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Unlimited XP


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For those who are interested in this kind of thing, you can gain quick unlimited xp points. Normally, I don't exploit those "glitches" but this one was fun.



In the tomb of Korriban, there is a dead Jedi in a small room. When you search his corpse, two beasts (those dragon looking beasts ) appear in the room. They give you 400 XP each when you kill them. You can search the corpse as many times as you want and the beasts will spawn everytime you search. If you want some more challenge , search the corpse 2, 3 or 4 times (i got my *** kicked at 5) and you'll fight 4, 6, 8 or more beasts at the time. At 8 beasts, that's 3200 XP in one shot, repeatable until you get bored...


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Not exactly, everytime you search, two new beasts appear. There is a script that spawns two new beasts each time you search.You can fight them and search again and you'll have two more beasts. However, if you want a little more challenge and make this more interesting, quickly search the corpse 3 or 4 times and then go kill 6-8 beasts at a time :D .

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Great! Thanks for the spoiler.


I beat the game as a Light Side Weapons Master, now playing it as a dark side character... maybe assasin or maybe lord.... dunno... Awsome game but my only semi-disapointment was that at the end it just kinda fizzled.... I didn't realize I was at the end of the game because my character didn't seemed fully developed....


I remember the first one... at the end you could look back and really go "WOW! from humble beginings... to a definate unique and powerfull force" .. this one seemed like less of that effect.


ah well... thanks for the spoiler... will make the next 4 times I'm playing through the game a bit shorter... but the over kill should be nice.





Just me or if you search the corpse 6 or 8 times... the game tends to crash as soon as combat starts and the lightning begins to fall?


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another glitch according to gamespot:


Infinite Experience on Narshadaa


There is a speeder in the refugee sector by the siricoo boss. This is a speeder that needs three parts to repair. If you get just the navigation interface from either the droid vendor or the droid shop you can install one part. If you install that one part on the ship using computer and repair it well say you have succesfully installed the part but need two more parts. It will then give you 400 exp. After giving you the exp it gives you back the installed part, so you may do this an infinite ammount of times.



now where the hell is the navigation interface?

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  • 2 weeks later...

About the Hssiss Dragon/Crash glitch...


That happens alot on the older Xbox models. Make sure you save after each level.


If you have, say, a Madcat controller with a macro/turbo, you can set it so that it presses a about 40 times. That will spawn 80 Hssiss. Now, then, start spamming Force Storm and/or Death Field. If you're good, you can easily get to level 40 in under an hour.


I think this is possible without the macro/turbo, but it's a bit harder.


Just wondering, but is the glitch doable after beating Korriban? I beat it and wanted to come back later.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Thats one of the parts of this game I'm most pleased with.


It would be even more ridiculously easy if I'm say Lvl 40 & all oppositions stuck at something like Lvl 20. What would be the point of trying some form of tactics rather than force wave through everything or smacking them with a saber one time to have them die. Personaly don't see much fun in that......


IMO, keeping the PC's/enemies levels together was one of the best design decisions in this game.

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Originally posted by FiEND_138

IMO, keeping the PC's/enemies levels together was one of the best design decisions in this game.

I 100% agree with this. What' s the point in playing a game where all the ennemies die by just looking at them...in any event, when you play as a Sith Lord, you can fry just about everyone with lightning

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