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Ravager against Leviathan

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Originally posted by THE MANDALORE

Which one of the two ships are stronger?

I personally think that the Leviathan would win in a fight because of its weapons.

Besides, the Ravager is half destroyed and crippled and isn't as luxurious as the Leviathan.

Any thoughts?:confused:


I don't know... In that cutscene where they attack Telos you can

see many of those Leviathan type ships around the Ravager and

they are pretty small compared to it...

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I think the leviathan would be better as those ships in the cut scene were not actually the same class as the leviathan was originally the republic Flagship untill saul karath handed it to the sith. The ravenger was a reck and only being held together by the force.

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Is it just me, or did anyone else feel the devs sorta made a boo-boo by showing a captial ship that looked pretty much like a 'contemporary' Star Destroyer? The Sith Cruisers in Kotor were nice cause they had the feel of "yeah I could see these being precursors to Star Destroyers" while the Ravager was "Wow...that looks closer to the EP 4-6 Star Destroyers than the ones they showed in Ep 2."

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The Ravager is actually more powerful then any ship. Its a crippled ship from malachor, sure, but that N dude (cant spell his name) uses a very strong power to keep the atmosphere inside, and sheild it from any attack. basicly all the firepower of the republic fleet was asorbed by that force power and gave N dude more strength. then after a time of meditation, N dude would unleash hell upon the republic fleet and Telos, destroying all life in that sector of space.


So, The Ravager is very much more powerful then the Leviathan.


EDIT: Well, technically, the Ravager is just a transport for the true Power, Darth N. If Darth N was not on the Ravager, the Leviathan wouldnt have to do anything but fly through chunks of metal.


but The Ravager has a hyperdrive powered by the force, because looking at that ship, it seems the Reactor lost its charge ages ago.


How was it destroyed is an easy answer, The charges blew it up from the inside.... woa, Episode I flashback.

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I agree with Bobo's theory.


Originally posted by Ellderon

Yes... and it was too big and too powerfull...


The Republic fleet that jumped in couldn't take it on???

WTF? - it was a republic ship once, surely they have ships of comparable firepower!


Oh, they could take it on, it's just that they jumped in from too far. They're out of damaging range. At least, to a ship of that magnitude. By the time they got close enough to deal a decent amount of damage to it, most of Telos would be "Ravaged."

Also, since it's being held together by Nihilus, who's to say that every time someone shoots at it and knocks off a chunk of the thing he won't just put it back on?


Also, considering that the Republic had just gone through two hells and back (Mandalorian Wars, Civil War) they might lack the resources to build something as huge and as powerful as the Ravager-style ships anymore, for a while, anyway.

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if ever notice the republic fleet is like inferior to every sith type of ship rofl. if you notice, When Taris was attacked, there was only ONE sith ship in its atmosphere! so basicly the Republic was too scared to send 50 Republic ships after ONE ship lol

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Originally posted by Dragonball Fan

If you look at the sith ships, they have buttloads of lasers... but republic ships only have two twin-turbolaser cannons. There's something wrong with that.


Nope..remember that escape from peragus cutscene? The republic cruiser fired tons of lasers from it's sides and those two on the sides and and the top and bottom...

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Originally posted by Dragonball Fan

If you look at the sith ships, they have buttloads of lasers... but republic ships only have two twin-turbolaser cannons. There's something wrong with that.


Leviathan have only 4 turbo laser cannons rest are apparently

some weaker standard cannons...

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hmm..better firepower has alot to do with wars..but, did you all forget about the ones who controlled all that? someone could have something like the Leviathan while someone could have a Republic ship, but it matters with experience. I mean come on do you really think someone who's never fired any type of projectile, using a powerful ship, to overcome an enemy that is highly experienced, but uses a crummy ship?

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The Leviathan has 8 Super Turbo Lasers at the base of this hull, while there is 56 Individual Turbolasers on the outside of the hull, around its Equator and top. However, the Super Turbolasers are the Leviathan's main weapon. it packs the most punch, and is able to ruin citys and ships.


if you notice in the final battle at the Star Forge, the Sith Warships go into position above the republic ships, so that they can fire downwards with their Super Turbolasers.


The Republic warships have 4 Super Turbolasers, based at the "head" of the ship, two lasers on eachother on each end, enabling a "forward attack" position, and not capable of destroying a world. The ship is lined with 32 Turbolasers on the edge of the ship and 2 at the back above the engines.


The Republic Assult Ship, the ones that have balls (hehe) on its weird head have 2 Rotating Semi-Super Turbo Lasers, and only 12 Turbolasers, however, for its loss in weapons, it gains in sheilds and Speed. enabling quick hit and run missions.


By the time of TSL, all Sith Warships (leviathan ships) were saddly destroyed, after most of them were destroyed at the battle of the starforge, the rest were hunted or destroyed on sight. however, many Sith Starfighters remained.

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