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lil tips


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I made this thread so you can let people know how to make there lives a little easier just post your tip (no bugs)


If some one has taken a flying vehicle you want and just taken off before you get there jump and try to enter the vehicle if it is low enough you will get in and they will get out.

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Originally posted by MURS

that's lame if you can steal a vehical from a human player on the same team...


heh...he was testing it out....anyway on PC multi you can't kick other players out of anything you use the action button to get in....


p.s. RebelScum's tip: To roll move in the direction you want to go and press the jump button (i saw some people on multi asking how to :o)

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The annoying thing about the roll is that it's the jump button. That means you can only roll sideways, and not forward or back. It doesn't seem like a big deal, but I always feel a little wierd when a grenade lands next to me and I turn 90 degrees then roll away to the side. Just seems odd.

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tip- When playing as the class with the regular blaster rifle, make sure that you know that you have 2 different types of grenades. Don't be shy about using them. There are alot of ammo droids scattered through the levels as well. Also, make sure there are no green arrows infront of you, on your map, before you chuck 3 or 4 grenades.


Grenades keep other team from advancing on your position.

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Originally posted by spitboy

on endor you have the two trees that are pulld back with rope to crush the at-st. How do you make them crush them when one happends to walk between them? i cant seem to figure that out and been wantting to do that for a while.:bdroid2:


My experience is that the two logs come down automatically. All you need to do is lure the AT-ST between the trees with the logs.

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Originally posted by Evil Dark Jedi

I have seen bots roll forward. I dont know how though.



EDJ's Tip-


When riding a speeder always be in Third Person.

I roll sideways. Works ok.


As for speeder, in video options disable motion blur and your # crashing will decrease


my tip: never join the winning team (in case of = players) or the team with most players. It's much more fun on the other side, i can garantue you that. On the winning team it aint a challenge and you're more like fighting against your teammates for supplies (vehicles etc) or those kills.


Also, try out the pilots. They're ace, the weapons need minor training but they're great.


Record how many times you use your special items (grenades, time bombs, medpacks…), if its too few you should use it more while in the game. If you travel a lot from power droid to power droid use all of it

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Tip when playing against jets: They are quit anoying, but if you've played a while with jets, you can predict their movement and roll when they fire, etc. Keep your eye and your distance, and if you are e heavy weps guy, wait until they land then fire a rocket on their feet (bigger hiting chance, and it will blow them in the air). I've played against jets for ages in my clan, after a while they can't hurt you.

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