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What is the meaning of the word "schutta"?

Darth Aleera

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Who knows... but then again what "Bo-Shooda" mean translated from Huteese? And what the heck is up with "Mooshu shakoo pakka"?! That little

stow away in KOTOR 1 was just the most annoying thing I ever met! Even worse than that "Dead Eye Duncan" (who was lame enough to start out with)



But my opninion it probably means something like "[Prime edit: N-word]" (No offense to any and/or all African Americans)

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Science fiction is full of made swear words a few examples include Smeg, frell and gimboid. They do it as to add some realisum to sci fi situation a person may swear. For example if you had a laser that would disintegrate you pointed at your skull 'oh dear' would be an understated and quite comical responce.

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