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Star Wars Galaxies, anyone?


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I was a subscriber to Star Wars Galaxies for a long time. I quit a while back because I didn't like the way a lot of things worked and because it was starting to get boring. But after the Jedi Revamp, server switching, and Jump to Lightspeed, I may consider going back. One more incentive would be knowing that the great people I've been meeting over at Holowan and StarWarsKnights in general would be playing. This isn't so much a poll, but just getting an idea if anyone else may consider going back and I wouldn't know if they were there.


So, are you a current subscriber or are you a former subscriber that may go back? A PA made up of the people here would be awesome.

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SWG has nothing to offer me, so I never got it.


They would have me as a customer in a second, if you could... say... become a Jedi Master and Jedi Council Member (LS)... or more importantly, for me anyway... a Sith Lord (DS). Once I found out these paths were not available... so much for SWG.


I haven't read anything about the game since.

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Originally posted by TheRealJedidude

Whats Star wars galaxies?


A MMORPG or a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game, supposedly set in the Star Wars Galaxy. You have to buy the game and pay a monthly fee to play it on the company servers, there is no offline single-player play, and it is a persistant world, meaning even when you log off things are still happening in the world (Because other players are doing things).


It had the most promise of any MMORPG yet released, but seriously fell short of expectations by many fans who were initially interested, but let down due to game restrictions.

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Of course the Jedi Council is based on a voting system. The Sith use any means neccessary if you catch my drift. With "Jump to Lightspeed", the new expansion pack coming out in a week or two, you can own an X-wing, TIE fighter, Millenium Falcon-type ship, and all the other ships from Star Wars. All the planets now have a space sector to go along with it. When you're in space, it's all twitch-based controls. You can even use a gamepad or joystick. I think a flight stick would be cool for that.

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  • 5 weeks later...


Probably :confused:


Last I heard the Jedi were running pretty rampant, which is something I don't really understand. This is supposed to take place during the GCW, & if there are jedi besides Luke you'd think the few there are would all be in hiding. But the way my friend who plays was telling me (which was a while back, could be different now) their like weeds & everywhere in the open. Just don't understand, perhaps community outcry just to be a Jedi, probably........


Sorry for my pointless rabble....

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I've been playing SWG for well over a year now but it's starting to get quite boring. Yes you can have wookiee Jedi but the problem is there is just too many Jedi running around now. The game is supposed to be set during Episode 5 where the Jedi are nearly extinct but everywhere you look there are Jedi Knights and Padawans. They changed the Force Sensitive system awhile back, quite a major change where they completely altered how you became Jedi (before it was just profession based where you looted a holocron and it told you to master whatever profession). Most people were unlocking their Jedi slot at 22+ professions which was a bit crazy. Now it's all quest based set in a village called Aurillia on Dathomir which is under constant attack by the Sith. With the new system someone just starting out with no profession bonuses will take about a year to get Jedi, but since they introduced this update way to late most people had mastered more than 15 professions, so mostly every player was given a bonus which shortened the time it took them to get Padawan and complete the trials. I think the only 2 professions which populate the servers now are Jedi Padawan and Bounty Hunter. I'd advise you to stay away from the SWG Forums aswell cause all thats ever posted there is whiney posts and flame wars.


So in about 1-2 months SWG will become JKOnline :p

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Originally posted by jackofblades

what classes are there I know bounty hunter is one


There are 32 professions starting with,









Those lead onto "Hybrid" professions,




Bounty Hunter



Combat Medic


Creature Handler



Droid Engineer


Image Designer








Squad Leader



Teras Kasi Artist



Quite a few professions, but most of the combat ones are under-powered and unbalanced.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by bneezy

I was a subscriber to Star Wars Galaxies for a long time. I quit a while back because I didn't like the way a lot of things worked and because it was starting to get boring. But after the Jedi Revamp, server switching, and Jump to Lightspeed, I may consider going back.


BAH, still as boring as ever, dull combat system and shallow gameplay..


no really i like Star wars, but Galaxies /spoiler sucks :D

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