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To steal a line from RatBoy's thread...


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"What do we Know About Upgrades in KotOR II?" :D


As I mentioned in another thread, one of my favorite RPGs is Arcanum, largely because of the ability to create and upgrade items [must be the engineer in me, what can I say]. I liked the ability to upgrade items in KotOR and am I starting to get giddy about the possibilities in TSL. So I'm going to attempt to start a thread like RatBoy did and throw together what we know. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!



Feargus Urquhart: One of our focuses was to put a lot of effort into the weapon and item upgrade system, so not only will people be able to upgrade the crystals in their lightsabers, they will be able to upgrade the hilt with six different types of upgrades. .... When you "deconstruct" things like weapons and armor you get components; while medical supplies, mines, and grenades get you chemicals. You can use the components at work benches to make all types of items, including those you can only get by making things. When it comes to chemicals, you can use them at lab stations to make extra med-packs, thermal detonators, etc… [Source].


A screenshot of two melee weapon (non-saber) upgrades.


Kevin Saunders: We have added over a dozen new lightsaber crystals, many of which are more potent than those in the first KOTOR. Ranging from the modest Adegan crystal to the coveted Ankarres Sapphire, most of the new crystals are straight from the Star Wars universe. The types of advantages provided by crystals are more varied than those of KOTOR.


There are even rumors of an exceedingly rare type of crystal that bonds with its owner, becoming more powerful as they do. The bond is so great that the crystal's capabilities and color even vary with its master's alignment towards the light or dark side of the Force.


Lightsabers can also be upgraded with new power cells, emitters, and lenses. These upgrades can be found throughout the game, but, using skills, can also even be created! There are more than 60 possible lightsaber upgrades, yielding over ten million possible combinations. :drool1:


There are several new [saber] colors to choose from including silver, orange and a light green


There are several ways to acquire crystals [other than on bodies], some of them will be quest related, and of course you may still find them in certain "special" areas.


We have increased [lightsabers'] effectiveness and upgradeability and have also made them rarer. Creating your own lightsaber is a major quest in the game and a huge accomplishment. [



Part of what makes these companions unique is their gear, and you'll find hundreds of new items in The Sith Lords. The workbench weapon/armor upgrade system of KotOR is being modified to include dozens of new combinations and options for items, and best of all will be partially dependent on what skills you choose and their current level. For example, if your character has a high stealth skill, you should have more stealth-tailored upgrade options at the workbench, and as your skill improves, so will your number of choices. Don't worry, lightsaber upgrades are being re-designed as well to include a mountain of new choices including colors and types of crystals. [SOURCE]




Please help me add to this list!

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Nice post beel2112! :D


Makes me drool reading all that. I so love the breaking down and constructing of new items.


Though I am still reserved on the TSL Lightsaber, staying within the D20 rules there isn't much they can change base item wise, and with what OE is saying about the sabers in TSL, I'm beginning to sence either a letdown/saber nerf or they are going to be a super weapon, neither of these I am thrilled with.

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Originally posted by stingerhs

perhaps their just making the lightsaber the complicated weapon that they truely are. ;)

That's the point, lightsabers aren't complicated... with the levels of technology available in the Star Wars universe (Ion Technology), lightsabers are just another piece equipment... the only difference is that force users can channel force energy through the energy blade unlike with a vibrosword, hence why the dangerous weapon is used by the Jedi/Sith.

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Originally posted by deathdisco

:confused: I thought you had to be force sensitive to be able to set the crystals correctly in a lightsaber. AFAIK only Jedi/Sith/Force users can make lightsabers.

Not really, my statement was that the mechanical device called a Lightsaber itself is a rather simple device in a galaxy with the technology level Star Wars is set in.


Originally (read: before all the new EU stories and the PT) Lightsabers only had crystals as part of the energy regulation system (See any lightsaber scematics pre 1992 or so) and had nothing to do with crystals. Even Stormtroopers were slated to each have a Lightsaber. (This was in the SW concept art and they did not use the Force)


The whole force sensitive crystals for Lightsabers is all a newer EU creation, and a rather lame one IMHO. But it seems to be an idea that persists, one that OE is probably using for TSL too.

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Originally posted by stingerhs

me thinks someone reads a bit much of those star wars schematic books...:p

:roleyess: Well... what the younger crowd forgets is the older printed SW information is just as valid as the newer SW information, this is all sci-fi we are talking here after all... :p


Remember the SW:EU is a take what you want and leave what you don't situation... just like a salad bar in a resturant. :D

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Originally posted by RedHawke

Well... what the younger crowd forgets is the older printed SW information is just as valid as the newer SW information, this is all sci-fi we are talking here after all..

Thoughts of Owen & Obi-Wan being brothers & Luke Skywalker being female return....




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Originally posted by FiEND_138

Thoughts of Owen & Obi-Wan being brothers & Luke Skywalker being female return....


Ahh yes... those are fond memories! :D


*Hands FiEND his cane and the both of us hobble away from thread.*


Back on topic:


I am eagerly awaiting to see what mayhem I can create at the Workbench/T3 in TSL. :D

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Going back to the original subject......


Do you think most weapons will be upgradeable or will it just be a few like in kotor, because although they have enhanced how u can upgrade them, have they enhanced the number of weapons you can upgrade.


Also can this mean we are only given the core components and we can actually build weapons by choosing things like power cell, barrels even the grip material

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Originally posted by starmark2k

Do you think most weapons will be upgradeable or will it just be a few like in kotor, because although they have enhanced how u can upgrade them, have they enhanced the number of weapons you can upgrade.

I think all the game weapons are probably going to be modifyable at the workbench in some way, because we will be able to break down, and construct items from the workbench now, at least that is what OE said before they started cutting things.

Originally posted by starmark2k

Also can this mean we are only given the core components and we can actually build weapons by choosing things like power cell, barrels even the grip material

That is how I was hoping things are going to be in TSL as well, but with the cutting of the different lightsaber hilts, I'm beginning to think the other weapons will all look similar to what they did in KOTOR 1. Oh well. :)

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....Originally (read: before all the new EU stories and the PT) Lightsabers only had crystals as part of the energy regulation system (See any lightsaber scematics pre 1992 or so) and had nothing to do with crystals. .... The whole force sensitive crystals for Lightsabers is all a newer EU creation, and a rather lame one IMHO. But it seems to be an idea that persists, one that OE is probably using for TSL too.


Lightsabers with no crystals??? That's plum crazy talk :p

I do recall Vader being impressed in ROTJ when shown Luke's new lightsaber. I personally like the idea of lightsaber creation being limited to force users.


1992!? wow that was all most thirteen years ago. Time to go cane shopping :D The only 80's EU I remember(from a handfull of SW comics) was Jaxxon(sp?) the rabbit guy.


Remember the SW:EU is a take what you want and leave what you don't situation... just like a salad bar in a resturant.


Fair enough. I'm always willing to be enlightened ;)

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Originally posted by deathdisco

Lightsabers with no crystals??? That's plum crazy talk :p


Well I'm old and easily annoyed... now your making my throat dry and making me cranky... shoo!



Originally posted by deathdisco

I do recall Vader being impressed in ROTJ when shown Luke's new lightsaber.

Simply because it takes a great amount of skill to assemble one without instruction, it is not common knowledge how to assemble one in the OT time. Also there was a radioplay... yes a radioplay that told the story of how Luke constructed his saber, he had to return to Ben Kenobi's hovel on Tatooine for any possible instructions and some of the parts to make his. Hence why Lukes green saber looked like Obi-Wan's.

Originally posted by deathdisco

I personally like the idea of lightsaber creation being limited to force users.

This rule was actually created in the late 80's and early 1990's by West End Games for the PnP SW D6 RPG and very unfortunately picked up on by the later EU writers.


The sad truth is this rule was simply created to give an allusion to magic and magical swords to attract avid Fantasy Gamers, players of PnP RPG games like AD&D, to play the WEG Star Wars D6 RPG system.

Originally posted by deathdisco

Fair enough. I'm always willing to be enlightened ;)


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Well, if everyone had the possiblity to have a lightsaber, it would kind of kill the fun. I mean, having a lightsaber makes you special :D If everyone has one...how can you be special?

Maybe stormies had lightknives. Like a small lightsaber letter opener :D



Oh and RedHawke:


[Revan]I hate you old man[/Revan]



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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

Well, if everyone had the possiblity to have a lightsaber, it would kind of kill the fun. I mean, having a lightsaber makes you special :D If everyone has one...how can you be special?

That reason exactly, was why West End Games made the only Jedi/Sith build/have Lightsaber rules, that the EU has now picked up on, to attract the players who have a need for their PC's to feel special in some way (Like Force powers arent enough), and there is no shame in that, as I have used this to attract PnP RPG players to the SW RPG in the past. :D


Though personally being a PnP RPG player, I'll use an AD&D analogy, when playing a Magic User the Staff never made the character for me, but the spells I could cast did, but I'm a minority in the PnP RPG world.

Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

Oh and RedHawke:


[Revan]I hate you old man[/Revan]



:rofl: RLMAO!!! :rofl:


I somehow knew that was coming! :D

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There is rumored to be a weapon that is effective against lgihtsabers, although I doubt they will be used by force-users (bad guys).

According to the Visual Dictionary for the OT, the alignment of the crystals in a lightsaber must be so precise that only a Jedi can do it- the guide alos claims that no machine can. I always toguht that was a little whack, myself, but if it helps justify why only Jedi have sabers... [/shrug]

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

But does the staff glow and is an elegant weapon that can carve through metal and deflect blaster bolts? Noooooo! :xp:

Why yes lukeiamyourdad, there are some fantasy Staves that would make a lightsaber feel rather... well... inadequate in comparison. :p



Originally posted by boinga1

According to the Visual Dictionary for the OT, the alignment of the crystals in a lightsaber must be so precise that only a Jedi can do it- the guide alos claims that no machine can.

This is why I default back to older materials for information regarding things like this, saying a machine can't align something better than an organic is preposterous. And a lame excuse for EU continuity at that! :D

Originally posted by boinga1

I always toguht that was a little whack, myself, but if it helps justify why only Jedi have sabers... [/shrug]

I agree, that is why I choose to ignore that particular weak-minded EU garbage... (Not all EU is garbage, just this particular idea)... let alone the actual physics of the Lightsaber itself, but all that is for another topic. ;)

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