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What's your favourite Moment in TSL?


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As the thread title suggests I wanted to see what people favourite moment's in TSL are.

One of mine has to be playing DS, on Nar Shaddaa. The exchange is threatening a citizen for money and he says to you


Citizen: Here's the guy with the money

Exchange thugs: Give us the Money

Me: (Force Persuade) You two, give me all your credits and go jump into the central Pit.

Exchange Thugs: Good Idea, faster to the bottom that way.


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This is an easy one...



The final Jedi Council Meeting on Dantoine. The dialog, the music, everything was just perfect.



Vrook: You were deafened.


(Kreia): At last, you could hear.


Kavar: You were broken.


You were whole.


Zez Kai Ell: You were blinded.


And at last, you saw...



AND that's topped off by Kreia's entrance.



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Originally posted by Whitebloodcell

As the thread title suggests I wanted to see what people favourite moment's in TSL are.

One of mine has to be playing DS, on Nar Shaddaa. The exchange is threatening a citizen for money and he says to you


Citizen: Here's the guy with the money

Exchange thugs: Give us the Money

Me: (Force Persuade) You two, give me all your credits and go jump into the central Pit.

Exchange Thugs: Good Idea, faster to the bottom that way.


yeah, i found that part vey amusing and kotor 1'ish:D

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Originally posted by Derc

This is an easy one...



The final Jedi Council Meeting on Dantoine. The dialog, the music, everything was just perfect.



Vrook: You were deafened.


(Kreia): At last, you could hear.


Kavar: You were broken.


You were whole.


Zez Kai Ell: You were blinded.


And at last, you saw...



AND that's topped off by Kreia's entrance.




I have so many, but this is definately one of them :bdroid2:

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Originally posted by GlobalStrike

That pretty cool. At the risk of soundibg like a total noob, how do you do that? :jawa :jawa

Put your mouse pointer at the front of the white box, click and hold the mouse button and move the mouse pointer to the end of the box, when you can read everything let go of the mouse button... :xp:My new favorite smily!


You can also do this on all those hard to read webpages too. :D

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It was pretty awesome seeing Kreia getting taken to town by Sion.




My favorite moment in TSL was actually a summation on many moments and it took place after I had played it a few times.


It was when the story really started to click in place and make sense and a rich and solid design for a three part, full circle, truly good and evil plot took shape. I just hope I'm right about my conclusions. :D

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I have many favorite moments in TSL, most of which have already been posted. But I liked the scene where you return to the Jedi Enclave, and stand and look at the tree's growing in the garden. The music was perfect for it and to me it symbolized a rebirth.



I also liked the part...


Where you show Mira the heart of Nar Shadaa. And she feels the force for the first time. The voice actor really gave that scene an intense emotion as Mira is so overwhelmed she is nearly crying and cannot believe there is so much more to life than her bounty.


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