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Having seen so many otherwise incredibly fun online games become a joke due to the everpresent spectre of cheating - I'm wondering - is SWBF going to include Punkbuster support?


If not, what steps are going to be taken to prevent lowlife cheaters from ruining the fun?


If nothing is done we'll see cheaters within days of the game's release...

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4. What kind of cheat protection will you use? Will you support Punkbuster?




All of us here think that cheating effectively ruins online games. How much fun can it really be to get automatic kills through walls, anyways? As such, we're using a host of methods in-code to prevent such hacks and cheats. Also, as an added layer of protection, we will be supporting PunkBuster through GameSpy's service.




Good news! Thanks Yaebie!


While Punkbuster isn't completely foolproof, it does take care of most of the average joe download cheaters... ;)

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Originally posted by Tyler_Durden

Trust me, punkbuster works. I accidentally killed a teammate who i thought was a vietcong soldier in BF vietnam........ i was kicked immediately. I haven't had seen any problems other than kicking people who kill teammates or try to cheat.


Ummm - it wasn't PB that kicked you for the TK - it was the server settings where you were playing. We have PB enabled on our BF server and it doesn't kick TKers - the server does. Some clans set their server to kick on 1 tk - ours is set to kick at a score of -5.


Now - if you TK one of us deliberately and it's obvious, our admins will be racing each other to the server manager to put a boot in yer arse! :lol:

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Please NO Punkbuster!!!


Like everyone else I hate cheaters but I've had nothing but trouble with PB even after I manually update PB and follow all the tips and advice. I can't play BF vietnam because of not being able to spawn, timeouts and disconnect issues. I have no problems with any other online games that I play except ones with PB (and no I don't cheat).


Please if by chance, a dev reads these boards I beg them to use other anti cheat programs eg cheating-death.


Alot of people get problems with PB, just check the help section of BF:V and BF1942 forums for evidence.


Also if other people have had problems with PB I urge them to share their experiences so the devs are aware of the this. Not everyone who gets kicked by PB cheats. IMO PB is really dodgy with little support or communication from the creators of PB.

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I perfer SOCOMS DNAS system, it's rather effective, it won't let you log on if you've even cheating during single player. It works great too, I only see glitchers no cheaters like in SOCOM 1, and the glitches can be fixed with patches. I really think it would be a great system too.

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Originally posted by 194ToastMonkey

Ummm - it wasn't PB that kicked you for the TK - it was the server settings where you were playing. We have PB enabled on our BF server and it doesn't kick TKers - the server does. Some clans set their server to kick on 1 tk - ours is set to kick at a score of -5.


Now - if you TK one of us deliberately and it's obvious, our admins will be racing each other to the server manager to put a boot in yer arse! :lol:


That is retarted gettin booted for one TK ..... accidents happen so i do not agree with that system.

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Yes DNAS works. I have run into one cheater in the 6 months that I have been on SOCOM 2 Online. It's not fool proof, but when a cheater gets through they cut it off and fix it so no one else will be able to get through. I think DNAS is working just fine.


Cheaters ruin online gaming!!!!!!!

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When I used to play Jedi Knight online,my bro had this one cheat, that made people in the room look like the ytyped.


'Iam so gay'


'I make elton john look straight' and stuff like that. it was funny. I dont like cheats overall. But harmless ones are ok.

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No there are definetly not any cheaters right now. There is a difference between Glitching and cheating. Right now there a bunch of people using the OICW glitch. Expect a path to fix that very soon.


I won't mind PB though. It seems to work on Enemy Territory. So I don't see why it wouldn't work for BF.

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Originally posted by I like seafood

Please NO Punkbuster!!!


Like everyone else I hate cheaters but I've had nothing but trouble with PB even after I manually update PB and follow all the tips and advice. I can't play BF vietnam because of not being able to spawn, timeouts and disconnect issues. I have no problems with any other online games that I play except ones with PB (and no I don't cheat).


Please if by chance, a dev reads these boards I beg them to use other anti cheat programs eg cheating-death.


Alot of people get problems with PB, just check the help section of BF:V and BF1942 forums for evidence.


Also if other people have had problems with PB I urge them to share their experiences so the devs are aware of the this. Not everyone who gets kicked by PB cheats. IMO PB is really dodgy with little support or communication from the creators of PB.



I don't think i've ever had a problem with p.b.

Never noticed any framerate/packet loss with it

Plus the g.u.i.d. and p.b.wide ban is a nice extra

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It hardly makes sense to abandon a proven anti cheating system on account a what appears to be a fluke, unitentifiable system problem with it.


What scares me is how they said "..with gamespy..." Is there a built in multiplayer finder and/or a gamespy one, and does it only work with the gamespy one?

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