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Episode 2 A New Foe


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Originally posted by MTV2

isnt there a new sith, darth sion, and your the only hope for the jedi,republic, galaxy, cuz your the only one left, right? thats wat i heard at least. and that darth sion is like a messed up person, i think.

Im not exactly sure where you heard that, BUT CLOSE!:D True there is a new sith. Two to be exact, Darth Sorion and Darth Detrus. Darth Sorion is sort of the palpetine type. However the Jedi play a minor role in this episod. You're main struggle is a struggle for power. Ever since you took down Correlia there has been Chaos in the Sith Republic. People are saying that you are insane and cant be trusted. Darth Sorion uses this incident to try and steal your throne from you. And depending on how you act and what you chose in certain events, will determin how you stop him from taking it. Glad to clear that up:D As well as any other questions you may have! Go for it!:D

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Originally posted by Yoko

Is there a way that we can make a certain weapon shoot a different effect? For example, currently I am toutching up the geonosian warrior for the mod and I wanted to know if there is a way we can make his blaster have the fire effect of the selkath's blasters when they go insane.


Some help would be real cool:)


I think that's a sonic pistol shot, dunno, but you could work off that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone!


It has been a long time since i have worked on this but no worries, got my cool back and I'm properly motivated. Thanks to Tk102 and his FABULOUS new Dlgedit, I can doubble the speed of production. I have all the stuff written down, the only thing i was avoiding was using the old dlgedit:eek: . But thanks to tk102 i am able to work it out faster and with TOKENS. that means no more them calling you sir when you are a girl he he he. As for scripts this is how i have mapped it out for the beta:


Commoner 1: GLAMADOR

Commoner 2: GLAMADOR

Geonosian Warrior: Me:rolleyes:


Guard 1: KAMPHER

Guard 2: KAMPHER


As for Kampher and Glamador, pm me and i will give you your scripts. You can expect the beta to come out very soon.


Wish me luck!


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Originally posted by Yoko

Is there a way that we can make a certain weapon shoot a different effect? For example, currently I am toutching up the geonosian warrior for the mod and I wanted to know if there is a way we can make his blaster have the fire effect of the selkath's blasters when they go insane.


Some help would be real cool:)


hmm, something that i have expertise in.


lets assume you want to make a heavy repeating sonic rifle. i'm going to assume that you know how to make your own .uti file for the actual weapon.


first, find the line for the heavy repeating blaster (line 24) and copy it to an open line at the bottom of your baseitems.2da. now, you'll have to change the the row label to the next highest number available. MAKE SURE YOU WRITE THIS NUMBER DOWN. you will need it later for your .uti.


second, you will be modifying these columns: damageflags, invsoundtype, and ammunitiontype. damageflags tells the game what kind of damage is the primary damage type. this is very important, or you will be having a sonic rifle delivering energy damage. invsoundtype tells the game what kind of sound to play whenever the weapon fires. ammunitiontype tells the game what kind of bolt is being fired.


ok, now you just need to do some comparing. check the line for the sonic rifles (line 22) and look up the forementioned columns. now, write down those numbers. return to your new line and replace the current cells with the numbers you wrote down. if this sounds like chinese, let me spell it out for you:


damageflags for your weapon should be 1024. this is the number for sonic damage as the weapon's primary damage.

default is 4096, which is energy.


invsoundtype should be 7. default is 8.


ammunitiontype should be 4. for reference, check out the ammunitontypes.2da.


alright, you should be done with the .2da editing (isn't it fun??? :D ). at this point, save your baseitems.2da in your override folder.


ok, one more thing, and you should be ok. if you notice, the built in gff editor in the kotor tool uses a scroll down menu for the itemtype in your .uti file. fred tetra designed it so that you wouldn't have to look up the baseitems.2da whenever you wanted to make a new item. however, it does not reference your new baseitems.2da that you just saved in your override folder. so, you'll just have to do it the old fashioned way. you'll need a gff editor (which can be obtained in the tools/mods download sticky).


open the gff editor and expand the toplevel structure. you should find a field that is called "baseitem". remember the number of the row label that i told you to write down?? you'll need to put that number here.


okay, now just save your .uti to your override folder, and you are done. :D :D :D :D


i seriously hope that helps. good luck to ya!!!

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in ur sig it says u've been crushing hte republic since 1990...if you twelve then u've been a sith since u were -2 yrs old...almost -3...



Too funny!!!





Also Gsssc have you ever thought of using the abandoned section of the Black Vulkar Base in one of your mods. It would add a, while not brand-new, different experience. I think its warpcode is warp tar_m10ab.

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Originally posted by Glamador

in ur sig it says u've been crushing hte republic since 1990...if you twelve then u've been a sith since u were -2 yrs old...almost -3...


LOL i never noticed that was the wrong date. should read "1992".


anyways...(achilles you may know what i am talking about, maybe not...fellow 'zonie :D) I was a winner in the "Be KOOL stay in school" 2003-2004 contest (and won a smackin' good 4000 dollar scholarship :eek: ), then i did a few radio commercials for KOOL 94.5 (with John-Michaels :eek: )


also i could offer ideas, but voiceovers are my strongest point :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Adam G

What is going on with this mod?? It has been almost a month since somebody post here (I did)!


-Adam G


Gsccc has been busy as of late with work in the real world, you'll have to give him time to work on higher priorities.


PS - A bit off topic, but you really should shorten up your signature a bit.

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Ok everyone, i know it has been a long while since I have posted here, and i appologize for the delay. As Mono_Giganto said, I had lots of work piled up. But now that things are clearing I am hoping to start running my mod again. However, I will no longer be operating under the team of Infinite Empire, for they are kind of unoffisially disbanded. To answer adam's question, i AM hoping to release this mod before TSL. However, I didn't think i would be making this until someone actually posted in it so i had made a comittment to the Resident Evil: Dreamless mod team for Doom 3. They have kind of put that on hold too, in fact for quite a while so i dont think i will be modding for them any time soon. The reason i felt obligated to mod for this game is due to the lack of rescources and the age of the game, but the public intrest in the mod is enough to make me want to come back to it so, yea sure, ill start up again. Hope to be working with you all soon,


PS: Adam G: My Sincere condolences to the loss of your parents, I know what it feels like to lose many very close family members.

(Just wish i could spell right)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok guys here's the deal, im going to incorperate cinematics in this episode to set up the story so that you dont have to have one road dialogues with people to get the theme in place. The movies will be cinematic much like the ones with Malak on the leviathon and so on. Now my question is and this is mostly pointed to Darth333, does kotor take AVI movie format and how do I incorporate that at certain points like when the player steps at a certain place?


Much help would be wonderful. Just to say for the progress of the mod, I've got the plot all set and I know where the story is going. So I am more prepaired than last time, pretty soon i will be adding the voice to the characters, thats where you come in Glamador.


So here is some background on what is going on: It is a while after you are pretty much the ruler of the universe, or what is known of it, you now just need to gain controll of the senate so you go to coruscant where you will meet up with Hk-47 to apply a little pressure. At some point in the game, near the start, you find that a new dark power is rising and trying to overthrough you. You also find that there is a Jewel that has immence power and has be shattered and scattered accross the galaxy, there will be many side-quests and main quests, and there will be a lot more of you being able to choose what you want to do, so there has been some development there. Ill give you more updates when I can.


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