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The Official RotS Trailer Thread *links inside*

Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by The Cheat

it sounded to me like it may have been a part of the music.


at first i thought it was palpatine, but now i can't tell if it is part of the music or not. my only reasoning that it wouldn't be part of music is that it is so out of place. also i thought it be kinda like yoda's battle cry.


oh and wouldn't it be funny if windu said "This Party's Over" again. i mean it sounded weired the first time, mine as well do it again. is it me or does mace windu seem to have a pension to be the guy to try and shut things down. first it was geanosis and now its palpatine.

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Originally posted by eastcoast2895

oh and wouldn't it be funny if windu said "This Party's Over" again. i mean it sounded weired the first time, mine as well do it again. is it me or does mace windu seem to have a pension to be the guy to try and shut things down. first it was geanosis and now its palpatine.


I think that Mace Windu has to stop everything for several reasons.

1) He is second best jedi in the universe - only second to yoda.


2) If yoda had to put the lightsaber to dooku's throught, he couldnt do it. (*laughs at the thought of yoda jumping up and down with his lightsaber* -- "Party over this is!")


3) Samuel L Jackson is a BAMF. George Lucas probably thought - "hmmm, who is the coolest person we have in the cast? Let's give them a large roll!"

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Not to spam, but I just wanted to show you guys this stuff. It's in Yoda's Swamp as well. I did say I wouldn't spam. Oh well, it's for a good cause (RotS spoilers). Anyway, let's start:


Well, watching this trailer led me to see some stuff that got me excited. You see, I love Star Wars vehicles and soldiers. So, I am now going to show you certain pictures to further your knowledge.


First, we have the Corporate Alliance Tank Droid (as seen in SWGB, it was cut out of AotC):





Second, we have some Corporate Alliance Tanks and some MAF's (from SWBF, those infamous horrible vehicles, but they look sweet here):





Third, we have those weird new ships, the Droid Trifighters (I thought that they were going to look crappy as the toys did, but they look sweet too):





Fourth, we have the famous Juggernaughts. Theses bad boys appeared in SWGB as the Rebel Alliance heavy tank. These were originally Galactic Republic tanks that the Rebels "acquired" over time. These might have appeared in other games as well. The removed "Hovernaughts" from SWBF were essentially these things, except they hovered. Here is a picture:





Fifth, we have the silently swift Lambada-class Shuttle precursor, escorted by the precursor TIE Fighters. Those precursor TIE Fighters are in a stage between Jedi Starfighters and TIE Fighters. Anyways, here is a picture:





Sixth, we have the begiining of the rumored battle between Obi-Wan Kenobi and General Grevious. Obi-Wan looks a bit...outnumbered in this. This is what I mean:





Seventh, the one that I am most unsure about, is what seems to be a Y-wing precursor. But, I think that I am wrong. Tell me what you think:





Eighth, we have the new Clonetroopers, which are the Stormtrooper precursors. They look wicked. By the way, look at them and not just Aayla's beautiful Twi'lek cleavage! Oh, yes! Anyway, enjoy:





Ninth, but not least, is another picture of the new Clonetroopers, which are the Stormtrooper precursors. This one isn't blocked by her cleavage:





This is about it. If you hadn't noticed the half Acclamator-class military transports (RAS's, Republic Assault Ships) and half Victory-class Star Destroyers, you are blind!!


Hope you find this thread intriguing.



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Originally posted by Majin Revan

Second, we have some Corporate Alliance Tanks and some MAF's (from SWBF, those infamous horrible vehicles, but they look sweet here):




I was wondering what those flying things were. First I thought they were some kind of version of the Republic Gunship because the front is almost identical, but then I saw they're shooting red lasers... and they seem to be advancing with the Corporate Alliance Tanks.


Then I remembered those MAF's from SWBF. I thought they were just made up by Pandemic for a Separatist version of the Republic Gunship, but this proves they're canon. I wonder if the MAF's are yet another flying droid or actually use a separate pilot.

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Originally posted by Majin Revan

Seventh, the one that I am most unsure about, is what seems to be a Y-wing precursor. But, I think that I am wrong. Tell me what you think:




I'm pretty sure that's General Grevious's ship. We saw it fly by a few times in Republic Commando. :)

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