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while u wait??


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this actually belongs in the sliced taun taun but whatever.


welcome to our digital world of idiocy and plastic lightsabers. :)


I'll probably just do what I normally do, smoke, drink, sleep, eat, sleep, drink, watch some movies, smoke, drink, sleep.

Then Battlefront will come and bam!

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only ciggarette smoke is bad. Cigar smoke is ok. But my personal preference is pipes. Its a good collectable, and you can fiddle with them more than cigars. And I can look alot like Huckk Finn. Not a big fan of cigarettes, dont much care for them, havent tried cigars much, and dont wanna get into drugs. Pipes are the way to go. But what I cant stand, is those teachers that tell you drinking is horribly bad for you, and smoking naything is horribly baf for you. Drinking in large doses is bad for your liver and such, but a bit a day is actually good for you. and pipe smokers have a longer life expectancy the n on pipe smokers on average. Something about calming you and keeping your blood pressure at a good level or something.

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