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new tsl screens


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Originally posted by FiEND_138

Already seen them, but thanx for the link so I could see 'em again :D


These screens are making it so difficult to wait all of the way until Feb, just to be able to play this.......


*Mumbles hatred for Gates, XBox, LA, & Dec. under his breath....*


*Joins FiEND in mumbling evil things about LA's simultanious release falsehoods, the MS "weighing in" issue, and their accursed Xbox* :fist:

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Originally posted by RedHawke

*Joins FiEND in mumbling evil things about LA's simultanious release falsehoods, the MS "weighing in" issue, and their accursed Xbox* :fist:

I'm kinda on the fence at this point. Part of me want to wait till February to play on PC (cuz I love KotOR on PC), but the other part of me says, "Well, since you're buying an xbox for Jade Empire, you might as well check it out". Ho hum...
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Originally posted by jedi3112

Does that Russian Ninja mean we can join the Red Army, in that case, can we become Darth Stalin?


:rofl: excellent :rofl:


...then, we shall instigate a red hunt and slaughter all those that oppose us. :evil6:


its kida scary to know that stalin really DID have a red hunt to slaughter those that opposed him. :eek:


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Originally posted by bneezy

I'm sorry, but that is a Russian Ninja.


Yup... that is definately some sort of Russian looking NPC they have there.

Probably just something they are using as a placeholder, so as to not give anything away to us too soon... I hope. :D


Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

IS it just me or does this guy really looks like Dennis Quaid ?


It isn't just you, he kind of does look like Quaid... :D

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