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The definitive Jedi Academy "Honorz" F.A.Q.: V. 1.0


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This faq will try to address all your jedi academy jedi honor in CTF needs and concerns.


CRAZYJEDIRPG'ER will be the crazy ffa dueler who thinks Jedi Academy is all about the lightsaber, the jedi honor code, /amslap, /am punish, and other role playing nonsense.


JOE SMITH will be the rational player who plays Jedi Academy because it's a cool fps with force powers and a glowstick.



CRAZYJEDIRPG'ER: Hi. This is a star wars game. If you're going to play a star wars game, shouldn't you stick to the lightsaber? Because, hey, that's what star wars is all about, right?


JOE SMITH: While it's true this game is a star wars game, it is still a first person shooter at heart, built on the quake 3 engine. While saber dueling is very fun and is supported in the game, guns are equally well implemented, giving the game a first person shooter feel. The developers spent a ton of time on saber combat, but they also spent an equally long amount of time developing the guns and making them useful.


CRAZYJEDIRPG'ER: Well, I think, if you want to use guns, you should go play Quake or Unreal Tournament. Why would you play this game for the guns when Quake or UT is designed to satisfy your gunning needs?


JOE SMITH: Well, you have to remember, this game also includes FORCE POWERS such as speed, pull, protect, rage, etc, which other fps's do not have. This gives Jedi Academy a distinct feel over other fps's that "specializes" on ranged combat. Not only is Jedi Academy faster paced than, say, Call of Duty, the expansive array of forces give jedi academy an extra dimension of strategy and teamwork.


CRAZYJEDIRPG'ER: Okay, I still think guns don't belong in this game. I mean, what kind of shameful jedi would use guns?!?!


JOE SMITH: What kind of jedi hops around like a monkey spamming random saber attacks in an arena? Have you seen two heavy users duel each other? Do you know how rediculous it looks? This game is built on the star wars universe/movies, yes, but at the core, it's still its very own unique game. If you would like everything to be accurate to the star wars universe, I recommend Star Wars Galaxies. Guns are here to stay in JKA.


CRAZYJEDIRPG'ER: I think you're wrong about that. I love star wars. I hate to see the game being unfaithful to the movie.


JOE SMITH: Do you have midichlorines? Are you super-genetically enhanced at birth? Did you break 1300 on your SAT's? No? Then technically, you shouldn't be a Jedi, or even playing one. This is a game. You play it for fun, not because you want everything to be like the movie.


CRAZYJEDIRPG'ER: Fine fine, whatever gun newbie. Guns are still too powerful. I think sabers should be much better than guns, because sabers are the elegant weapon of a jedi.


JOE SMITH: Guns are very powerful, even in the star wars universe, ESPECIALLY in the EU books. Bounty hunters are feared throughout the galaxy. Why? Because they carry deadly weapons that when used tactically and methodically, can would and even KILL jedi's.


CRAZYJEDIRPG'ER: Still, guns are too easy to use. Any newbie can press the trigger and fire. Sabers actually take skill and dedicated practice.


JOE SMITH: This is a myth. Guns are NOT easy to use, due to the comparatively small hitbox coded into the game. This means you literally have to be EXACTLY on target to register a hit. The hitscan weapons (weapons that don't need to be lead), such as the disruptor, are extremely difficult to make hits with because of this hitbox. Other weapons that requires leading have very slow moving projectiles that are very, very slow. (You can outrun a rocket). Newer players might be able to make a few lucky kills by pressing forward + fire with a saber, but they will find guns very very difficult to use. if you don't believe me, try it. Drop in to Chop Shop, grab a rocket launcher, and shoot away. As to the second part of your comment regarding sabers taking real skill, I agree with you. Dueling, at higher levels, take a remarkable amount of skill. However, not many people possess this skill. Go around on most public (non-clan related) servers, such as ........ or OSF, and you'll see players just running around sabering at air hoping to bump into an enemy by sheer luck. This will not work if you have, say, a repeater instead of a saber.


CRAZYJEDIRPG'ER: You say guns are not easy to use, but how come every time I go to Chop Shop or JA+ I get shredded to pieces by guns?


JOE SMITH: The key is to dodge AWAY from the projectiles; not into them.


CRAZYJEDIRPG'ER: Whatever, newbie. Look, for example, rockets are definitely overpowered. There's nothing I can do against a newbie rocketeer! I get killed ALL THE TIME by rockets. When I charge them with my saber, they just jump and shoot me. It's unbalanced.


JOE SMITH: If I got killed by a rocket, which is the slowest moving projectile in the game, I would really keep it to myself next time, lest someone laugh at me. There are many ways to counter rockets. Here, I'll list a few:


1. Push (obviously)

2. Pull. You can use pull to disarm the attacker.

3. Dodge. Rockets are very very slow moving. Just move out of the way okay?

4. Protect. You can stand quite a bit of abuse with protect on.

5. Rage. Just hit it, and shoot back.

6. Speed. Hit it, zig zag a bit, and just run away, if you don't feel like engaging him.


There are many more ways to counter rockets and other guns, and all you have to do is just try to think of one instead of whining, okay?


CRAZYJEDIRPG'ER: Well... what about honor? When I have a saber out, you should too. You should turn, face me, bow, and fight me. It's like bringing a gun to a knife fight. It's just... dishonorable.


JOE SMITH: I'll be sure to write you a 500 word declaration of war before I engage you next time you take my flag.


CRAZYJEDIRPG'ER: Whatever, lamer. In a real server, you'd be banned.


JOE SMITH: That's why nothing ever goes on in "real" ffa servers. People just sit, chat, role play, hit on "girls" on the internet, and maybe duel once in a while. BOR-ING.


CRAZYJEDIRPG'ER: Okay fine. I just wished there were admins on these CTF servers like Chop Shop or JA+ that would ban lamers like you.


JOE SMITH: Unlike most FFA servers, CTF servers are managed by mature, respectable ladies and gents that play this game for fun, not for role-playing-accuracy. Therefore, they'll ban only REASONABLE offenses such as cheating, vandalizing the server, or severe racist comments/personal attacks. They don't ban people for playing the game a different way then they intended. CTF admins aren't nazi's.


CRAZYJEDIRPG'ER: Hey, are you calling me a nazi?


JOE SMITH: Do you own an FFA server?


CRAZYJEDIRPG'ER: Yeah. I'm a fair and dedicated admin. I /amslap and /ampunish losers like you because it makes me feel like a GOD AMONG ME... err... PRE-TEENS!!!


JOE SMITH: Look, bottom line is, I think admins should respect the people who play in their servers, even if they "lame" or "disrespect" the admin. You're an admin. You should be above petty arguments and show more maturity than your patrons. If someone does something you don't like, you should really ask them to stop it and POLITELY insist that they do, even if they flame you back or insult you. It's called authoritative tolerance. If they insist on breaking YOUR houserules, then just kick or ban them. /amslap, /ampunish, and /amsleep just serve to make you look like a total moron. Is this common sense? I sure think it is. But that's not what the majority of the admins do on their FFA servers. I've gotten a few of my friends to do a survey. We took the role of being new JKA players and visited about 60 FFA servers. (It was very thorough. We each went to about 5 servers.). We went in to these servers, asked(politely) some stupid questions, and killed 2 players who had sabers down. Normally, I'd hope (since this is JUST A GAME, and your character getting killed doesn't mean you're dead in real life), that people would take it less seriously and take the time to explain "no, that's called laming. Please don't do that, it disrupts our role playing and chatting session."


Instead: here were the results:


22 servers kicked us without an explaination.

12 servers /amslapped, /ampunished, /amslept us around and make lewd comments, like (omg, laming fag and haha n00by lam0rz)

9 servers made snide remarks, THEN banned us.

6 servers banned us immediately without explaination.

3 servers teleported us into the lava on taspir... repeatedly while making crude remarks.

1 server called me a jew and said I should be gassed, then kicked me.



Only 2 servers (thank you very much) bothered to explain to us what we were doing wrong. We apologized, and had a fun time playing there.


So FFA admins aren't much better than CTF admins, despite their "DEDICATION".


There's something called image and respect. It's what the CTF community values, not superficial "honor and skill with the saber", which dominates most antagonists of gunship in CTF.

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My clan does Honor Duel, RPG FFA, and NO RULES Full/Force/Weapons/Deathmatch/Instagib.


Even within my own clan there are people all hung up (like this) about being one or the other. I must ask what's the freakin' deal? It's stupid. If you don't like one or the other, don't play it... if you want things done a certain way, put up your own server and do it.


Ultimately I fund my clan (3 servers) so I do whatever the hell I want to do, and that includes both bowing and respecting on the honor duel/RPG servers, and killing any fool stupid enough to stop moving and put up a chat bubble on the other. :D

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hey, mithie just registered, dont think youre alone there are still some other gunners,


about the rocket stuff, its so easy to evoid getting rocketed by normall players, just try what mithie said


and about the dude that wished there were honor rules on ctf also, what you want us gunners to do, let you touch our flag, then get out of your way, and not trying to kill you with our "noobish" guns and whenever you have taken flag, run low on health, or force but on the speaking bubble and wait till some teammate helps you??? In the mean while we should be waiting till you're done chatiing, cmon??????


in some other forum, a person said that skill of guns can be learned in a couple of hours, and sabering takes a couple of months, well then he/she should try it and take a good practiced gunner in a 1vs1



and i went to some ffa servers a time ago, and people where just standing there, talking to each other, like 2 persons of 20 where fighting, rest and some others where trying something crazy, building the highest human tower???????


i think this game was ment to played in a way where all weapons can be used, if you guys think that sabers are better then use them but dont kick/ban somebody if hes killing you with his gun.


Im really wandering what you guys do in a clanwar???? (talking to each other for about 2 hours, builing a human tower and finnaly decide who has the highest tower wins????


maybe some of my comments where rude so sorry in advance for that but i dont like it when the greatest game online ever is getting ruined by these rules, if this game whas played the way it was intented like in jko before somebody invented to laming rule, this game would be over populated and by now we would have jk4

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and about the dude that wished there were honor rules on ctf also, what you want us gunners to do, let you touch our flag, then get out of your way, and not trying to kill you with our "noobish" guns and whenever you have taken flag, run low on health, or force but on the speaking bubble and wait till some teammate helps you??? In the mean while we should be waiting till you're done chatiing, cmon??????


<sarcasm> No! We should bow to our opponents before and after we get our flag. Oh, don't forget to say gf everytime you die. :rolleyes: </sarcasm>


maybe some of my comments where rude so sorry in advance for that but i dont like it when the greatest game online ever is getting ruined by these rules, if this game whas played the way it was intented like in jko before somebody invented to laming rule, this game would be over populated and by now we would have jk4


Amen to that. It had the potential to be one of the best online games EVER, and yet... sore losers(aka honor d00dz) had to ruin it.

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Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet

Too bad there aren't any hacks that just dissable admin laming. I really wouldn't get mad at someone who did that.


Uh, maybe don't play on admin mod servers?


Anyway, on the subject of all the complaining about "honor" players vs "competitive"/guns/etc players, why don't the "competitive"/guns/etc players just rent/buy their own servers? OR just play on one of the many totally empty servers that are availible?

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Originally posted by razorace

Uh, maybe don't play on admin mod servers?


Anyway, on the subject of all the complaining about "honor" players vs "competitive"/guns/etc players, why don't the "competitive"/guns/etc players just rent/buy their own servers? OR just play on one of the many totally empty servers that are availible?


We do. It's when the saber honor players barge into these servers (chop shop, JA+, cereal bowl) and complain to no end about how we're all newbies with no honor that gets me slightly ticked. The latter half of the FAQ is saying, well, your damn FFA servers aren't much better when it comes to admin control.

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Originally posted by Mithie

aww this is no fun. I'm not seeing any hell being raised...

Yeah, there aren't many "honorz" folks here. On the contrary, you'll find many kindred spirits (myself included) on this forum. Always glad to have another one join our cause of playing the game as it's meant to be played. ;)


Great job there with that "Point Counter-Point" debate over "honorz" gaming, Mithie. You captured the essense of the arguments very well. I salute you!






Whoops, I guess that's what I get for bowing during a duel. :p

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Uh, maybe don't play on admin mod servers?


When majority of the servers have admin mods? I don't think so. ;)


Anyway, on the subject of all the complaining about "honor" players vs "competitive"/guns/etc players, why don't the "competitive"/guns/etc players just rent/buy their own servers? OR just play on one of the many totally empty servers that are availible?


Not many know how to rent/buy a server, or 99% of the honor players would have their personal server set up by now, increasing the present number of servers many times. Also, given that majority of the community consist of honor players, only few players would join the 'no rules' server, therefore making the server's owner money useless.


Does vote/admin kicking them not work?


If 10+ honor players are in the server... THEY could vote kick off anyone who's playing the game.

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Yes, that's the problem. Us gunners have plenty of servers, the problem is when those admin command abusing honor newbies come in the guns servers.


Because we usually don't run mods such as JA+, we are left either a) giving people FULL rcon access or b) enabling voting or c) trying to admin our servers 24/7 rather than sleep, work, go to school.


Giving out full rcon never works, because it allows game settings to be changed, and it's a constant struggle to keep the password out of malicious hands. Little details such as g_speed, g_forceregentime, and others get changed - people get banned - it's a mess.


Voting, as mentioned, doesn't work because it is abused. Honor noobs could show up with some clan mates, vote kick people, change the gametype to FFA, change the limits, etc... Best case, nobody plays along, but a newb sits there when no admin is around calling the same vote over and over to kick a n00by guNZ F4g1T L4M3R and spamming demands to vote in chat until everyone gets fed up and disconnects. Leaving voting on a CTF server usually also means when the server is empty people will switch it to FFA with thier friends, and the CTF regulars can't get people to vote it back.


And obviously, people who have the money to rent a server, are usually in their late teens or adults, and have more important things to do than admin kick newbies all day.


So, we try to educate. We try to tell the honor saberist types that guns ARENT lame. We try to explain that their servers are saber only because they don't want guns, and our servers have guns because we like them. We try to play nice on their servers and get messed with by 20 different pre-teen subadmins with 3 levels of access - sometimes for no other reason than we beat them in a duel... and yet when they come on our servers, they do nothing but insult us, spam, and try to ruin games.

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So, why not run one of the more harmless admin mods to maintain control then?


Secondly, I doubt "education" will be anymore effective than trying to "education" the "competitive" players that jk2 style kicks were removed for a reason.


It seems to me that the reality of the situation is that the gunner/"competitive" community is simply very small compared to the RPGing community. The gunners/"competitive" people don't like to admit that so the vocal minority complains about it.....a LOT.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is it just me, or is razorace just proving a partial point of this FAQ?


His solution to players not familiar with the guns type of play is to kick them with admin mods =/


Heh, I actually did conduct a test sort of like that with TantaluS once, Mith. He and I joined up on all the FFA servers that had all weapons enabled.


We went in and played this game just like it should be meant to be played, we didn't speak, we just used everything available to us on the levels AND the servers.


Every single server either kicked us or banned us. It's ridiculous. At one point I actually agreed to play whatever way they asked me too (sabres only, obviously, even though all weapons were enabled), so I did and was still kicked in the end anyways for some such bull**** wanker rule that was not on any MotD or whatever the ****.


I enjoy playing every aspect of this game, guns or sabres, FF or NF, CTF or Duels, whatever. I can't stand the 90% of players that are twats and use JKA for a chat program, though.

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haha hood's post count is rising!


i have played both sides of this game as well, sabers and guns, and to me the gun community isnt as easy to get into, and probably less forgiving to new (young and or uneducated in deathmatch) players. its much easier for a new player to randomly pick an honor server, since they outnumber regular ones, and get accustomed to their style of play that to try to join the honorless community. they will just kill you fast and move on, while the honor servers allow ppl to slowly come into it since they do nothing but watch other people... which is the heart of the problem, take the easy path, or the more difficult competitive one.


hrm, sounds like a common struggle in the SW universe :)

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Originally posted by HooDWinkeR

Heh, I actually did conduct a test sort of like that with TantaluS once, Mith. He and I joined up on all the FFA servers that had all weapons enabled.


Are you referring to ANY FFA server or just the ones with players on them?

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