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The Official EU Trivia Thread !


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Hello All. Welcome to the EU trivia thread.


Some very SIMPLE rules


1. Ask Star Wars EU questions only. If not strictly EU(ie. about a book/comic/game), it MUST be related to the EU via the movies. Any non trivia posts will be deleted...so dont make 'em


2. Try and supply answer with some info, such as what book, comic or game it was in, or reference source eg. sw.com


let me give an example


Q : What colour is Grand Admiral Thrawn's Skin ???

A : Blue... I first came across Thrawn in Tim Zahns Heir to the Empire.... cool character :)


3. ONE ACTIVE QUESTION AT A TIMEIf you are reasonably confident of your answer, have answered all question components and provided references, you may ask a question. If details of your answer are incorrect, this will be clarified and may affect whether you are assigned points.


therefore, if are only speculating you CANNOT ask a question

eg. Hmm.. i think you are referring to Grand Admiral Thrawn, but im not sure and cant remember where I read it...


If you dont feel like asking a question or have gone blank, just say PASS and anyone else can ask a question




5. !!NEW!! A TALLY will be kept of posters and their number of correct answers. This tally will be posted every 50th post or so. The leader will be given a (crappy) EU related award :D


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I'll start :p



Q. Who are the Noghri and what is their home planet AND have the noghri appeared in any of the SW games ???

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They are an alien species that were duped into following Darth Vader nearly to the point of worship after he detroyed and poisoned much of their homeworld, Honoghr. I'm not sure if they've appeared in a game or not. They're my favorite EU alien species though. My source is the T. Zahn trilogy that they first appear in.


My turn. Here's an easy one.


What was the name of Grand Admiral Thrawns Star Destroyer, and what class was it?

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A: Chimaera

Imperial-II class Star Destroyer commanded by Captain Pellaeon. It was used as Grand Admiral Thrawn's flagship, after Thrawn returned from the Unknown Regions to take control of the Empire some five years after the Battle of Endor.




I read about thrawn in the unofficial episode 7, 8 and 9. forgot the titles tho. i have the Dutch titles :p


Q: Whats was the name of Wraith 8? and what was so special about his face?

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I'm not sure if they've appeared in a game or not. They're my favorite EU alien species though. My source is the T. Zahn trilogy that they first appear in


CapN - the Noghri's game appearance was in Jedi Academy. Although Thrawn/Pellaeon appeared in the old "Tie Fighter" game, I dont believe the noghri featured in it.


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Originally posted by Wraith 8

Q: Whats was the name of Wraith 8? and what was so special about his face?



Firstly. Wraith squadron was a squadron created by Wedge Antilles for covert missions. It consisted of a unique mix of pilots with highly specialised skills in different areas. The Wraith Pilots featured in the "X-Wing" Novel series written by Aaron Allston.


Wraith 8 of course describes the 8th designated pilot of this squadron.


my copy of 'X-Wing : Solo Command'(towards the end of the series) tells me Wraith 8 was the Gamorrean Voort "Piggy" saBinring.....


HOWEVER, up until this point Wraith 8 was actually Garik "Face" Loran, so I assume this is whom you are referring :)


Face had been a child actor, used in Imperial propaganda holos. He received a facial scar after he was kidnapped by ex. Rebel Alliance extremists. The scar was actually inflicted by his Imperial rescuers :(


check out this cool page for full bio, and even a pic of Face, from a Japanese NJO cover.



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Q. What/who is Lusankya ??




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The Lusankya was a converted Executor-Class Super Star Destroyer. Rumors had the Lusankya to be a prison planet before the truth was found that it was a ship, buried beneath the surface of Coruscant. Used as an enourmous prison complex, the Lusankya held many important "guests", one being Jan Dodonna, the general who briefed the rebel pilots that destroyed the first Death Star. The Lusankya was under the Imperial Intelligence's command.




Question: What other word is the Imperial Intelligence known under, why, and what organisation is the Imperial Intelligence part of?




Sidenote: Another game the Noghri take part in is Rebellion (Supremacy) which came out before Jedi Academy.

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

Question: What other word is the Imperial Intelligence known under, why, and what organisation is the Imperial Intelligence part of?



I'm thinking of section 19. But I might be way off. I'll leave this one open for a little while. If no one front Jan, you're gonna have to put us out of our misery !



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hmm... tough one. can answer only one part of your question-


what organisation is the Imperial Intelligence part of?


uh... the Empire? :D




and whoa, astrotoy, you're a mod?! haha, good to hear. congratulations! thanks for putting an end to that hot chick thread, by the way. it was nice to have founded such a legacy, but that thread was way overdue it's termination.

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Hmmm, maybe it was too hard.


The first and last should be easy, atleast with alittle googeling, but the why could be too hard, so I'll drop that one. :)



Originally posted by benTantilles

hmm... tough one. can answer only one part of your question-




uh... the Empire? :D


Uh, well, yeah, that's a given, but what organization/division/bureau, whatever, is the Imperial Intelligence subordinated under (officially)?

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Originally posted by CapNColostomy


What is the Sun Crusher, and where was it created?

A: Another superweapon which was created to be able to destroy an entire solar system by asplodin' the sun. And those crazy bastards over at the Maw Installation created it as well as almost every superweapon in the SW universe.



Q: What are the names of the ships Boba Fett used and owned for bounty hunting? Must name all.

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Originally posted by ckcsaber

Q: What are the names of the ships Boba Fett used and owned for bounty hunting? Must name all.


A: If memory serves: Slave I, Slave II, and Slave IV are mentioned. There may have been a Slave III, but I don't know where it is mentioned. Slave I and II are basically the same, just upgraded. Slave IV is the ship that was different.


Q: What was Tahiri's "Yuuzhan Vong name?"

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COMPNOR and The Ubiqtorate by any chance?


Well done Cap ;) COMPNOR, for some ridiculous reason, was in my brain as an alliance organisation, so i didnt look it up :( Bugger !


Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

A: If memory serves: Slave I, Slave II, and Slave IV are mentioned. There may have been a Slave III, but I don't know where it is mentioned. Slave I and II are basically the same, just upgraded. Slave IV is the ship that was different.


Q: What was Tahiri's "Yuuzhan Vong name?"


A: Riina. of course from the latter part of the NJO.





Q: Who is Mirax Terrik, her famous family members, and the name of her ship ??

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Actually, the correct answer is Ubiqtorate.


The Imperial Intelligence comrpises of 4 different divisions:


* Ubiqtorate:

the division that oversees all operations of the Imperial Intelligence at the highest level. Members of the Ubiqtorate are anonymous to all other operatives and members in the lower divisions.

Due to this secrecy and fear it creates, the Imperial Intelligence came to be know as just Ubiqtorate on many worlds.


* Internal Organization Bureau:

a division of Imperial Intelligence charged with protecting the overall Imperial Intelligence organization from any internal or external threats. It is known as IntOrg for short.


* Analysis Bureau:

the division of the Imperial Intelligence which is responsible for gathering data from other divisions and searching for patterns or other relevant information. It employs some of the best decryption and encryption experts in the galaxy.


* Bureau of Operations:

a divison of Imperial Intelligence which handles many of the surveillance, infiltration, counterintelligence, and assassination missions for the Empire.


The Imperial Intelligence is a military intelligence agency. Its counterpart intelligence organization is the civillian ISB (Imperial Security Bureau), created by the political party COMPNOR.


So COMPNOR has nothing to do with the Imperial Intelligence really. :)


Perhaps I should choose some easier questions next time, though I didn't think it would be this hard.

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

..Perhaps I should choose some easier questions next time, though I didn't think it would be this hard.


Oi ! Where your answer and question soldier ! :p


No, keep 'em comin Jan, I plugged in imperial organisations into the CUSWE and there were so many, I didnt know where to start. The entry for the ubiqtorate was very short. Can you please state your references ? :)


I dont see this as a weakness in my unstoppable EU knowledge at all[/false pride] :D


anyways, CapN got the answer pretty much :D


with the questions I ask tho, I'm trying to make them informative about some particular series or character so someone not as huge on the EU might read and perhaps want to check that book out[/false hope] :p


* * *


anwyay, Im leaving the Mirax question open. Cool character :)



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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

Oi ! Where your answer and question soldier ! :p

I do not know the answer to that one. :(

I just thought I should clear the answer up. :)


You can find some of the info on several online sites, some are for roleplaying purposes, others for info, but largely true. You can find the naming of the divisions in the "A Guide to the Star Wars Universe" by Bill Slavicsek, aswell as the original info in the "Dark Forces Rising Sourcebook" and "Imperial Sourcebook".


I found it strange too that Cuswe had so little info under Imperial Intelligence aswell, but it has all divisions listed none the less. You just have to know what they are called, which isn't really helping if all you can go by is the words "Imperial Intelligence". :p

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Q: Who is Mirax Terrik, her famous family members, and the name of her ship ?


Let's visit Phreak's memory banks once again.


A: Mirax Terrik is the daughter of famous smuggler Booster Terrik (you remember his famous red Star Destroyer, the Errant Venture). After CorSec officer Hal Horn (Corran's father) caught up with Booster and sent him to Kessel, Mirax took over his operations. Her ship is the Pulsar Skate. Although Wedge isn't direct family, he is considered a part of the Terrik family since his parents' death. Mirax eventually married Corran Horn, and they had two children.


I think that covers it.


Here's a pic to illustrate phreak - [/Astro Mirax fan] :p



Q: Name the Republic Commando squad that was sent to Qiilura. For a bonus, state their designations.

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

Slave I and II are basically the same, just upgraded.


Wrongo, hickboy. Slave I was a Kuat Systems Engineering Firespray-class attack ship that was really quite unique in its own right, as evidenced by movie appearances and in the EU. Slave II was not the same as Slave I. When Slave I was impounded after Boba's fall to the Sarlacc, Boba had to find a replacement ship until he got Slave I back. Slave II is a MandalMotors Pursuer Enforcement Ship and looks absolutely nothing like Slave I. They are armed to the teeth and have sophisticated sensor suite packages, but Slave II lacks the stealth capabilities of Slave I, making it an inferior vessel. So saying Slave I and Slave II are basically the same is erroneous.

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

Q: Name the Republic Commando squad that was sent to Qiilura. For a bonus, state their designations.


Hmm... I havent read Republic Coomando : Hard Contact but I know from the excellent Unnoficial Clone Wars Site that this is described in this book :) TFN staff gave RC a 3/4 rating, you can check out their review here :



The answers : The team and their designations


*The Brass/Jedi :

General/Jedi Master Arligan Zey

Master Kast Fulier

Padawan Etain Tur-Mukan

Padawan Barden Jusik

Lt. Cuvin

Lt. Hurati


*The Commandos :

RC-1136- Darman

RC-1309- Sargent- Niner

RC- 8015 Fi


RC-????- Taler


RC-????- Jay


*Other Relevant characters :

Dr. Ovolot Qail Uthan



Ghez Hokan

Lik Ankkit






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Q. What is a so unique about a "Phantom" Class Tie Fighter, and where did they appear in EU.... ???

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A: The Phantom Tie is unique as it is the smallest ship ever built (atleast by the Empire or any known ships to the Star Wars Universe) that was equiped with a cloaking device that not only jammed sensors, but made the ship disappear visually aswell.


It's first appearance was in the Rebel Assault game I believe.




Q: Who brought the star maps over Republic space into the hands of the Sith shortly before the end of the Sith Empire's era 5000 years BBY, and what were they're original mission?

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

Q: Who brought the star maps over Republic space into the hands of the Sith shortly before the end of the Sith Empire's era 5000 years BBY, and what were they're original mission?


Gav & Jori Daragon IIRC. This is from the "Golden Age of the Sith" comics of course and does take place some 5000 BBY. Gav and Jori charted hyperspace routes for smuggler and freight haulers, to try pay of the many debts they owed to Aarba the Hutt. Unfortunately for them, they crash landed on Korriban, a Sith stronghold and got mixed up in events that became known as "The Great Hyperspace Wars", which featured sith lord Naga Sadow.


For more info on the "Golden Age of the Sith" Series Click here !!


[nb. Please do NOT confuse this with the "Stark Hyperspace War" which occurred about 10 years before the Battle of Naboo. This particular story is featured in a comic of the same name]


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A: Darth Revan and Darth Malak. Knights of the Old Republic.

well maybe just Revan if you play the game and turn evil


tsk tsk ! Lucky we're not keeping points Wraith as you would get some negative points there :p I think you had the star forge mixed up with what Jan was asking... :D


I am leaving your question open as the current active question :D


Q: What little creature did Ton Phanan take from Storini that made "Grinder" faint?



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A. You're talking about the Storini Glass Prowler, two of which were taken by Ton and Grinder off Storini. Grinder placed his in Face's cockpit as a prank, but Face thought it was Ton's so it didn't really work. As revenge, he wired up Grinder's room to make a scritch-scritch-scritch noise and placed an entry in the computer database about a ficticious cousin of the Glass Prowler, the poisonous Crystal Deceiver. This, coupled with the noise, made Grinder paranoid and subsequently faint when he tried to escape from his room.


Q. Who were Wedge Antilles' romantic interests and what became of them?

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