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Movie Style Jedi Robes: TSL Style (Oh no! Not another robe reskin!!)


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Originally posted by Uchiha Itachi

I mean, you won't change the skin more?

If no, then I think it wont look so good... Don't know...

After paying around I think I've gotten to the point where additional changes seem to make it look worse to me. So this will more or less be how it will look, plus or minus the tabards. Sorry.
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I guess you don't like the screen caps I took...

That or you just keep missing my posts. *pouts*


I like the new colors for the (original) armored jedi robes. Though, I still think the colors from clone wars 2: redish-brown shirt/gloves/pants, slightly darker redish-brown robe, and tan vest/tabard would look good. Have you thought of changing the gloved portion of the hands and/or the 'under-shirt' to a color other than black? I think that may look better. Anyway, just my 2 credits.


Keep up the great work! :thmbup1:




Edited to include link/more detailed information.

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Originally posted by Jatku

I guess you don't like the screen caps I took...

That or you just keep missing my posts. *pouts*

I did see them, but personally I don't like the colour scheme very much. Thanks for the pics though...


Originally posted by Jatku

I like the new colors for the (original) armored jedi robes. Though, I still think the colors from clone wars 2: redish-brown shirt/gloves/pants, slightly darker redish-brown robe, and tan vest/tabard would look good. Have you thought of changing the gloved portion of the hands and/or the 'under-shirt' to a color other than black? I think that may look better. Anyway, just my 2 credits.

Here is a screenshot based off your pictures. Is this kind of what you are looking for?
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Originally posted by Prime

I did see them, but personally I don't like the colour scheme very much. Thanks for the pics though...

Ah, no problem, I understand. Your welcome. ;)

Originally posted by Prime

Here is a screenshot based off your pictures. Is this kind of what you are looking for?

Wow, you DO work fast! *grins* Yeah, that's definitely allot closer to what I imagined...


Just not quite as 'loud' of a red for the shirt/gloves (something closer to the pants), a robe that's closer in color to the shirt/gloves/pants (just a tad darker), and a slightly darker (taner) vest/tabard.


You rock Prime! :D

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Another update, I've added a helmet/mask for the Jedi armour.


I've pretty much finished all the textures. Now I just need to update the .uti files so that the have the proper stats and properties. I hope to be finished this pretty soon...


EDIT: I tend to have bare skin for the hands, which is usually light in colour. Do people prefer to have gloved hands instead?


Also, do the models for the female Jedi robes use different textures? I thought they used the same ones, but when I put my skins on a female character, they are often jumbled up. Do they use a different naming scheme or something? To tired to look into it tonight. :)

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Originally posted by Prime

Another update, I've added a helmet/mask for the Jedi armour.


I've pretty much finished all the textures. Now I just need to update the .uti files so that the have the proper stats and properties. I hope to be finished this pretty soon...


EDIT: I tend to have bare skin for the hands, which is usually light in colour. Do people prefer to have gloved hands instead?


Also, do the models for the female Jedi robes use different textures? I thought they used the same ones, but when I put my skins on a female character, they are often jumbled up. Do they use a different naming scheme or something? To tired to look into it tonight. :)


Great looking Prime :elephant: I like this mask on a jedi much better than stock. The in game ones all look darkside to me :)


As for the hands question. I do both but personally I prefer hands not gloves. :)


Again, looks good

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Originally posted by AlphaRob

I can't wait until this is released, I don't mean to rush you but you don't have an aprox. release date do you? :D

Well, I still have to update all the uti files and figure out this texture issue for the female models. But all the textures are finished and most of the icons are done. I hope to have it finished this weekend or next week sometime...
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The robes look great, I especially love the armor and would like to see those tabards make a come back. It gives it a sort of ceremonial appeal. And just a little thought, not sure if its even possible.. can the armor be wrought with some battle scars? In the case of all these fighters, it would make sense that the armor should have some wear.. especially if its tacked onto the Exile. Sort of like, blaster scoring along the breastplate, melee cuts. Just to add a bit of a detail.

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