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Need help with Geonosis.


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Originally posted by primalunderdog

on kamino i use the jet troop alot because you can move from platform to platform.


I hate it when jetpacks are flying from one cp to the other. They don't fight, they just take cps as fare away from the front as possible. Because of this a lot of other people have to keep walking around to take everything back.

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On Kamino the jet troopers are good but make sure your jetpack doesn't run out of fuel. Also, you can easily get shot out of the sky and those damn droidekas are a real pain sometimes. I prefer sniping or forcing the enemy onto the bridges that seperate the platforms (This is while playing as the Clones/Republic, as the droids/CIS do not have a jetpack unit) and grenade them, so I prefer to play as the standard trooper or the engineer.

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