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Empire at War Craft Index

Dagobahn Eagle

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This is a list of the ships I've seen in the screen shots of the game. There does not seem to be many to choose between (only 30 so far, including infantry, turrets, etc.), but most likely more will be revealed later on (namely, rebel landing craft and imperial turrets have not yet been revealed. There are probably other surprises as well).


At the end are some interesting observations of mine.


Entities this far (excluding structures): 30.


The Galactic Empire


Imperial Navy (space ships)


Imperator-Class Imperial Star Destroyer: Heavy, front line destroyer. Carries over a hundred fighter craft as well as a small army and the means of delivering them.


Immobilizer-Class Inderdictor Cruiser: Support craft. Interdictors create an artificial gravity field that prevents hyper space travel within their range.


Republic Assault Cruiser: Wedge-shaped ship seen in several of the screenshots. Apparently has a rocket launcher (Source).


Light Starship: Name or purpose unknown. Slightly resembles Strike Cruiser/Carrack Cruiser/Dreadnaught design. It is armed (you see it firing in this screen shot), so it is maybe the Imperial counterpart to the Corvette?


Victory-Class Star Destroyer: Light destroyer. Not as heavily armed as the Imperator-class, and with less fighters and troops on board, but yet a competent warship.


Sentinel-Class Landing Craft*: Troop deployment ship. Thrice as big as the Lambda-Class shuttle, it is used to deploy whole squads of troops into battle.


AT-AT Walker Barge: Large landing craft used to deploy heavy fighting machines to the battle field.


TIE Starfighter: Common, lightly armed space superiority starfighter within the Empire. Fast and agile, but lacks shield or hyper drive.


TIE Bomber: Heavily armed attack craft. Slow and cumbersome, requires a fighter escort. Equipped with blaster cannons as well as a warhead launcher and bomb bay.


TIE Scout: Recon vehicle. The TIE Scout has a very advanced set of sensors and communications equipment, and even a hyperdrive to make it a more independent craft. It's lightly armed with two laser cannons.


Ground Forces


Storm trooper: Main battle infantry of the Empire. Armed with an E-11 blaster carbine, he is a feared opponent due to long training within the Empire.


TIE Crawler: Light assault vehicle, in essence a TIE cockpit on threads.


All-Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST): Feared by ground troops, the AT-ST has a twin blaster cannon, a grenade launcher, and a rocket launcher. It can easily mow down large numbers of infantry.


All-Terrain Assault Transport (AT-AT): A horrific behemoth, the AT-AT is used as a spearhead on enemy bases, striking fear into the enemy and carrying squads of infantry close to the enemy. It is, unlike the AT-ST (and quite possibly the TIE crawler), too heavily armed to be harmed by blaster fire.


Speeder Bike: Swift recon vehicle. Deployed in groups to scout enemy positions and even harrass enemy infantry.


The Rebel Alliance


Rebel Alliance Navy (space ships)


MC-90 Calamarian Cruiser: Heavy warship, carrying fighters and troops alike. Heavily armed.


Winged Calamarian Cruiser (designated Liberty-Class for the time being): Another heavily armed cruiser of the Alliance. Performance compared to that of the MC-80 is unknown.


Nebulon B Frigate: Escort ship, used to hold off enemy fighters.


Correlian Corvette: A fast freighter which also sees action as a warship in the Alliance navy (and in other organizations). Lightly armed, is it not a competent assault ship unless deployed with fighters or larger ships.


Correlian Gunship: A very competent anti-fighter platform, the Gunship is bristling with turbo lasers, but lacks the armour or shield strenght to take on larger ships.


"Mystery cruiser": A ship that looks like a frigate/Calamarian Cruiser hybrid. Purpose and power unknown, although it is seen firing weapons in screen shots.


T-65c X-Wing: Multi-purpose star fighter. Armed with four blasters and proton torpedoes, it can be used both against enemy fighters and against enemy warships.


Y-Wing fighter bomber: Attack craft. Comes in two configurations: One with one seat and a forward-firing ion cannon, and one with two seats and an ion turret. Also armed with proton torpedoes. Which configuration is in EaW is unknown.


A-Wing space superiority fighter: A very effective and feared fighter, the A-Wing is too fast, agile, and small to be hit easily, and packs a punch with concussion missiles and twin blasters. Its main weakness is that it is lightly shielded.


T-47 Airspeeder: Lightly armed towing vessel which can also be used as a fighter as it does have two blaster cannons. In EaW, it can probably trip up walkers using its tow cable (wow, never seen that in a Star Wars game before:rolleyes:). Or maybe not.


Ground forces


Rebel trooper: Armed with a rifle and little else, this freedom fighter isn't too powerful.


Twin-cannon Alliance tank: Another craft made up for this game (most likely). Armed with two heavy turrets, probably capable of taking out enemies quite effectively.


Anti-infantry turret: An anti-personell turret effective against troops. It lacks the fire power to take out armoured targets.


Anti-vehicle turret: Easily recognized by its parabola screen, this cannon packs a punch, but lacks the fire power to take out AT-AT Walkers (though maybe that's not so in EaW).


Quad cannon (near the buildings, behind the two tanks): A turret with four light-caliber guns. Probably an anti-infantry or anti-air cannon.


Other observations:

  • Infantry can kneel and perhaps even go prone, and they can take cover behind objects to avoid fire. Source.
  • Stations have weapons and must most likely be destroyed before the planet can be invaded.
  • Sub-systems of larger ships can be targetted to make them less capable in combat. Source.
  • There does not seem to be more than one type of infantry per side (excluding Jedi and other "heroes"), which is a bit disappointing. Maybe squads will carry special weapons (mortars, rocket launchers, deployable E-Webs) or equipment (health kits, demolition charges, electro-binoculars, etc.) like in Ground Control, though?
  • There will be hazards like asteroids and debris in the game. Whether or not they will affect the game, though, is unknown. Source (top-left corner).
  • How you set up base defences and forces prior to battle is unknown.
  • A power generator has been sighted in one of the screen shots. What purpose it serves is unknown.


*The Sentinel-Class, unlike what the developers of the Rogue Sqadron games seem to believe, is not a container carrier, and most likely will not be in EaW.


Dagobahn Eagle

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The TIE Crawler, speeder bikes, and infantry.

All there already. Read the whole thing:p .


Dragonball Fan Add the MC-90 to the list.

Jan Gaarni: And the TIE Scout.

I will. But can I see your sources?


I double-checked, and I did indeed confuse the MC-80 and MC-90. Fixed. The winged one is a Liberty-class (for lack of a numerical MC designation).


Can this thread be stuck?

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Originally posted by Dagobahn Eagle

I will. But can I see your sources?


What, you mean you don't take me on my word so now I have to look thru a whole bunch of screenshots again? :D


It's there, trust me. :)


I haven't seen the X-1 in any pictures though I think. You sure you didn't confuse the TIE Scout with the TIE-Advanced X-1?




EDIT: Found it: Picture


Lower left corner, 3 of them.

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Strange they put the TIE crawler in, but not the AT-PT. When reading your list, I had this strange feeling the Crawler will do what the AT-PT always did. Lets just hope the AT-PT is still in it an in it's traditional role. And I'd make the AT-PT heavier than the crawler.


About the quad cannons, could they be AA guns, rather than anti-infantry. Though logically they would also be quite effective agains troops, though that might not happen ingame.


The Airspeeder shouldn't be capable of space flight, but it might be possible ingame (I seem to remember they were capable of it in SWGB, but I'm not sure, it's been too long to remember correctly).

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Strange they put the TIE crawler in, but not the AT-PT. When reading your list, I had this strange feeling the Crawler will do what the AT-PT always did. Lets just hope the AT-PT is still in it and in its traditional role. And I'd make the AT-PT heavier than the crawler.

The crawler is probably an anti-infantry platform, yes.


They probably wanted a unit that's not seen too much. I don't dislike the Crawler that much.


About the quad cannons, could they be AA guns, rather than anti-infantry. Though logically they would also be quite effective agains troops, though that might not happen ingame.

Good point. I'd like for them to work on both. I never liked the lack of logic of anti-air units with high-calibre flak guns or rockets not being able to take on tanks or infantry:p.


The Airspeeder shouldn't be capable of space flight, but it might be possible ingame (I seem to remember they were capable of it in SWGB, but I'm not sure, it's been too long to remember correctly).

They shouldn't, and they probably won't.


Don't worry about it, I think this game will be more "down-to-Earth" than the game where Gungans rode without space suits trough space on dinosaurs:D .


I haven't seen the X-1 in any pictures though I think. You sure you didn't confuse the TIE Scout with the TIE-Advanced X-1?

Yes, I have. I looked closer at the picture, thank you.

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I also like the AA guns to work both ways, it just doesn't make sense if they CAN hit fast moving air targets, but notslow moving ground targets. I mean how hard can it be to just aim at an AT-AT or AT-ST and pull the damn trigger. And it's not that I dislike the crawler so much, it's more that I love the AT-PTs, and in a way I feel the AT-PT is more at home within the Imperial ranks. I wouldn't mind seeing both though.

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Originally posted by jedi3112

I also like the AA guns to work both ways, it just doesn't make sense if they CAN hit fast moving air targets, but notslow moving ground targets. I mean how hard can it be to just aim at an AT-AT or AT-ST and pull the damn trigger.


Balance. Realistically, they can scratch enemy vehicles or kill infantry but having a jack-of-all-trade turret works against gameplay.


If they are capable of damaging ground target, they should be innaccurate and unable to do more then annoy vehicles and infantry.

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Balance. Realistically, they can scratch enemy vehicles or kill infantry but having a jack-of-all-trade turret works against gameplay.

With respect, I have to disagree. I'm a fan of combined arms, but I'm also a fan of practical units.


I believe you can have a rocket trooper that perfectly well can engage both air and ground targets. Being a trooper, he'd be fairly easy to kill anyway, right?

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I wonder why you've put a non-existant ship in that list there is no such thing as an Imperator Class Star Destroyer, it's a common mistake people make to mistake the Imperial class 1 and 2's as one class under the name Imperator The Main Visual difference can be seen in terms of engines the rest of the differneces are internal with a few other inor details as well as mosr firepower.

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