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Bounty Hunter's Cantina


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*i walk into the room. look at chains. look at jaxu. then punch both squareacross the jaw*


(sarcastically) "thanks for helping me get outta that bacta tank. i'm goin in my room to meditate. we should probly turn in Bagen and head back to the cantina. i'll be up to take the controlls in a few minits."


(in my mind)"why wasn't i fast enough?"


(out loud)"i'll get you for that cyborg! you've made a new enemy today!"

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* Joking around he slaps Ranis on the back*

*Ranis is hit so hard he is knocked over*


*Glow dissapears*

"What the...?"

"Ranis... I... I honestly didnt mean to... oh man... Matt go grab a bottle of bacta..."

*Eyes glow*

*Flashback- Chains is hit with an energy beam and knocks him off his feet*

*The man in the black cloak from Chain's dreams threw an energy ball at chains and justt missed hitting his shoulder... The man takes off his hood and looks Chains in the eyes*

*A dragoon's body lay next to Chains, barely breathing...*

*Flashback ends*

"No.... Master Wes..."

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*The man in the hood looked oddly familiar... It wasn't Cyborg, but his instincts told him when JAtu was in trouble that the man was Cyborg. The man threw another energy ball at Chains and hit him squarley in the face*

*Chains falls on his back and glances at the dragoon's body... It was his Master.... Master Wes.... but.... wait..... a wookie hunting party killed his Master.... Chains looks up just in time to dodge the sword coming down into his ribcage, he rolled, stood up, took out his sword and dashed towards the man*

*The man dodges the blow and knocks Chains over with his the butt(end part) of his scythe*

*Chains was hit in the ribs with the blow and was knocked off his feet and pushed backwards*

*he now reckognized the man as the renegade student whom Chains himself and the other renegades ran away from the sith academy when he was 12 years old*

*Once they ecscaped they found Wes and he taught them swordsmanship*

*Flashback ends*




The man in the cloak known as Gus stood in the meditation chambers of his ship... his entire Sith fleet was about to attack a small ship. He was currently atempting to place the rest of his false memories he created and replace Chain's real ones.




*Chains has a vision of Master Wes ob the forest planet below and then has another vision of Cyborg's ship being attacked*


*Runs to the controls and turns the ship towards the oncoming sith fleet following Cyborg*


"Cyborg do you copy, this is Chain's, there's a sith fleet following you!"


*Fires rockets to get the fleet's attention*



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(does a summersault in the air and engages this thursters in the air and flys over them)


chains don't let this get to your head but thanks if u can manage to kill all those sith fighters with out my help i will tell u something of your past

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(broadcasts to chains ship) watch this chains


(borads jaxus ship)



(jaxu attacks matt but matt dodges and kicks jaxu in th eribs breaking all of his ribs on one side leaving josh immbolized)


Matt plz spare me (jaxu begged)


U had your chance mutt(spits on him and begins to pour his strange luqid on him)

Their this should be interesting(takes out a match an lights it and jaxu burst into flames


Will chains don't u think i should give him a proper burial(sets the hyperdrive corridinates to the sun and gets back on my ship and take off away for jaxu and moments after wards jaxus ship gets sent to the sun)


That felt to good

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OOC-dude that was good i would have gone a different direction with it but..thats just me anyway here's my new character







Weapons:Sith double ended war sword,and mandalorian armor.

Background:Has been working as a silent partner with Cyborg against jaxu and his companions and now that he's dead he will step from the shadows



"nice job with the wookie boss"*steps next to cyborg*"Only the humans left yea?"

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