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KOTOR 2 + 3 notes/ideas [MASSIVE SPOILERS]


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This is all just speculation, but from what I've read/studied about, this is the best I can do for the ending (LS):



-Kreia was using you to get what she wanted - the death of the other Jedi and consequently, potentially the death of the force.


-The conflict between Kreia and Sion was staged.


-Kreia's and your "force bond" was not as extreme as Kreia made it out to be - you only felt her pain one instance in the game, and that was probably also manipulation. Remember when the masters said, "I do not know of Force Bonds to the level that you speak of" or something like that.


-Kreia's Dark side turn was not a genuine dark side turn, but a turn to give you your final test. Likely she turned light side before her death (if you made the right responess. "Rest, Kreia. Your work is done."


-Kreia's teachings were for your benefit AND her benefit, though she hoped she could keep you under your thumb. She intended that you would fight her from the very beginning.


-Kreia was an exiled Sith. This explains her "neutral" status throughout the game.


-Atris did, at one time, have students in her academy, but they were masacred when the sith found them because of the holocrons (see KOTOR Chronicles web site).


-The droids were not intending to fight each other, but were merely saying that if you had turned Sith, G0T0 would make sure that the planet would not be destroyed.


If you played Dark side, the game ended with you calling to the other Sith via your "echo" ability. This could set up a potential battle between you and Revan in 3, but is just speculation.


If both of you are light side in the third, likely you would play two separate stories but will meet in the end, and each will hear of the other's presence/doings on their journies (as someone posted earlier).


-Revan is in the Outer Worlds confronting an aspect of "his" past, just as the Exile did (interesting parallel).


-Is Bastilla alive? If so she will probably be in the next game. If not, she will play a significant role, even if dead.


-What of your other characters from last game (Jolee, Juhani, Mission, Zaalbar)?



-As stated before, it is also possible that you could play as either Revan or the Excile in "3", or both (preferably).

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Uhh, you may wanna fix your post before Darth333 goes Spoiler Taggin' on your ass.


End did you steal my idea?


Originally posted by Cervaniel

ya i know the ending just shouted give me a sequel please its going to be interesting to see how it plays out if your going to be revan or the exile or someone new and if either obsidian or bio ware will make it cant wait to find out


You maybe be both, each guy gets two planets and one hidden location i.e

Dxun, Rakatan world

for Revan and the Exile, and both guys meet at the very end, and you get the option of choosing who you want in final battle.


Originally posted by Devilsfanatic on 01-06-2005 01:09 AM



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Just some thoughts on your post Jedi Beck



I don't believe the conflict was staged at all, if you talk to kreia she shows you the time when Sion and Nihilus Kick her ass (literally) in the centre of Malachor, plus he did cut off her hand, and the constant talk between the two of the hatred they share for each other, I think in the end they do not fight because Sion has felt how powerful she has become, (due to your bond)






The Bond was as strong as said, the Jedi Masters say they did not know of it to emphasize how incredibly strong your's was






Pretty sure she was a Sith Lord, she certianly wasnt Light Side in her views






Yeah she did want to fight you, her aim being to train a great student, since all her others turned to the dark side




I've forgotten exactly, but she tells you. She was an exiled Jedi, because the council believed her teachings were the reason her students fell to the darkside, at which point she learned of the Power at Malachor, but was betrayed by Sion and Nihilus






No Idea about the students one. You may be right, though I am sceptical



Not sure what you mean about the droids.


I thought the DS ending was the same as the LS,


I chose to follow Revan




When you play back the Message on T3, Bastila says that Revan has started remembering things he did whilst he dissapeared, and has gone to rectify them, (if you read all the chronicles stuff, it explains about all the Sith academies Revan set up.





I recon, as was previously mentioned on these forums, that Revan Returns saying about the real Sith, and you are a Padawan who travels around, never actually playing Revan or the Exile. You have already developed these characters, and it would be difficult to explain why they have suddenly become semi-retarded again




Why do people say bastila is dead? you clearly see her talking to Carth after he has spoken to you






I believe Zallbaar will have become Chieftain now on kashyskk, and that Jolee and Juhani will be found somewhere helping Civilians


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Originally posted by Whitebloodcell

Just some thoughts on your post Jedi Beck


Why do people say bastila is dead? you clearly see her talking to Carth after he has spoken to you




I believe Zallbaar will have become Chieftain now on kashyskk, and that Jolee and Juhani will be found somewhere helping Civilians




If you mention that Revan was LS female, she will not appear in Kotor 2. I killed her most of the time in Kotor 1 when I played LS...


If you went DS in Kotor 1, then Zaalbar, Jolee, Juhani and Mission are dead.


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Originally posted by Darth333

If you mention that Revan was LS female, she will not appear in Kotor 2. I killed her most of the time in Kotor 1 when I played LS...


If you went DS in Kotor 1, then Zaalbar, Jolee, Juhani and Mission are dead.


How did



Zaalbar die? I don't recall a dialogue where he kills himself but then I missed the Die Bastilla Die Dialogue too.


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Originally posted by Darth333

If you mention that Revan was LS female, she will not appear in Kotor 2. I killed her most of the time in Kotor 1 when I played LS...


If you went DS in Kotor 1, then Zaalbar, Jolee, Juhani and Mission are dead.


not necessarily

You could have Zaalbar kill Mission ;)



My favorite line in KotoR II


PC: "That's called pulling a Bindo"

Handmaiden: "A Bindo?"

PC: "Bald guy, bad example, nevermind."



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Originally posted by Darkkender

How did



Zaalbar die? I don't recall a dialogue where he kills himself but then I missed the Die Bastilla Die Dialogue too.


Allow me Darth



When you try and kill Mission, he'll step in, you have two choices, either "Remember your life debt and fight" or "Then you die too."


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Originally posted by Whitebloodcell

But KOTOR 2 pretty much assumes that Revan went Lightside. Hence why the SIth haven't conquered the Galaxy. So Zallbaar and the Rest should be alive.


And my ignorance on the Bastila Issue. Sorry.


No it doesn't........at the beginning of the game, Atton talks to you, and you can say Revan was DS, and then the game is completely different.

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Originally posted by Whitebloodcell

If Revan had gone to the DS, and the Story had continued on from the end of KOTOR 1 then the Republic would be no more. The Sith would rule. Even if Revan left, after conquering the galaxy, there would still be no republic. Being the galaxy would be in dissaray.


There'd still be a republic, Revan would have still left to go and find whatever it was on the edge of the galaxy, if he was DS, so that he could gain more strength, and if it's LS then it's to vanquish it. He leaves, a year after, and the Republic still stands, barely.

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Originally posted by Whitebloodcell

Allright then. I can't remember what I chose in my latest play through, but I have Admiral Cede instead of Carth. Is this because

Carth is still stuck on the Rakata Island?



Yep, or dead. if you're DS Female, then you can kill him at the very end.


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Carth still lives to me atleast. I have olny played as a DS and LS male so far and as DS carth olny makes an appearance when The Discple is talking to him on Dantooine. As LS Carth replaces Admiral Sede in all of the Admiral's holograms and FMVs. Haven't played as a female yet but perhaps it well be different



also to answer some probs about the wookie


Zaalbar well turn on you if u make him kill mission but he wont if u dont take him with you, like I for example usually took bastilla and Candy


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But KOTOR 2 pretty much assumes that Revan went Lightside. Hence why the SIth haven't conquered the Galaxy. So Zallbaar and the Rest should be alive.


If you choose DS Revan defeted the republic,and set up sith academys.



After his victory at the star forge Revan began to remember things.He instructed Bastilla to stay,and took T3 with him.Bastilla instructed T3 to find help if something went wrong with Revan.




The sith fell into civil war,without Revan to lead them.Bastilla ran off to find Revan.Apparently something happend to Revan,so T3 ran off to get Bastilla,but she had already left to find Revan,so T3 went to the exile for help.

Sorry about the bad grammer and run on sentances...

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