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Official RotS Poster!

Boba Rhett

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WOW I just put it on my windows desktop

background and it resambles the old

star wars posters that I remember as

a kid and I noticed that Padme and Anakin look more like Luke and Liea did

in ROTJ anywho great poster who ever

done the artwork surely out done there

selfs and to I got a little misty eyed when I saw Vader in the background just

like the old days its like 1983 all over again I will sure have this up on my PC

for a long time to come.....................

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Originally posted by DarkStarMojo

That poster is awesome but I agree that Yoda seems kinda goofy. :rolleyes:


Yoda IS goofy :o I'd rather have him be the "old, slow, wise and powerfull in the force"- master than the crazy Sonic the Hedgehog/Tasmanian Devil mix he is in the prequels :rolleyes:


To see him fight is just plain silly :D

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