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The Official EU Trivia Thread !


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Cmdr Obi-wan,

1) The answers to our questions: Chewie died 26 years after the battle of Yavin, on Sernpidal when its moon Dobido chrashed into the planet (courtesey of the Yuuzhan Vong). He was last seen shouting a Wookkiee warcry and raising his fist against the approching moon...


2) Your answer to my question was wrong: the right answer: Ruby Bliel, it is the only non-alcoholic beverage in my list.


new question; pass

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A: A Joiner is any non-Killik that has been accepted into any of the Killik-hives. Killiks dispense pheromones that alter the brains of other beings on a molecular level making them able to exchange memories and emotions with the Colony. After prolonged exposure a being becomes a joiner. Is that enough?


Q: What was the name of Darth Vader's personal fortress? bonus: On what planet was it?

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Terros and Obi, cut the chatter. All there should ever be on here are Qs and As. If a question seems to stay up a couple of days without getting answered, I will change it over.


* * *


Terros, you will have to supply the answer. My initial guess was Zsinj, but that was only a guess.


New Question :


Q. The new 'clonetroopers' created by Thrawn used whose genetic stock ??



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Points to Terros... lucky you got that right, because you shouldnt guess out loud :p


Thank you for the extra details Leviathab :)


* * *

Here's one of those "Movie EU" questions


Q. Why was it relatively safe for Yoda to seek refuge on Dagobah ?? (Need a name too)



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  Leviathan said:
Probably because the cave where he'll live near to may hide him from the Emperor, due to the Dark Side's presence, there...


yes, but if that was all I was after I would have asked this in the movie thread. This being the EU thread, please explain that dark side presence... thats why I said "NEED A NAME"


* * *


try again :)


Q. Why was it relatively safe for Yoda to seek refuge on Dagobah ?? (Need a name too)



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Point goes to Leviathan. Thanks for the pic tho Terros :)


SW Tales is loosely canonical in some instances :) Perhaps the upcoming Sith Lord Novels may put a new spin on the Dark Side presence on Dagobah ??


* * *


Q. Name all sith master/apprentice duos encountered in EU so far ?? (excludes KOTOR era)



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  Astrotoy7 said:
Point goes to Leviathan. Thanks for the pic tho Terros :)


SW Tales is loosely canonical in some instances :) Perhaps the upcoming Sith Lord Novels may put a new spin on the Dark Side presence on Dagobah ??


* * *


Q. Name all sith master/apprentice duos encountered in EU so far ?? (excludes KOTOR era)




Nice Question! i'm going to work on this while im at my uncles for christmas!


one question though does this only mean post ruusan battle sith?

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