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The new AI ? (1.1 patch)


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I noticed the AI difference IMMEDIATLY after updating the patch.

I was on a multiplayer srvr with AI set to HARD.

Man, 45 players and EVERYBODY was getting killed more by AI then other players.


Good point to notice...

Droid snipers picking myself and 3 Clone jet troops one after the other in less then 3 secs.

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There a bit more accurate I think... I did notice that on Geonosis the clones that take the At-Te's don't ignore the Techno Union ships when they reach me (sometimes they'd get there then turn around and go back without destroying them.) One interesting issue that I never noticed before the patch was in the Clone Era of Naboo: Theed, whenever the droids try to get into the AAT at the Embassy CP, they always somehow end up killing themselves when they run against it's back.

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Did it upgrade the Medium setting? i played round my friends house yesterday for the first time and cained the medium in, got home and updated to the new patch (he hasnt got internet connection) and i was getting slaughtered by medium. Ive played about 5 times and ive only just managed to beat them, and i only had 9 points to go before i got killed.


I had to kill 71 players of the enemy, the person under me (offline, instant action) killed 11.


My team suck, whereas the enemys rules.


Is there a way to get your teams A.I and the enemys A.I the same? Or a little more even matched?...

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I really don't have much time to play the game anymore (for awhile), so maybe people can fill me in.


Did they actually improve the AI any, or did they just give them perfect aim?


I'm talking all the stupid stuff they do, like crashing ships into walls/each other, facing walls, not attacking when you attack them or get near them, ignoring orders, suicidally attacking the Jedi until they all are dead, rushing chokepoints alone against superior odds, the sloppy Jedi behavior, running in front of my shots, standing on my grenades, getting out of vehicles or ignoring them when they should use them or attack them, etc.


Are the neutral AI's improved any?


And did they try to make SP harder by making your own teammates idiots? I hope that's not the case.... but I'm curious, and not having the time to extensively test 'em, I wonder.


I get the impression that Medium and Easy were untouched...

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Did they actually improve the AI any, or did they just give them perfect aim?


I'm talking all the stupid stuff they do, like crashing ships into walls/each other, facing walls, not attacking when you attack them or get near them, ignoring orders, suicidally attacking the Jedi until they all are dead, rushing chokepoints alone against superior odds, the sloppy Jedi behavior, running in front of my shots, standing on my grenades, getting out of vehicles or ignoring them when they should use them or attack them, etc.

Yup they're still dumb. Saw a droid rocket guy aiming at the ground running round in circles earlier.

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The AI in this game is the best of seen in this type of game.


Compared to BF1942 or BFV AI, SWBF AI is top notch. :)


But like in the BF games, SWBF AI is probably dependent upon your system's resources.


Thus, if your computer is older, then it won't have resources to feed the AI 'brains'. But if you have a screamin' machine, then you should see a considerable difference in AI performance.

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