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The Official EU Trivia Thread !


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A: Cortosis is a rare mineral that resists lightsaber blades. Because it's very brittle, it has to be used in an alloy, if it's to be forged into armor or weapons. A weapon made of Cortosis alloy can withstand a lightsaber, while pure cortosis can even temporarily shut down a lightsaber.


Q: Cortosis is not the only lightsaber resistant material. Give at least 2 other examples and their source.

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  ??1 said:
Vonduun crab armor and amphistaffs. Source: the NJO books


Sorry, that's not the right answer. Vonduun Crab armor and amphistaffs are based on creatures who employ an energy charge to become impenetratable to lightsabers. They are not made of a material that is lightsaber resistant, which is what i asked. Question stands.


Q: Cortosis is not the only lightsaber resistant material. Give at least 2 other examples and their source.
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While you are right about amphistaffs using a electric charge, vonduun crab does not use a electric charge; it has some sort of 'crystalline properties(maybe like quantum armor).' Anyways, no point in argueing. Other lightsaber-resistant materials include: Mandalorian iron,(source: Tales of the Jedi:Dark Lords of the Sith, Star Wars: Knights of the Old republic II:The Sith Lords); Phrik alloy, (source: Labrynth of Evil, Republic Commando: Triple Zero); Sith Swords, (source: The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology); and Quantum armor in the Jedi Academy triology is probrably resistant to lightsabers too.

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AFAIK you are both right, but since Astro fielded the question it's his decision.


About my earlier Q:

  Astrotoy7 said:
OK. Palpatine_dc will have to confirm the answer, but I'd say Foah has all the necessary elements for the points.[/Quote] I concur, Fosh gets the points




Allright gentlebeings: A New Question: What is an Idiot's Array? What does it consist of?

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OK. "??1" please dont double post. Use the edit button ! Also, there is *No need* to ask for confirmation as I always respond to questions I have asked in particular and confirm other answers if Im able to.


Either way, Fosh gets the point because he was first. Though, your answer was also correct.


* * *


Palpatine_dc's question stands:

What is an Idiot's Array? What does it consist of?


carry on!!



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Interesting. A Hutt Chancellor. Im assuming this appeared in the comics as I hadnt read that in a novel anywhere.


* * *

New Question ?


Q. Name the New Republic Gamorrean fighter pilot. What was special about him ?



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Forgot how to spell his name correctly, but Its Voots, or some variant of this.


Him, along with a famous ewok pilot and some others (dumber sentients), are product of some enhancement experiment dubbed project Chuba. So basically these guys are one of a kind since the project got shut down and scientists go suicide and things. The ewok goes for another life with that turncoat/schitzo multi-identity spy woman(forgot her name), and Voots stayed a Republic pilot.

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It's Voort "Piggy" saBinring. He was as PoiuyWired said biogenetically engeneered to be smarter than the average Gammorrean and had the ability to speak Basic. He was a good enough pilot to be noticed by Wedge Antilles and Wes Janson and joined Wraith Squadron, earning the callsign of "Piggy". In the NJO he turns up again with the Wraiths and even becomes a part time member of Twin Suns.

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  Palpatine_dc said:
It's Voort "Piggy" saBinring. He was as PoiuyWired said biogenetically engeneered to be smarter than the average Gammorrean and had the ability to speak Basic. He was a good enough pilot to be noticed by Wedge Antilles and Wes Janson and joined Wraith Squadron, earning the callsign of "Piggy". In the NJO he turns up again with the Wraiths and even becomes a part time member of Twin Suns.

Thats classic stupid, far-fetched New Republic, NJO crap.

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