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The Ban on Assault Weapons - Lifted?


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Originally posted by iamtrip

Why was the ban on certain assault weapons not renewed in the USA.

I'm sure it had nothing to do with the $25 million funds given to Bush from the weapons industry ;)


Indeed not; it was the $25 million and the note attached which wrote: What we can do to Kennedy we sure can do to you, too.

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"The ban doesn't need to be reinstated because only good citizens will use them." ~ random person interviewed for a news channel.


"2 days later...." ~ my response.


Ban is good. But it won't stop criminals..


"Oh, damn.. that gun is banned, I guess I'll just have to use the pistol today."

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The ban was not re-instated because it would have meant Congress would have to go up against the National Rifle Association (who obviously was against the ban), a powerful organization that (unfortunately) has a lot of influence in our political system, and has only grown within the past 4 years.

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I don't really care why it was lifted. But I'm glad it was. Guns are fun, and they aren't the only things that can be purchased now that this ban has been lifted. High capacity magazines were also in the ban. Those things have been pretty expensive since that ban came along. And besides, the guns never went away with the ban in the first place. All this means is that it won't cost a fortune now.

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

WHY would you ever need an assault rifle? What possible purpose could it ever serve that a normal gun would not?

*stolen from the simspons*


"Assault weapons have gotten a lot of bad press lately, but they're

manufactured for a reason: to take out today's modern super animals,

such as the flying squirrel, and the electric eel"

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Originally posted by Breton

Fun fact:


Guns kept in home for self-protection are 43 times more likely to kill a family member or a friend than to kill in self-defense.

wouldn't an assault rifle like... triple that number? cuz you know, more bullets per second... *shrugs*


Assault weapons, wipe out your entire family in a second. ;)

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

Guns DO cure cancer and aids. They end the disease by ending the host.


oh, then jumping before a train at full speed is a cure for cancer, too? also if you got a man with aids and cancer and he dies because of the cancer, does that mean cancer is a cure for aids? fascinating.

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Why don't they just ban weapons. We have it here in europe, and i believe we also have a lot less trouble, i believe. I heard your 'right to bear arms' comees from the age that it was necissary to protect yourself from hungry bears and bloodthirsty Indians, er i mean Native americans. Totally not needed anymore


But think of it. ban weapons all together, around the world, and people couldn't hurt eachother anymore. well, at least not very badly over great range...


About that cure for cancer thing, that sounds interesting to start another debate over.


But i'm not gonna do it.

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Originally posted by Doomie

bloodthirsty Indians

blood thirsty my ass.


Originally posted by Doomie

But think of it. ban weapons all together, around the world, and people couldn't hurt eachother anymore. well, at least not very badly over great range...

uhmm... bows and arrows anyone?

Originally posted by Doomie

About that cure for cancer thing, that sounds interesting to start another debate over.

jokes never really were your strongsuit were they. ;)
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Alright, that 'bloodthirsty' part was the reason. people thought inians were bloodthirsty. But they are just normal people, so they didn't need to shoot them, i think. I don't know that much about American history, so excuse me if i'm wrong...


And who would use bows and arrows these days? and besieds, a bow can't be hidden uner your jacket, neither can the arrows. peopel will immediatly recognise a gangster and mass on him.


And you're right about the joke part. But i really found it interesting!

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Banning guns doesn't stop gun crime.

It just means its a lot less likely that random idiots purchase a gun and masacre their boss and co-workers after being told they got fired (no pun).


It makes it easier for a random martyr/US-hired rent-A-Terrorist to buy a gun and slaughter a bunch of people in the street?


Oh and it means Mr Bush can get some extra $ to get re-elected.


Don't you just love American democracy

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True. I was actually implying a total stop in weapons production around the world. After a while, all you could do with gun sis throw them at your enemy since ammo is no longer being made. Unfortunatly, as long as people don't see that war is stupid, we will need weapons. And bombs are easily homemade, so it won't stop suicide terrorrists and the like. Actually, untill humanity doesn't need weapons anymore, we aren't ready to stop making them...

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i was going to post that chris rock comment!!! *sulk*

(about the only clever thing he ever said).


I sometime despair about the US deomcratic system... it was such a lot of work to get that bill passed (limited as it was) and now they just let it lapse... sigh.


Why can't they just put a gigantic tax on weapons/ammo production or import?

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