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OK, this demo is kvarking awsome!


The only trouble is, I'm having a lot of trouble trying to adapt old DF walkthroughs to find the secrets! Come on, throw an old man a bone here (well, OK, 32 isn't that old but I bet I'm older than 95% of the forum) and give me some hints! How do I get to the really cool "Emperor's Lounge" area in SecBase? What about all the other secrets? Are there new secret aread exclusive to the demo in any of the levels?

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not sure if this is where to post this and you on the mod team may have noticed this but I think you got the sentry droid and remotes damages mixed up cus the remote does 10 damage and the sentry only seems to do 1 damage. Otherwise the 2nd demo was spectacular and you guys did a great job and have more than earned a break.

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The Talay Jawa was funny...too bad he is a statue basically :p


and I cant figure out howto open the two doors outside of the base in SecBase, but I did figure out howto get into the holo room (sneaky bastards).


I havent gotten to start level 3 yet.

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People don't know how to use the [ Spoiler ] tag I see.


Talay was actually harder for me this time around than in the regular game (no map). The sewers have been easy so far, just methodical. Maybe 'cause I spent so much time playing that map in the real game. ; )

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heh... its a puzzle :p

Every switch opens a door to somewhere.

The only question is... does every door leads to where you need to go first?

In which order do you have to action the switches and go thru the corresponding doors?

And make sure you don't oversee some other doors around...

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you don't think you could possibly give us the total number of secrets on each level do you? I'm anxious to see if I have found them all.


BTW you've been pretty damn sneaky if i do say so myself. more power to you guys! fill evry nook and cranny of this game with all the secrets your devious minds can muster.


while you're at it why don't you hide a secret door behind the urinals in that one level...:D It could be some sort of secret facility which has been hidden beneath the men's room;)

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I think that it is common knowledge that there is no clipping on the dark trooper pods. (A McGee sure does get around):)


After taking a look at one of them, it seemed that you should be able to climb up one of them and reach a second level of the city. I couldn't help but wonder if that is how you are supposed to get to that second level, or if it is possible at that rate. There were quite a few areas which seemed to be mocking me because I was unable to reach them.


So the question is... are you supposed to be able to reach that top level of the city or not? Does it have anything to do with that dark trooper pod, or can you reach it without it? It's not something like the emporer's hologram on secbase is it? but knowing you guys...



please tell me before i go insane...

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sorry, but I just remembered one last thing... after killing the stormies who were talking I still could hear their convo... they never stop. not even in death.


that is all. I will try and leave you alone. try. no promises.



um... I love all of you and your work on this mod. (don't want to sound like some sort of harsh critic or anything):rolleyes:

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Originally posted by plokoon9

sorry, but I just remembered one last thing... after killing the stormies who were talking I still could hear their convo... they never stop. not even in death.


that is all. I will try and leave you alone. try. no promises.



um... I love all of you and your work on this mod. (don't want to sound like some sort of harsh critic or anything):rolleyes:


we knew this could happen since we implemented that conversation at the last minute and did it as a quick hack. in the future, we will recompile the scripts so that if the player attacks them, the conversation will cease.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Gen. Armageddon

not sure if this is where to post this and you on the mod team may have noticed this but I think you got the sentry droid and remotes damages mixed up cus the remote does 10 damage and the sentry only seems to do 1 damage. Otherwise the 2nd demo was spectacular and you guys did a great job and have more than earned a break.


we didn't touch the damage amounts of any enemies at all in this mod . . . so it's hard to understand what you are experiencing

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If I may,


I had the same problem until I figured out I needed to pay better attention to my health meter overall. I had become so complacent using force heal in JA, that health was never a problem.


The problem I had was the torture droids sapped so much health, the remotes just finished the job. Once I realized Iwas just travelling through the level, instead of quicksaving at powerups, getting knocked off by remotes was a dead issue. I think this is a bug which can be squashed by the flyswatter of correct gameplay, not a code issue or adjustment.

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I have searched. I have seen the security camera footage. I asked here on the forum.


It has all come to naught. I can't find how to get into the "Emperor's Lounge" secret area. Is it a cruel joke? Is there no such place?


if you don't want it posted...use a spoiler tag. PM me. something. tell me where the secrets are? please?

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