and while you change you will be very vulnerable.


Don't believe what Drago said, there will be no lulls in this battle. It is going to be fourteen hours straight intense fighting. Also remember that the size of the enemy force is not going to change in any significant ways. You would be mainly fighting Sith that will continually come back to life.


I also don't know if your ready to kill hundreds without mercy. Keep in mind that the Sith can die, but come back to life. So it is possible you will kill the same Sith ten times and each time you will see and hear his life end...

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*Orthos talks to Raschel on the way back to the tents*


Orthos: I have to go. I have to stop him. The last glorious battle may be the Aesir's, but I'm not in this for them. I'm in this for me. If I don't face Lokpihet tomorrow, then we'll have more than Fenrir to worry about. Don't fear. I'm coming back the moment I waste him. I promise.

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