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The Animated series


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i know its "wrong" but i'm trying to download episodes of the cartoon. And i'm having really poor success. I think i've been trying for a week and a half/2 weeks with p2p programs and have yet to d/l an episode. i'm getting really bad results with the searches, and whenever i do find something its queued.


is anyone kind enough to IM me any episodes? or even point me in the right direction. eDonkey would be able to help me, but that wont work for me because i cant get around my campus's firewall

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ok so i JUST read the thing under new users about not asking for pirated copies of the show. ok sue me. but its not like i can go out and get it on dvd now is it? so if pple refuse to help me out here, where am i supposed to get it from?

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Originally posted by Siddhis

wow, vhs tapes. what a keen idea! i mean amazon sells one tape used! that really helps me in my quest for ALL the episodes. And then when i get this one video tape i can play it in my roomate's ps2 or my DVD+RW drive!


Or you could try running it in this device known as a VCR, they aren't exactly uncommon.

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Originally posted by Siddhis

i know its "wrong" but i'm trying to download episodes of the cartoon. And i'm having really poor success. I think i've been trying for a week and a half/2 weeks with p2p programs and have yet to d/l an episode. i'm getting really bad results with the searches, and whenever i do find something its queued.


is anyone kind enough to IM me any episodes? or even point me in the right direction. eDonkey would be able to help me, but that wont work for me because i cant get around my campus's firewall


Only idiots use p2p. Use an IRC search engine or a BitTorrent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

actually i'm using XFator. using IRC would be nice, but i dont think i can with a Mac. Anyways it doesnt matter, since i now have 14 of the 20something episodes. too bad i cant sleep at night because i feel bad for illegally downloading copyrighted material, fearing i may get a subpoena in the mail any day now. or not, its so funny to get all the jokes that flew way over my head when the show was originally on the air

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If you feel bad admitting it on the internet is only gonna make it worse, now the authorities are gonna zoom in on you specifically. I think what you meant to say was


"actually i'm 'not' using XFator. using IRC would be 'terrible and illegal', 'so I'm glad I can't' with a Mac. Anyways it doesnt matter, since i now 'don't' have 14 of the 20 something episodes. 'good thing' i 'can' sleep at night because i feel 'good' for 'not' illegally downloading copyrighted material, 'not' fearing i may get a subpoena in the mail any day now. "


Then they'll never know what you did.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Surely Steve Purcell has a copy of every cartoon episode, even the episodes that never made it to vhs. I'm also sure he loves his creatures so much that if he were to leave the videos under Jake's door...


Okay, Jake has expressed that he does not allow the episodes for download, even though they are not available at the online video store specified on the article on the shows on the samandmax site. They are also not currently found on eBay.


I would at the very least, like online scripts for the epsisodes. That would be very appreciated.


It could make a nice bonus, to have a dvd with all the episodes to come along with the TellTale Game...

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