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Darth Maul - Who is he really?

Darth Jessaya

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He wasn't the true apprentice Palpatine had searched for a long time ; Consequently, he would have been killed soon...




This goes against everything I've believed Maul to be. Yes, he was cut down by a Padawan, yes he wasn't overly strong in the force but surely with time and training he would have been able to defeat Obi-Wan and also master the force?


I don't get how you can assume him to be just "fodder".

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Apparently his "true name" is from a translation of the novel material into another language, which SuperShadow seized upon and then the "Star Wars Wiki" printed as fact.


Anyway, Darth Maul is really Ray Park (with the voice of Peter Serafinowicz). ;)

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Not likely. Wikipedia is run by fans, the point is that it's a "community effort" by whomever wants to contribute. I could write up some nonesense and post it right now, and unless somebody corrects me, it'll stay there. StarWars.com can make mistakes (and has in the past quite often) but they're infinitely closer to lucas than a fan site like this.


Overall I'm sure it's "accurate" I'd just be curious what sources each tidbit comes from. The article does include some SuperShadow material, immediately making it suspect though (see the notes in the history for Darth Maul's 'real name' for example). Interesting to see where it came from!


Knowone knows except that he was a Zabarak... And dude change your sig its realy anoying

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Especially Kurgan, the Administrator and his sig is great, it's only annoying to him because he is a n00b.


LOL. Who you calling a n00b, man? What does that have to do with anything? How does being a n00b automatically constitute irritance at a certain sig? I like the sig myself, I wonder if anyone who joins today likes it. If they do will they not be n00bs? I'm confused. :(


ANYWAY, Darth Maul. Would the great Sith plan have worked if he survived and remained the apprentice throughout the prequels? Sidious seemed to warm to the idea of expendable's after Maul's death but if Sidious worked so hard on Maul and Maul survived to remain his apprentice would he be expendable or would he be a precious commodity in the Sith way of thinking?


You could argue Sidious only cares about himself but the real question is would he choose Anakin Skywalker, a snot-nosed, whiney asshat Jedi who has a bit of talent in the force or would he chose a man who defines badass who he has trained from childhood?

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LOL. Who you calling a n00b, man? What does that have to do with anything? How does being a n00b automatically constitute irritance at a certain sig?


He might not have liked it because it's about n00bs and he, is one.

Proven by the fact that he thinks he can tell an Admin to change his sig because he finds it annoying.


I wonder if anyone who joins today likes it. If they do will they not be n00bs?


What a stupid thing to say.

That was obviously not what i meant.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I hate to bring this up, but wasn'd Maul an Iridorian? Bao-Dur from TSL was, and they have the same horns and similar facial markings, though Bao-Dur is only one colour.

Nope. As Kain said Maul was a Zabrak.


Bao-Dur was a Zabrak as well, his homeworld was Iridoria.

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