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Dawn of the Dead: Unrated Director's Cut

Darth Groovy

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This DVD just rocks. Normally I loathe remakes, but this one was well done. It did not COPY the original, but had all the elements, with an adrenaline injection. This movie is alot of fun, and just plain darn scary. I have seen the original countless times, yet I enjoy this version. And yes, the extra's are cool, and worth it.


One thing that worked for both Dawn of the Dead movies, is that neither of them took themselves too seriously, and managed to sneak in alot of tounge in cheek humor to make it more fun. :D

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Originally posted by Leper Messiah

Shaun Of The Dead rules all!


Have not seen that one yet, but I plan too. Get this, they actually advertise that one on THIS particular DVD. How cool is that? I'll rent Shaun Of The Dead and if it is as good as it looks, I'll get that one too.


You know, posting this thread reminds me of mima kake. Alot of you older swampies will remember him for his macabe humor, Dawn of the Dead avatars, and also as the only LF member that was cool enough to make a David Bowie/Ziggy Stardust skin for Jedi Outcast. I miss that guy alot. :(

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i can't really remember it from the cinema... i have a vague memory that i liked it at the start, and it gradually went downhill.


I seem to remember it being pretty true to the original, but not particularly scary though.


M u s t s e e S h a u n o f t h e D e a d . . . .

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and i thought groovy had good tastes... i dont think that remakes should exactly copy the original either, but i dont thinkt hey should take the entire point and feel of a movie, and tromp them into the ground with the ferocity of a herd of elephants either. which is exactly what i felt this remake did, btw.

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I found the remake quite entertaining.

It could be alot worse.

But I still Like the old one better.

But problebly becaus I was alot younger when I saw it.

And it made me s**t my pants the first time I saw it.

The remake didn't realy did that to me this time.

But like I said before I Liked it alot and I will grab a copy on dvd.


Damn haven't been here way to long.

Thanx for the pm groovy I'm almost forgot this board.

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Originally posted by mima kake

Well It could be worse.

I found the remake quite entertaining.

It could be alot worse.

But I still Like the old one better.

But problebly becaus I was alot younger when I saw it.

And it made me s**t my pants the first time I saw it.

The remake didn't realy did that to me this time.

But like I sais before I Liked it alot and I will grab a copy on dvd.


Damn haven't been here way to long.

Thanx for the pm groovy I'm almost forgot this board.





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The remake to dawn of the dead is just downright OWNAGE!!!!... the first ten minutes of that movie will have you off the edge of your seat.... becuz all hell breaks loose in that amount of time from a normal suburban life... and it really never lets up... for those who havent seen it ( i saw it in teh theater) the zombies arent your george romero two step boogaloo brains zombies... these somebitches are jacked with Hemi's and run almost as fast. Imagine the zombies from 28 days later, except ten times more violent and powerful... and there are 1000's upon 1000's of them.. there are some cool references to the old one but the only noticable one from the remake is they DID use the same mall they used to film the original romero classic.



i could have done without the baby scene and the propane bomb is mass OWNAGE!!!!



i still think the first one when the lady goes to her husband at the begiinning with the "oh baby" routine and gets her neck nawed on like teh Count was by far the funniest scene in that movie... excluding the helicopter head chop and the music in the mall scenes.. but the first one was just too damn long and this one has the same plot somewhat just shorter with more interesting and less mundane twists....


overall rating... 9.7/10 in the Horror genre


the ending of the remake will leave you sayin oh sh**.... :p


2 thumbs up and 2 big toes up GREAT WORK!!!!


i wanted to see shaun of teh dead also rotten tomatoes gives it a 90 freshness but the noobs in my town arent showing it... guess they dont like brits or rob zombie... ><

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Originally posted by acdcfanbill

and i thought groovy had good tastes... i dont think that remakes should exactly copy the original either, but i dont thinkt hey should take the entire point and feel of a movie, and tromp them into the ground with the ferocity of a herd of elephants either. which is exactly what i felt this remake did, btw.


Don't get me wrong billeh, it doesn't fade the original one bit, but you have to admit that this movie had a few choice scenes.

My favorite is the whole opening before the opening credits, just showing suburbia turned upside down by Zombies, it was freaking awsome. Then there is that bit where they investigate the power out in the parking garage, THAT was intense. Then the bit where they play "Hollywood Squares" is just hysterical! The scene where they try to ride the shuttle buses out of the mall is amazing too. That and I really liked the evolution of the "C.J." character.


Reason the old one was better? The shoot out in the projects, The wheel-barrel guantlet, the moter cycle maruaders, and the bit where the one zombie walks into a helicopter was pretty darn cool.



I was never particularly afraid of the original movie, but I always felt it was and still is one of the greatest horror films EVER made, and certainly the BEST movie in the Zombie category.


I just felt that this new movie was really intense, as you really didn't KNOW what was going to happen next.


Seriously, other than them winding up in a shopping mall, EVERYTHING about the remake is different.


Also will you folks PLEASE stop discussing Shaun of the Dead in THIS thread?!?! When I see Shaun of the Dead, I will post a thread about it! :p

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Originally posted by CapNColostomy

BAH! I protest! I liked the original Night of the Living Dead the best out of all of the zombie or Romero movies I've seen.


Well that's the father of all of them, but I liked Dawn of the Dead better because of the humor, and there is something about zombies shuffling along in a mall with elevator music that slays me every single time I watch it.


I have the original Night of the Living Dead movie both on VHS and DVD. I remember when I first saw it, I think I was in the fifth grade or something, and I was really surprised at how much gore and violence was in a black and white film made in 1968.


Now let me ask you this. (Since billeh is taking pop shots at me for liking the DOD remake, even though he KNOWS I am a balls to the wall die hard fenatic of the Evil Dead trilogy HTF do you think I came up with "Darth Groovy?!?!:p. ) How do you feel about The Night of the Living Dead remake (circu 1990)? Even though George Romero did it himself?!:o

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

How do you feel about The Night of the Living Dead remake (circu 1990)? Even though George Romero did it himself?!:o


I liked it fine, and some of the new things like the hunters, tailgate zombie massacre parties, and zombie bonfires were nice. But if I could only watch one for the rest of my life it would be the original. It's my all time favorite horror flick, and the only one that I can still watch that I saw when I was a kid that still creeps the **** out of me.


[edit]-What do you suppose the chances are, now that the first two have been remade, that we might get a decent remake of Day of the Dead? It's my least favorite of the trilogy, and it wouldn't bother me a bit if it were redone with basically the same story. I guess 28 Days Later is sorta along the same story lines, but I want a full blown remake if it's at all possible. And as for Billeh, get over it man! It's not a big deal if movies are remade as long as it's done good. That's usually not the case, I know *remembers The Shining's remake--BLEH!* but it sounds like Dawn of the Dead might be an exception to the rule.

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Originally posted by CapNColostomy

Ditto. Even if it's spelled different than mine (Shaun instead of Shawn) you gotta see a movie that has your friggin' name in the title. :)


Yup.. it's an Irish thing. Although my name is Irish and German, I have neither in my bloodline.



Shawn related story....


I was at Barnes and Nobles buying a book with my credit card. The lady, about mid 60's with an Irish accent, asked for id. I showed it to her and she scowled at me. She said the spelling of my name was a mockery of my heritage. I laughed and appologized (like it's my fault).


I didn't care... I could have taken her out (oops, shouldn't have said that lol). :D

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