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Originally posted by Revan Solo

There are developers from obsidian who are making kotor 2! NOt those from Microsoft.

Revan Solo you are incorrect on this... you obviously missed the post on the OE boards from Akari, one of the developers there, that stated that MS did in fact have a say or "weighed-in" on the development of their game. Hence why XBox was pushed ahead...

Originally posted by Grishnakh

If you ask me consoles are for straight up gamers who just like to play. PC games are for computer experts who don't mind using tons of money every year upgrading their systems.

Originally posted by Venom750

I agree with Grishnakh i am a straight up hardcore gamer

Grishnakh and Venom750 the moderators have asked that the console vs. PC issue be dropped, please do so... (Darth333 in this very thread, see page 1, I quote her below)


FiEND and I frequently include things like this in our posts;


*Curses the XBox!* :fist:


But it is all in the name of good fun, and nowhere do we state that one platform is better than the other. :D


Not everyone likes consoles and not everyone likes PC's, this is a fact of life.

Originally posted by Darth333

[Force persuade] There will be no ongoing war between PC and Xbox. You will make peace now![/Force persuade]

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Originally posted by RedHawke

...MS did in fact have a say or "weighed-in" on the development of their game. Hence why XBox was pushed ahead...


No XBox was pushed ahead of PC because of KOTOR. It was said on the OE forums that KOTOR had 80% of it's sales on XBox. 80%!!! So they worked on the money maker first and then will finish up the PC version. It was a business decision that had nothing to do with MS. It's a LA thing.

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i don;t really understand this war between pc and xbox owners regarding KOTOR. I mean, the PC owners should just count themselves lucky that they're gettin a conversion of the game at all instead of moanin that they're gettin it later.

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It's pretty sad to have to scroll back to the first page to find out what this thread was supposed to be about.


"Baited" posts aren't going to help stop the Xbox/PC wars, nor help with getting this thread back to it's original topic :rolleyes:


IMHO, thread = :lock:

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