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Come Lemmonites


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jackofblades you are just "recovering " from a temp ban. If you don't want it to be converted into a premanent ban for spamming into the "Forum Help & Feedback Center", stop spamming the boards!


This forum is opened to everyone and threads should be of interest to the general public. PLease do not start Lemmonites, Chinese, Krishna, Montrealers or whatever club here. If you want to chat, use IM.


If you feel you have been mistreated, then PM a moderator instead of starting athread like this one.


Edit: Hanni, you beat me ;)

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Originally posted by jackofblades

Hello all I am repesenting Lemmon and as you may know we are being falsely accused of crimes u didn't commit all are welcome to join the cause to help us Remeber Uncle Jack Wants You





Master Jaxu


You guys were "accused" because I came out with a load of evidence leading that you guys are the same person or your using the same IP, and that you guys are spamming madly (This thread for example, should probaly belong in clans forum)and that you guys were lying trying to get money, we weren't "falsely" accusing you.


A saying I always liked was "innocent until proven guilty"




Still you guys broke the rules and therefore should be warned(again).

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Ok, that's enough. jgl, jackofblades and Master Jaxu, I think you have been told to stop spamming at least 3-4 times today, perhaps more.


Here is some reading for you guys: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=89683


JediDude, I understand your exasperation but the boards are not a place to rant or to flame. If you have a problem with a user, please PM a moderator instead of using the boards.


Now, I don't want to see anymore spam or flames. I can't close this thread but it will be closed as soon as the moderators in charge of this forum come here.


If you guys spam/flame once more, you will be banned (and it could be more than a couple of days this time).

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