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Naming of the Main Characters/Sith Lords (Small Spoiler)


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Was just thinking about this.



Darth Traya, was spawned from her past of being "the betrayer"



This alos fits with Revan. Since Revan's Story is all about his revenge.


Now I just need to figure how they got Sion and Nihlius.


I also thought that Malachor was a variation on Malachite, being a huge ball of Copper Carbonate.

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Only thing I could find on Sion was about a religious group in the Middle Ages


The avowed and declared objective of the Prieure de Sion is the restoration of the Merovingian dynasty and bloodline - to the throne not only of France, but to the thrones of other European nations as well."

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Originally posted by Tanesh

I once heard that Vader is from German Vater which means father, so Darth Vader could theoretically mean dark father. Or perhaps it was just a rumor and I'm totally wrong. ;)

This is what I'm used to hear too but I am far from being an expert.
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Originally posted by Darth333

This is what I'm used to hear too but I am far from being an expert.



Most of Lucas' names are derivatives from foreign languages with plot meaning.....


Maul for example means 'tool' in some parlance and "wedge driver" literally.


Sidious is "insidious".....Working or spreading harmfully in a subtle or stealthy manner.




and so on.


If anything almost all of Lucas' personally named Sith lords are almost transliteral in meaning.


I especially like the "Lord Tyrranus" for a gentleman who wraps himself in the cloak of "freedom fighter".

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Originally posted by peruvianking01

I've always prefered to think Revan's name comes from revenant rather than revenge.


from Meriam-Webster Dictionary


Main Entry:revenant


Etymology:French, from present participle of revenir to return



: one that returns after death or a long absence


mmm. i think you may be right there. it does seem to suit Revan's character/role better.

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Originally posted by Darkkender

Well for that matter where do the names Vader, Maul, Malak, or any of the 20 other Darth names come from.


george lucas brain! all the darths have awesome names i mean you got to admit they sound cool especially sion and niclus (spelling?) sounds cool too and the noises that he makes out of his body sound really cool and erie. it sounds kind of like a guy chewing a bigger while sucking it in and talking threw a mike. sion sounds like a computer and with a body like that how can't you.


and on a random note anyone know how malak lost his jaw :eek:

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Malak lost his jaw after the mandourian wars or at the end i'v seen stuff when Revan got pissed cuz he messed up and tookit off with his lightsaber or he lost it to the Nihuls guy(if u go with the theory that he was the one that turned him complete evil. So its pretty much up to u unless theirs a real reason. I just think it looked freaky in that video lol and the guy that was talking to him got scared. But this is just what i heard from place they might just be made up or what not. :confused:

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