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Mav's WIP for TSL


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Looks killer Mavie :D You did a really good job :D




Are you gonna make this compatible with Ultimate Saber Pack (if necessary) and are you gonna make it compatible with Avenger saber and the like?


Again can't wait to download it ;) My finger awaits :D


:elephant: :elephant: :elephant: :elephant: :elephant:

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Thanks for all the compliments, I'm a bit under the weather right now, I've got a slight fever and I was hoping to have it up for download today, but you'll probably get it late tomorrow, sorry for the wait.


As far as compatibility, it is probably compatible with every mod out there right now, unless somebody else is using the vibrosword .mdl number 87, and there should be no conflicts with the USM or any of my other mods.


I will NOT however, be including the itemcreate/mira.2da files, but just insrtuctions, because I think that with all the mods out there right now, itemcreate.2da compatibility is probably all out of sync by now, so there will just be instructions on making the 2da compatible, if you want to be able to make the item without cheating that is.

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Originally posted by maverick187

I will NOT however, be including the itemcreate/mira.2da files, but just insrtuctions, because I think that with all the mods out there right now, itemcreate.2da compatibility is probably all out of sync by now, so there will just be instructions on making the 2da compatible, if you want to be able to make the item without cheating that is.


You do know you don't have to make mods compatible with the itemcreate.2da's since my discovery of the ability to make a custom itemcreate.2da. you can make a 2da called mavsitems.2da and a custom placeable in game to access this custom resource. Then the only compatibility you have to worry about is with your own mods.


Here's my tutorial on how to do this.

[TSL]Creating New Custom Itemcreate.2da type files. (some limitations apply)

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Originally posted by Darkkender

You do know you don't have to make mods compatible with the itemcreate.2da's since my discovery of the ability to make a custom itemcreate.2da. you can make a 2da called mavsitems.2da and a custom placeable in game to access this custom resource. Then the only compatibility you have to worry about is with your own mods.


Here's my tutorial on how to do this.

[TSL]Creating New Custom Itemcreate.2da type files. (some limitations apply)


You know what's strange about your post DK... I was actually thinking about doing that but I thought it would take to long and I thought that I'd just release it with instructions for now. And possibly add my own .2da later as a different mod, the only problem is that there would be 3 workbench's in the Hawk if I made one... lol

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Originally posted by maverick187

You know what's strange about your post DK... I was actually thinking about doing that but I thought it would take to long and I thought that I'd just release it with instructions for now. And possibly add my own .2da later as a different mod, the only problem is that there would be 3 workbench's in the Hawk if I made one... lol


You know it doesn't have to be a workbench. Anything that can activate a dialogue can launch the script that activates the itemcreate GUI. I will admit that When I get done with the plugin I might try to tackle making a custom GUI interface for these custom itemcreate.2da files.


What's really scary is now that I've got Visual C++.NET. I'm thinking of trying to write some sort of utility once I get the hang of writing C++ again. Who knows if I can figure out the GUI elements I might try to make a utility for that.

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I have a couple new projects on the way.


1. As per Darkkender's brilliant idea, I will be placing my own workbench in the Ebon Hawk, where you can create my models, if you have the right requirements. However, because there are already 1-3 workbenches in the Hawk, depending on what mods you have, I won't be spawning a new one in there. Instead you will access my "workbench" from the security system in the Ebon Hawk security room. This will be released either today or tomorrow, I need to go cook dinner soon :D


2. My second project is....


This blaster pistol - 112kb


I need help with this one... *cough* M_G *cough* *cough*T7*cough* *cough*svösh*cough* I simply need some suggestion on how to make it better. So help me out Holowan.



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Constructive Criticism:


Well first off, I would delete the trigger and trigger guard. In my experience, all they do is clip through the PC's hand, and they're generally unnoticable. It just saps a few poly's. But if you don't want to, don't bother.


I'd also suggest working on the grip a little bit, in the second picture it looks a little weird. Kinda like it caves in. Again, not very important considering most of it will be in the hand and not noticed.


One more thing I'd like to suggest, and don't take this the wrong way, but since your polygon count is so low, you can definitely afford to rework any weird looking areas, the only one I see is where the power pack comes out of the blaster. This isn't as big of a deal as it sounds, when I made my first pistol, I had to redo it four times, every time svosh dropped me another hint. :)


Besides what I said, it's very impressive for a first gun model, especially at 363 polygons.

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@ Mono_Giganto


I love it... I love when I get some real helpful constructive criticism, thanks.


The next screen I'll post will have a fixed grip, no more of the caved in look but more of a rounded out look, I'm thinkingit will look good with a wood finish later on.


Just one question though, the power pack coming out of the blaster is just a straight box-like poly coming out of the side so it has plenty of room to be played around with but... I've never modeled guns before so... well what should it look like?


Thanks, Mav


@ everyone

The aforementioned mod, with my custom .2da file should be out later today :)

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It should look however you want it to look. In the screenshot it looks like you went to a lot of work to extrude that box from the main body in order to save poly's. At least it looked that way to me. Stuff like that plays around with the texture, I've noticed, and it may be better overall to make that a separate piece. I'm just saying that with such a low poly count, you don't need to go to that work, you can just make a new box that's separate and jazz up that box to suit your tastes.


I haven't made many guns with power packs like that, but if you'd like to dissect my E-11 and DH-17, you're welcome to. :) Not the fanciest power packs but you can get some basic ideas lol.


And I like the idea of a wood finish. ;)

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Firstly my Mod workbench and shop has been released


Now on with the real update...


I've been tinkering a lot with the gun model and I think I'm to the point where I really don't think I can add much to it, but let me know what you all think, as for the power pack M_G, I'm thinking of adding a knob and switch and then texture it real nice for a good looking power pack anyway...


Basic View - 82kb


Rear Left View - 95kb


Front Left View and Poly Count - 113kb



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Well... I encourage you all to post up some comments, but anyway, the following screen is an extreme close up of the power pack on the gun, the power pack itself will be black, like the rest of the gun's body, the power switch will be red, and the the power control knob will be a metallic color... please comment


Power Pack Close Up



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Originally posted by Uchiha Itachi

Very cool :D

I love it, can't wait to see it skinned ;):thumbsup:


Wait no more....


Gun Profile - 124kb


Gun Rear Left - 127kb


Gun Rear Left 2 - 91kb


Gun Rear Right - 132kb


I'm glad you guys like it thus far, and I hope you like the skin because that is how it is staying :p. I still need to detach the detailed polys, things like the switch and power knob, the wood finish, and the like, but hopefully I wont have texture problems like I did with the sword. I'll try have in-game screenies later today, if not I'll have them up tomorrow.



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Originally posted by Uchiha Itachi

Looks awesome mav :D

Out of curiosity, what are your ideas on the stats?


See this is the hardest part of modding for me :p, I never know what stats to give, so there will be none probably, just regular blaster pistol stats, nothing more I tend not to like overpowering mods.... anymore.

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I think I may have to make two versions of this mod. One "normal version" red blaster bolt, no baseitems.2da editing and one "Ion" version where the blaster bolt will be blue and of course there will be some baseitems.2da editing and maybe a ammunitionstype.2da editing, I guess I better figure out how to change the blaster bolt color... hmmm no where was that thread.....


Edit: Bad news, I'm having some more model problems, but what else is new, I'll get this sucker out one way or another.

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