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Darkside names


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Remember in TPM,



Yoda says, "Powerful the dark side has become; difficult to see the future is." Or something to that effect.






Palpatine/Sidious orchestrated everything in the war. He is the ultimate leader of both the Republic/Empire and the Separtists. He faked his capture; plus I'm not sure if either Dooku or Grievous (see Clone Wars Micro-Series Chaper 25) know that Palpatine is Sidious.




Master Jaxu is correct. Padme tells Anakin that she is pregnant when he returns from "rescuing" the Chancellor, but that is a moot point b/c Sidious/Palpatine is the one who names Anakin 'Darth Vader.' Both Palpatine and Obi-Wan know that Padme is pregnant with Anakins child[ren].


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Originally posted by Darth_Kismet

Palpatine/Sidious orchestrated everything in the war. He is the ultimate leader of both the Republic/Empire and the Separtists. He faked his capture; plus I'm not sure if either Dooku or Grievous (see Clone Wars Micro-Series Chaper 25) know that Palpatine is Sidious.


Dunno about Grievous, but Dooku definitely knows of Sidious being Palpatine. You'll notice that in Episode II, when he Dooku is trying to convert Obi, he reveals that the senate is under the influence of a powerful Sith Lord. It is obvious here that Sidious told him. Grievous on the other hand, acts aggresively against Palpatine when he captures him in Clone Wars Chapter 25, even though no one is in the room with him.

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I remember reading the script, and I read something like..


When Obi-Wan was on the brink of death when Greivous had him on the edge of the docking platform Greivous is suppose to start talking about Palpatine faking his capture, although this was cut from the original movie.


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  • 3 months later...
Revan: derived from REVENge. Malak: phonetical pronunciation of Malice. Tyranus: the dinosaur, or Tyrrant(sp). Maul: as in to amaim, destroy, etc.


c'mon - new doctor who = bad :( gimme the 70s vixens and cheesy effects of the old version anyday :)


also, I doubt Darth Tyranus was named after a Dinousaur :p Tyrant is mopre like it, as Dooku si leader of the separatist movement, while "Tyranosaurus Rex literally means the "king of the Dinsoaurs"


It has been clearly stated on numerous occasions that "Vader" was chosen by GL to signify father... The Sith names are pretty self explanatory in the movies. Revan and Malak were their names, so I wouldnt be reading any more into that... Darth Nihilus is a different story tho :)







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c'mon - new doctor who = bad :( gimme the 70s vixens and cheesy effects of the old version anyday



Sorry off topic, but i'm a fan of the old ones as well, but i love the new Doctor Who i thourght he did a brillent job as the Doctor and we can't really use chessey effects anymore even tho they still look chessey, but i have love the Doctor so much.

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Hey, that's right! That bastard Palpatine! He stole my name :D

Traya, is, obviously from BETRAYER, Nihilus is from the latin for nothing, and Sion has something to do with pain, though I can't remember what.


Oh, and the DS was originally gonna have the dimple in the middle, they changed that quite late, and it's still on the "Death Star Plans" :D


Don'tcha love plotholes?


Also, I love the old DW, hate the new. RTD's scripts suck ;)

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