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Searching Manny Callavera Helloween Mask !


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Hah, how old are you, you look so sort.

I don't care if no one wants to hear how I spent my halloween, but I'll tell ya' anyway.

First of all (don't envy) we had wine, then came the beer, and then came the vodka and should I mention all of the cigars, man we were wasted.

Oh, and I almost forgot the ladies, we had a thing called "gazpacho wet t-shirt contest" (thanks for the recipe El Virus).

And I came dressed up as Caleb (from Blood, Blood 2-the chosen).

I dunno from what you were discussing earlyer makes me wonder how old you guys are.


P.S. By the way I'll be 15 on the 5th of Dec.

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well i'm 20 and i can tell you, the sooner you start having those parties the better.


it builds up your resistance to alchohol so that by the time your at uni, everyone thinks your really cool.


sadly i'm a geek and as such never went to parties like that.


the result being i'm a lightweight who can barely drink a wasp under the table.


i have to go now, you made me sad.

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