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Originally posted by RedHawke

Ok... KOTOR III: The Wrath of Revan... and I just made that up. ;)


But it could happen! :D


Ha-Hah!! i knew it!!!


*scratches head and tries to realize what i knew*



good idea, though. hmm, try the "jobs" section @ obsidian's website. you just might...

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Originally posted by RedHawke

Ok... KOTOR III: The Wrath of Revan... and I just made that up. ;)


But it could happen! :D


wait something odd is happening


ok this is wierd i am having an odd sensation around my head


oh i know its an idea (sorry this hasnt happened in a while)


wrath of revan could work if they set it before kotor and you get to be revan on his rise to power


only problem with that is you wont have a light/darkside choice you'll have to be darkside and i know what you'll say redhawke as well as many others 'whats wrong with that' and what is wrong with that is the fact that what made kotor so great was being able to choose


but if they didn't make it a kotor title as such and made it a seperate game but let fans know how it was connected to kotor..... it could work


ok i have to stop now my head is hurting from all this thinking


aaaahhh my ears are bleeding :D

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Originally posted by RedHawke

*Hands Aleggy some tissue for his ears.*


Anyway... you all know the whole KOTOR III The Wrath oF Revan was a joke right... off of Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan??? :eyeraise:




yeah i knew Redhawke but what can i say

i couldn't help myself :D


p.s. thankyou for the tissue

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Youre welcome Aleggy! :D


Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad



Ok sure mate...


Star Trek lover:fist: !

What can I say, I love sci-fi! :D


Babylon 5

Star Wars

Stargate SG-1


Battlestar Galactica

and Star Trek


In that order of importance! :D


EDIT: Forgot One! :D

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Originally posted by RedHawke



What can I say, I love sci-fi! :D


Babylon 5

Star Wars



In that order of importance! :D


How dare you to post this here? :( This is truly evil :D

I hope Kotor 3 will turn you from from the Dark side :D

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Originally posted by RedHawke


Youre welcome Aleggy! :D



What can I say, I love sci-fi! :D


Babylon 5

Star Wars


Battlestar Galactica

and Star Trek


In that order of importance! :D


i'd put them in this order


Star Wars


Battlestar Galactica

Babylon 5

Star Trek



Star Wars rules :thmbup1:

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this whole losing your touch with the force thing sounds lame. and if you have no mem loss then you'd know how you acquired the ebon hawk, though you might not start right off the bat with it. best thing to do i say is wait and see.

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

What! Babylon5 is on top of Star Wars?!






Originally posted by Darth333


How dare you to post this here? This is truly evil

I hope Kotor 3 will turn you from from the Dark side

RLMAO!!! Nope! :D

Originally posted by Achilles



I kinda thought Redhawke was a little weird before, but I never imagined the condition was this advanced.


Come on, man: Star Wars has Yoda and Darth Vader. Babylon 5 has...Bruce Boxleitner :eyeraise:


Why, Redhawke, why?





[inquiry] How is poor Bruce Boxleitner any worse than Jake Lloyd or Hayden Christensen? :eyeraise:


:tsk: And you all should have guessed B5 would rate higher with me by my previous Avatar, my present Banner, and especially what I have for a location. :D


B5 is better than Star Wars to me for a couple of reasons, admittedly a lot of it is personal taste, but I love the story. And more specifically the whole Idea of the Shadow and Vorlon Bio-Technology it just pwns anything Star Wars could ever have (Ohhh the Death Star... Meh! It was impressive until around 1993).


It gets even more interesting if you combine the two story factors of B5 (Living Ships) and SW (Jedi/Sith and the Force)... look out!!! Could you imagine having and piloting a 'living' ship and be a Jedi or Sith at the same time, being able to channel and use the Force through your vessel as well, that would be very cool.


BTW, I know you all were just kidding! :D

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Yeah, I was just playin...:D



Originally posted by 0rlo

this whole losing your touch with the force thing sounds lame. and if you have no mem loss then you'd know how you acquired the ebon hawk, though you might not start right off the bat with it. best thing to do i say is wait and see.

Yes, the whole forgetting to use the force thing is getting a bit old; JO, K1 & it seems 2. But this is probably 1 of the things I most want to see how they explain, next to how the ending of K1 will work into & be adressed in TSL.

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Originally posted by FiEND_138


Yeah, I was just playin...:D


Originally posted by FiEND_138



Yes, the whole forgetting to use the force thing is getting a bit old; JO, K1 & it seems 2. But this is probably 1 of the things I most want to see how they explain, next to how the ending of K1 will work into & be adressed in TSL.

Well you see OE has to have a reason (Good or Bad) for us to begin the game a newbie character at level 1. "You are a Jedi who lost their connection with the force," a line like this is an RPG classic, so OE really can't be held responsible for this, they are actually upholding RPG tradition with this beginning for TSL.



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RedHawke are you forgetting that in farscape moya is a living ship a race called the leviathons. and for me Star Wars pwns all because for me it inspired me from a very early age sure B5, farscape, battlestar galactica have great story lines but star wars... well what can i say i've always wanted to be a jedi and weld a lightsaber i cant say that any of the others have affected me in the same way sure B5 and farscape have given me a few laughs but so has Star Wars


so for me star wars rules :thmbup1:


p.s. i've heard they are going to do a mini series based on the star wars universe, i pray and hope it'll be good rather than some teen drama series based around the new jedi academy and all about love and coming of age of the new jedi plzzzz mr lucas this is the sort of thing us fans have been waiting for plzzzz dont muck it up plzzzz i'm begging you

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Originally posted by Aleggy

RedHawke are you forgetting that in farscape moya is a living ship a race called the leviathons.

No I didn't forget, and yes Moya is a living ship but Leviathans are not warships, and if you remember Talyn (The only armed Leviathan) was unique. So there is no comparison with B5's Living, and far more advanced, ships.

Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

Star Wars is what got me into sci-fi.

RedHawke-I'm sorry. Now I will have to kill you :lightning


*RedHawke, wrearing insulated skivvies, is unaffected by lukeiamyourdad's lightning attack*


*Still smouldering from lightning attack*

Hmm... Methinks Aleggy and lukeiamyourdad are a little defensively touchy when it comes to SW! :D

I never said SW was bad did I? It just will never be my number one favorite sci-fi, it also doesn't make me any less of a SW fan... I can still recite the lines of the OT with the best of em'. :D

Originally posted by FiEND_138

*Joins in on the shameless begging*

Yes please, no Jedi Temple 902675 please!!!!

No 'This week Lal-Lal-Lal wants to go to the Padawan prom with Frank, but Frank wants to go with Jo-Jo-Lean. How will Lal cope? Stay tuned.' garbage, please!!!!!


:rofl: RLMAO!!!


Agreed! Please we don't want to see anything like this!!! ;)


*Still laughing* Thats a good one FiEND! :D

Originally posted by FiEND_138


Yeah, I guess I mean more working it into the story.

Would it stem from just not using it (Yoda seemed to do alright being exiled in a swamp for 20 some years), amnesia (hopefuly & so far not), or something I'm too 'tired' to think of?

Well the whole losing your connection to the force is rather a 'classic' way of beginning an RPG, but it is still a tolerable one, but I'm an old-school RPG player so it doesn't bother me as much.


As OE has stated our PC in TSL will not have any mental/memory afflictions so they are going to need some simple RPG explination for our being 1st level at the stories beginning. Hence OE has provided us with one... "we have lost our connection to the force" so we can begin play at level 1.


Most fantasy RPG's do something similar, you always start out with memory loss or you are a vetran that has lost his skills from disuse (Do these 2 sound familiar) or you are an inexpirienced wanderer who arrives at the town looking for adventure, or you are a commoner thrust into a perilous quest or things along these lines... oh and these RPG story beginnings are a good excuse to start you off pretty well broke too.


I suspect OE will give us an explination of why the force has left us, it will probably factor into the TSL stories beginning pretty heavily... at least I hope it does. :D

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