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New Promotion!

Darth Groovy

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Yes, congrats, Pad. :)




Unfortunately though, it would appear nobody filled you in on the one contingency of all this. For the first two months of your super modship you are required to wear the official super mod uniform.


















I'm sorry. Rules are rules.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Yes, congrats, Pad. :)




Unfortunately though, it would appear nobody filled you in on the one contingency of all this. For the first two months of your super modship you are required to wear the official super mod uniform.





I'm sorry. Rules are rules.


jeezalu ! wtf is that ! seriously rhett, I dunno where you get such pics from.... if a bloke dressed up like that here in Oz.....well, it just doesnt happen, convention costume or no :(



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