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Booting Players


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Vote kicking? Arrrggh. I can see the abuse happening already.


Still, I don't even know if the PC version has anything like this. I just know it was a major problem in JA/JK2, 'cause people voted people off they didn't like or who were beating them.


Now if they had a TEAM vote kick (you can only vote to kick your own teammates; though the admin could kick whomever he needed to without votes) if they are being stupid, that would be a good thing.


Edit: It sounds like you're talking about the "room" of a match making service, rather than actually during a game. That isn't so much a problem, because it won't upset a game in progress.

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No, I am talking about booting someone from a battle.


On PS2, there is no chat function, either in the "lobby" where you choose servers, or in the game itself.


You're very right that booting became a huge problem in JA/JK2. But at least the issue could be somewhat discussed by the whole room. And it came up mostly in Free For All rooms.


On the PS2, there is no discussion, and half the room (i.e. - the other team) is usually unaware and unaffected by the team killing that is going on. They may see the message at bottom "X killed teammate Y", but unless they see them repeatedly, they will probably dismiss it as friendly fire accidents. And even on the post-battle stats board, you have to scroll down to the bottom to see the stats for TK'ers, since their score is always negative.


The only way the situations becomes apparent is when you see the message "Boot Player X, 1 yes, 59 sec". After a while, more people are team killed or understand the message, but in the course of a battle, momentum rarely builds up past four or five votes. And a TK'er can prevent his booting by repeatedly calling a vote on booting another player. The system sucks right now.


It would be best if voting was handled by teams. And it would be nice is there was a quicker way to vote that wasn't guaranteed to get you killed if you are anywhere near the front. Unless we get admins in PS2 battles, that seems like the only workable way.

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This could be true, but I think some would want him booted. He is hogging the kills, and it ruins the game. Most people realize this.


And so far, there aren't any multi-player cheats, and I can't imagine that any will exist anytime soon for PS2. With PC, that threat is more real, I suppose.


The real need for booting is team killing. I played a couple hours today, and games were plagued by it. Votes were constantly being called, but nobody got kicked.

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In many games where votekick is enabled, it often regulates itself. Pretty much everyone has to agree that they should go, and frivolous votes get little or no attention. The problem comes in, particularly in this game it seems, when people aren't aware of who's being a jerk.

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Sounds like the PS2 system is the same as the pc one. I was in a game today where some jerk killed 26 of his own team. Voted to kick him out, but no other votes. He did the same thing in the next arena, but I left before the end.


There does need to be a better system for situations like this.

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My solution for team killing is to turn off friendly fire. I honestly am willing to take the "Trade Off" of being "less realistic" in favor of not having to put up with n00bs, laggers and jerks killing teammates.


Voting is just, nah... If it's just for map changes/restarts or kicking people on your own team, then I have no problem with it.


Otherwise it's the admin's job to take care of that sort of thing (booting "problem players"), but first we need to give the admin something like rcon!

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Originally posted by Cosmos Jack

There is Team Kick in the PC game, but nobody knows how to VOTE. Much like a gernal American:rolleyes: and I'm not telling.

I don't see why not. It's not really clear and it placing a vote takes way too long (player list, select player, be lucky playerlist doesnt change, and click vote kick).


I don't see why pandemic released a voting system with it? No one wants to vote like this, if you can only vote if you're alive and it takes 10 seconds

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yep its all for the griefing.


Anyway, thanks for posting how to vote in the pc version. I have seen votes come up over 20 times now, and i have never yet seen one person that knows how to vote... it always just shows '1 yes'. thanks.

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"unless its just some kind of destructive way to antagonise people and seriously p*ss them off"


You've known forum trolls, prank callers, and guys who yell "Freebird!" at non-Skynard concerts, right? They like to game, too, but still want to hold on to their "most hated" status in this very different social medium.

I don't get it either, but I can't say I'm surprised. There's a portion of the population that enjoys antagonizing strangers anonymously, and some of them like to play videogames.

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Originally posted by Alegis

I don't see why not. It's not really clear and it placing a vote takes way too long (player list, select player, be lucky playerlist doesnt change, and click vote kick).


I don't see why pandemic released a voting system with it? No one wants to vote like this, if you can only vote if you're alive and it takes 10 seconds


Wow, that's almost as bad as the original Battlefield kick where you had to go to the player list and remember the player's ID number, then open the console and type kick # (but you could at least do it while dead).


The only good voting systems are one-button ones where a vote pops up and you can pick Yes or No instantly.


By the way, why would they make the player list/score list unavailable during death... that's pretty much the only time I'll look at it in other games to pass a few seconds, but in SW it's not an option. Dumb.

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