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New/Old Module Idea.


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Yes, ideas are more than welcome, however, we must not get carried away. The more stuff you want, the longer it will take to make. This is already going to be far more than just Arena mod. The area offers a lot of options.


First of all, I need some input on the following.



The main question is who is going to be in it and what are the criteria for selection.

I don't feel totally comfortable about making that selection on my own. So, we need to reach some consensus on this.

It's also quite obvious that it's not possible to include everyone (that is unless you want this mod done in 2005 :D ), especially considering the characters might have quests (which means dialogs, scripts, etc). Personally, I think 20 characters (modders) is the maximum. That's not counting Arena opponents. Perhaps, the opponents and Holowan characters will overlap, like Drazin suggested.



Another point is incorporating actual mods. This is still something that's not entirely clear to me from what Maverick said. He said "showcasing", but is it actually embedding or just informing player about them. I fear it may become a problem. For example, some reskinned robes are just not compatible with each other, some mods (ie: custom sabers) replace original items and some introduce new items. Some mods simply cannot be embedded at all. Besides, a user who will want to play Arena with multiple mods included, will basically have to uninstall all mods he already has. The bottom line is that if I am to make every single character from the 20 give player something unique (from the mods that's been already released), then it will be TREMENDOUS amount of work to realize.. and more importantly, to test. It can take months (considering I can't really work on the mod as full-time job).

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@ Xcom


First of all I'm glad to see you've taken it up and even happier to hear you are giving including some Holowan members in it. As for your questions:


1. I think the long time vets should be first, off the top of my head let's see, T7, Darth333, svösh, Sep, RedHawke, ChAiNz.... etc. etc., then you can go from there.


2. I agree with you here, I think that if modders want to have a mod incorporated then either a.) they will need to make one exclusive to this mod, or b.) assist in compatibility or porting over from the already released mod to this mod.


I for one will be glad to help you with anything you need done, except for scripting as I don't know much about that. I have some old source scripts that I used for a module in K1 that I could send you to look at if you want to.


Just remember if you need any help look no further ;)

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What Mav Said.

I think the "Veteran" members oughta have first crack at being included. Whether as a Nearby Merchant or Quest giver or even as one of the Combatants you must face.


We, er... you might want to PM prospective Members and ask them first, and see if they have a custom head/body/armor etc.. they would like to use as their Character.


I really don't know how much scripting and work would be involved, I can only cringe at the thought. So I don't know how deep you are willing to go into this.

I was thinking that perhaps we could have Holowan Masters stationed around the arena module, one for each prestige class. One of the quests could be from them giving you a reason to fight and test your abilities and a reward for beating the last opponent.


As for a RP reason for so many Jedi gathered in one place, Perhaps it could simply be explained that the arena is an ancient Jedi training enclave that is well protected against force sensetivity. Meaning it would be extremely hard to detect force users in this location, and why it has been a secret to all but the most capable and skilled Jedi.


I wish you much luck and If you need any help I am willing but not so capable.

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Cool to know you're all offering to help; I might as well take you up on it when the time comes to actually make stuff. ;) Right now the whole thing is on the drawing board. I think something like this should be planned VERY carefully before I (we) actually start building/scripting/skinning/designing quests/ etc. So, one step at a time.


Originally posted by maverick187

1. I think the long time vets should be first, off the top of my head let's see, T7, Darth333, svösh, Sep, RedHawke, ChAiNz.... etc. etc., then you can go from there.


Well, perhaps you don't know but I haven't been here that long, though I know most people you mentioned.

However, usign my limited knowledge of Holowan history, here is the list so far.


1 Darth333

2 svosh

3 Seprithro

4 ChainZ

5 RedHawke

6 Maverick

7 T7

8 tk102

9 Prime

10 Beancounter

11. Darkkender

12. Envida

13. Drazin

14. Shadow Blaze


If somebody wants (someone) to be added, don't be shy, say it.. :D Seriously, now is the time because at this point (as you can see) I have only 6 spots left available.



Drazin said:

We, er... you might want to PM prospective Members and ask them first, and see if they have a custom head/body/armor etc.. they would like to use as their Character.


Oh, absolutely, that goes w/o saying. In fact, I'll be contacting everyone twice. First for the permission...or rather for not objecting to be in the mod. (btw, if you read this, see your name and (don't) object, please post and let me know).

And the second time to work out misc. details like you mentioned: appearance and suchlike.


The thing is that I need to have complete list with prospective members first. :)

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I see my name there, and I don't object. Although I am kinda new here and haven't put out any mods that are anything truly impressive yet.

I don't think I qualify, Unless of course you let me help you with reskinning stuff to suit the other characters.

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Originally posted by Xcom


Well, perhaps you don't know but I haven't been here that long, though I know most people you mentioned.

However, usign my limited knowledge of Holowan history, here is the list so far.


1 Darth333

2 svosh

3 Seprithro

4 ChainZ

5 RedHawke

6 Maverick

7 T7

8 tk102

9 Prime

10 Beancounter

11. Darkkender

12. Envida

13. Drazin

14. Shadow Blaze


15. Xcom (add yourself, you are making it :p)


There are others, I'll think of them soon enough, I'm having a mind block right now :headbump:


As for when you get to actually building the .utc files I'll be more than happy to make my .utc if it will help :), and I will help in any other way too so just don't be shy to ask ;)

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Originally posted by maverick187

15. Xcom (add yourself, you are making it :p)


Hehe.. oh don't worry. There is always be a spot there for me.. :p


I'll be floating droid (ala g0t0). Very mysterious, very eeee-vil. :lol:


Originally posted by Drazin

I don't think I qualify, Unless of course you let me help you with reskinning stuff to suit the other characters.


Well, since I'm not qualified to decide who's qualified, that's okay. :D


Besides, this Arena doesn't have to consist entirely of Holowan legends.

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I'll lend you a hand in this Xcom. In one respect just to try and create a easy launching point for quests that I could send the main character on.


By the way you missed:


16) Achilles

17) Jackel

18) Doom Dealer


If you need help in creating some NPC's I could help in that dept as well.


I already have a couple of droids that are lost and looking for an Obi-Wan Kenobi. Maybe somebody can help them out in this arena.

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wow, I made the list...


To be honest, I'm not sure I even qualify as a 'veteran'... I just tend to talk alot ;) heheh


I think I started in Oct. 2004... but I agree with Darkkender, Achilles should definitely be included...

Him & RedHawke were 2 of the first people here to ever have the "joy" of teaching me the ropes... hehehe


also, don't let post count fool ya'...


Fred Tetra & cchargin I would definitely nominate. They're Holowan "staples" and are pretty much responsible for alot of the things we do here ;)


Also, Mono_Giganto has been here longer than I have... and his shoot'm up sticks have pretty much been a "godsend" for KotOR and now... TSL.

Plus there's Xavier2 & bneezy (where are they? they've been hiding as of late)...

All-in-all, there's a huge list... so it's really up to the modder and the masses who'd they like to see as potential "targets" or 'cameos'...


I'd gladly relinquish my spot to include those guys (unless people really just want to kick my butt that bad in the game... ;) )

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Xcom - do you want me to send you the stuff for that jedi arena i was working on for KOTOR 1, It was really close to completion, only needed a few more oponents added and patching up the odd script and it would be there, the whole base of it is complete.... it might cut of a chunk of work that you needed to do, as its got work arounds to problems you might face when making it.


if so, send me your e-mail in a PM, and ill get it over to you.

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Cool I made the list :D


Though I have to say I dont feel I deserve to be there, I joined the forums only recently and have only made a couple of mods so far.

There are probably others here that have been here a lot longer and done far more that deserves to be there before me and I don’t wont to occupy their place.


But I appreciate to be mentioned :cool:

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alright! Thanks Dark.

So the list is now:


1 Darth333

2 svösh

3 Seprithro

4 ChainZ

5 RedHawke

6 Maverick

7 T7

8 tk102

9 Prime

10 Beancounter

11. Darkkender

12. Envida

13. Drazin

14. Shadow Blaze

16 Achilles

17 Jackel

18 Doom Dealer

19 Mono_Giganto (tach :D)


Fred Tetra (cameo)

Cchargin (cameo)


(edit: green=confirmed)




I can't believe I forgot Fred. :o

You mentioned Xavier2 & bneezy. I don't know them.. well.. coz I have been since TSL release. But, the thing is members on the list must be active in the forum; in other words, I must be able to get in touch with them (preferably via forum's PM), because I can't include anyone without permission.




There is something I need to stress out. Keep in mind that this is going to be a "FUN" mod. Try not to think of it as serious "Hall of Fame" kind of thing. My primary concern is making interesting mod, and not paying tribute. :) Although it's too early to say, but most NPCs are going to be different aliens. It's more of a parody, you see. There wll probably be only few "humans" whom you can challenge (via quest or otherwise).


@Doom Dealer,


firstly, thanks for your kind offer.

I tried to send you a PM but your box is full, so I'll post it here.


Please do send it. If all files can be packed under 1mb, then just click my sig. That will take you to my page and at the bottom, you'll find my Hotmail addy. Otherwise, I'll just have to wait till you clean your PM box so I can give my other e-mail.

There is one thing though. I'm not sure I'll be able to use your work. You see, as I pointed out, this will be much more than just Arena mod and the fights could originate from various quests and there will be most likely different fighting modes, and some unique fights. Plus, I intend to utilize the possibilities that area offers, that probably means several Arena's in one (two trainings, deathmatch, etc). I guess what I am trying to say is that it may be harder for me to adapt somebody else's script base to do what I want than just creating my own. I, too, already have reasonbly good battle scripts which I used for my other mod.

But again, please send it. I'll look it over. However, since I don't know what you did exactly, I can't guarantee at this point that they'll be used.



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Just to clear things up or acclamate you with them, Xavier2 and bneezy are from K1, bneezy did a lot of model porting over from people the modded Jedi Academy... I think, adn Xavier2 edited the robe models to make them... long-sleeved it was wuite good, he also made Boba fett with a Jet-pack and everything, they are part of the people whom put together the [MECK] projects for K1 with Prime.

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Originally posted by Xcom

So the list is now:


1 Darth333

2 svosh

3 Seprithro

4 ChainZ

5 RedHawke

6 Maverick

7 T7

8 tk102

9 Prime

10 Beancounter

11. Darkkender

12. Envida

13. Drazin

14. Shadow Blaze

16 Achilles

17 Jackel

18 Doom Dealer

19 Mono_Giganto (tach :D)


Fred Tetra (cameo)

Cchargin (cameo)



That list looks pretty good to me. Also if you need some help with this you can shoot me a pm as well. I'm not very artistic but I like to code ans such.

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@Doom Dealer,


firstly, thanks for your kind offer.

I tried to send you a PM but your box is full, so I'll post it here.


Please do send it. If all files can be packed under 1mb, then just click my sig. That will take you to my page and at the bottom, you'll find my Hotmail addy. Otherwise, I'll just have to wait till you clean your PM box so I can give my other e-mail.

There is one thing though. I'm not sure I'll be able to use your work. You see, as I pointed out, this will be much more than just Arena mod and the fights could originate from various quests and there will be most likely different fighting modes, and some unique fights. Plus, I intend to utilize the possibilities that area offers, that probably means several Arena's in one (two trainings, deathmatch, etc). I guess what I am trying to say is that it may be harder for me to adapt somebody else's script base to do what I want than just creating my own. I, too, already have reasonbly good battle scripts which I used for my other mod.

But again, please send it. I'll look it over. However, since I don't know what you did exactly, I can't guarantee at this point that they'll be used.





The scripts i tihnk will be more useful are the warp in/out, on death warp to 'med centre' and the dialogues, its not really a case of doing it differantly to your way, just making it so ytou might jsut need to plug in a few numbers instead of writing it out again, anyway.... i cleared my inbox so if you resend that PM i'll send it to the email address you wanted it at.

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