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TSL Restoration Project: website up!

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Maybe so, but that by no means diminsihes the truly gargantuan effort that this mod is.

Yeah. I can understand what you mean. It would feel like forever tweaking and attatching script, so that something will execute correctly. I am not taking anything away from their effort, for I know it does take a long time to fix someone else's work.

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Well not to burst your bubble Mac but they aren't all that different considering EVERY single USM saber IS original and not "tweaked" ;) Yes a script was "tagged" on and the like but doesn't mean it was somehow "less" of a challenge.


I GUARANTEE that if you emailed Svösh a program that was literally used to come up with the game he could EASILY put out monumental things quickly. Look at what they can do with the VERY LIMITED programs (most modders made from scratch) have to use. I'm positive that there would be 100 worlds or more if the modders had the tools that the developers had.


It is one thing to think of an idea, it is another for another person to HAVE to improve and finish that idea into a finished product. Regardless of why they didn't finish the game. It's not like the restoration team opened up a zip file and added 10 more files then called it done. They literally stepped in and took over where the designers left off. So in the end the skillset and knowledge level required is basically the same.


Just my 2 cents



General Kenobi

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Well not to burst your bubble Mac but they aren't all that different considering EVERY single USM saber IS original and not "tweaked" ;) Yes a script was "tagged" on and the like but doesn't mean it was somehow "less" of a challenge.


I GUARANTEE that if you emailed Svösh a program that was literally used to come up with the game he could EASILY put out monumental things quickly. Look at what they can do with the VERY LIMITED programs (most modders made from scratch) have to use. I'm positive that there would be 100 worlds or more if the modders had the tools that the developers had.


It is one thing to think of an idea, it is another for another person to HAVE to improve and finish that idea into a finished product. Regardless of why they didn't finish the game. It's not like the restoration team opened up a zip file and added 10 more files then called it done. They literally stepped in and took over where the designers left off. So in the end the skillset and knowledge level required is basically the same.


Just my 2 cents



General Kenobi


I have to agree in order to dissagree. I think in the creative end, this mod is very different from USM. I will leave it at that.

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Ooh don't get me wrong mac I see what your saying no doubt. ;) I agree on that original idea implementation/creation is MUCH different than resuming work. I know your a designer so you'll I think agree. There's a difference between creating a work based on clips and photos rather than original artwork drawings and the like. I see what your saying there. :D


I should have said that better meaning it all takes talent. :D



General Kenobi

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Ooh don't get me wrong mac I see what your saying no doubt. ;) I agree on that original idea implementation/creation is MUCH different than resuming work. I know your a designer so you'll I think agree. There's a difference between creating a work based on clips and photos rather than original artwork drawings and the like. I see what your saying there. :D


I should have said that better meaning it all takes talent. :D



General Kenobi

I agree. It does take some type of talent to script. :)

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after reading along here on this forum for quiet a while, this thread finally inspired me to sign up.


as much as i like the game the way it is, i am, like all others, eagerly an joyfully waiting for this mod, to make a good game perfekt.


even though i'm impatient by nature, this is something woth waiting for.


And of course i want to compliment the people making it:

You guys and gals rock.:urpdude::thmbup1::clap2:


This said i'm going back to stare at your site in hopes a new update will manifest itself miracluasly... Just kidding... kind of ;)

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Hey there Team-Gizka! I just wanted to let you Sith lords know that, for what it's worth (or not worth), that I APPRECIATE what you are doing, and that not everyone likes to whine and complain about great things being done for them FREE of charge! IMHO, every time I read a thread regarding TSLRP, all I see is a bunch of b*tcing and complaining about your progress, and ZERO assistance or positve feedback from those doing all the crying about YOUR hardwork! I may not understand exactly WHAT kind of work that you are doing, but I do know that it is hard for me to even find the time to lurk these boards and download pre-made MODs, let alone devote HOURS a day to a pet project like what you guys are doing--- I am sure that it is HARD work, and I always respect hard work.


So, without further ado: May I PLEASE have eveyone's attention---<DarthMaul v.1/2 lowers his Blood of Malevolence saber and raises his very LARGE Sith mug>


" Raise your drinks, you Jedi scum!!! I, DarthMaul v.1/2, propose a toast to our most honored Sith lords, the Team-Gizka! You filthy Jedi dogs will be licking their boots when TSLRP is released, so I command that you honor them now, with this toast..."


"ALL hail the Team-Gizka, ALL hail Aurora, Dashus, Tupac Amaru, forcesaken, JdNoa, Razorfish (thanks for the patches, BTW!), and Kiwegapa, and the rest! Show the Team that you are TRUE Sith and worthy of their teachings!" --- <DarthMaul v.1/2 leads by example and chugs his Darkside ale--- there are cheers coming from the TRUE Sith in the Feasting Hall --- he then throws down his sepulcre, and in one blurry motion forcejumps on to the table, brandishes his Blood of Malevolence, and resumes lopping-off jedi appendages>


Seriuosly though, I have only respect and appreciation for what you guys are achieving and SHARING (you'd think TSLRP belongs to the crybabies that complain about it all the time, and not to YOU guys that are actually making it!) with us. I never complain when someone is trying to make my life more enjoyable, especially if I don't have to do the work to make it better! Please keep up the good work, and I look forward to the completed project, but don't expect to hear me ask "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" --- I'm not a child anymore!

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I'd guess you couldn't install the 1.0b patch over the TSLRP. I remember trying to patch KotOR with a modified dialog.tlk file, only to have the patcher decide it didn't "like" the strings added to the end of dialog.tlk and not install the patch.


Sorry, let me rephrase that, would I be able to install TSLRP over 1.0b (which I would prefer because the patch makes the game ALOT more stable) instead of TSLRP over an unupdated TSL?

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Sorry, let me rephrase that, would I be able to install TSLRP over 1.0b (which I would prefer because the patch makes the game ALOT more stable) instead of TSLRP over an unupdated TSL?

We'll be... asking :mob: ... our testers to make runs with TSLRP installed with and without the patch since some people claim that the patch fixes stuff and others claim it breaks stuff (and both sides are correct).

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  • 1 month later...

I’ve been to the Restoration site a few times in the last few days, and I must say: Most impressive.


Thank You So Very Very Much, Team Gizka.


I do have a question about the project. Given the fact that much more content will be added to the game, we can assume that many more experience points will be available. So then, will the restoration raise level limits to accommodate the greater number of experience points available? Not that it will make much difference, all things considered, I’m just curious.

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To best of my knowledge the maximum level available in game is hard coded and isn't something that could be changed without hacking the exe. Which is a no-no.


... Uhm... what exactly /is/ the maximum level available in TSL? I'm fairly certain I've never cheated enough to reach it. It's certainly way up there, since before the TSLRP fixes you can exploit Ludo Kressh's tomb for level upon level.

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... Uhm... what exactly /is/ the maximum level available in TSL? I'm fairly certain I've never cheated enough to reach it. It's certainly way up there, since before the TSLRP fixes you can exploit Ludo Kressh's tomb for level upon level.
Level 50! :)
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  • 4 weeks later...

TSLRP is looking for a modeller to join the team for some immediate work. Nothing overly difficult; just some computer placeables with animations, and possibly some more complicated stuff. Drop us a line if you're interested and you'll have the time: PM Me Please


Dashus, the posting of email addresses is a no-no. Please use the PM system instead. Thanks. -RH

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TSLRP is looking for a modeller to join the team for some immediate work. Nothing overly difficult; just some computer placeables with animations, and possibly some more complicated stuff. Drop us a line if you're interested and you'll have the time: PM Me Please


Dashus, the posting of email addresses is a no-no. Please use the PM system instead. Thanks. -RH

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I have been searching for a way to approach this thread in a respectable manner. After completing a long term project myself, I can honestly understand the hardwork TSL Restoration Project has done. A few weeks ago, I canceled an upgrade to a mod that I have created. My perspective on the matter was that the original mod is done as is. I have been following this project indifferently for 16/17 months, and I myself am anxious to see what you have designed. Obsidian took 12 months to create their finished product, you guys are passing their developing cycle, and you are only doing tweaks. Duke Nukem Forever was an example of a project, which kept cycling around without a destination. I am not compairing TSL Restoration Project to Duke Nukem Four-Ever, but they do have some intresting similarities.


I was wondering if you could answer some quick questions, which hundreds of patient and unpatient fans are wanting to know:


1. Do you have a deadline in mind? Could you share with us an estimate on its release?


2. Do you have plans, at all, on releasing this mod, or have you people decided to just ride the popularity out until it fades?


3. Your last update was a picture of paper, and various notes on some desk. I know it will take away from the suspense, but do you have anything that will revive our spark intrest in this project?


4. Why should another modder help you? What have you done so far, which would raise our moral to join in on the hard work you are doing?


5. Several of us are waiting to reinstall KotOR II, so we can get our hands on this project. What type of evidence do you have, which will encourage us to stick around to play the new modifications?


6. If you people are ready to throw the towel in, and say, "Oky, this project is taking too much time, and we are getting tired as well.", will you make a statement, so that people will not be waiting around?


I mean no offense in my post. I am very eager to see what you all have done. Sixteen months latter, and the public has not seen a beta of this project. I deeply thank you for trying to take upon yourselves a project that will please hundreds. Even though I am greatful for your hardwork and dedication, I am beginning to form some serious doubts. Please don't string the public on. I made four releases of a mod, but I made sure people were having fun until they received a finished product. I also got the community involved in various ways, so they were having a little fun while waiting.


What have you done for this community to keep our moral high about TSL Restoration Team? What have you done to keep this particullar community intrested in anything that you have done? People have signed up to your forums, for they have some type of respect for your work. No doubt, you deserve our respect and patience.


What can you do to revive our intrest in this project, and make us feel good about the work you have and will be doing?


(Please follow the rules, and don't post a link to an outside forum. I think these questions are respectable, and this particullar community deserves an answer.)

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you are only doing tweaks.
If you want to call modifying or creating 350 + scripts, 100+ dialogs, 250+ u**'s across nearly 50 modules in our spare time, "tweaks", then sure, why not.

Do you have a deadline in mind?

Could you share with us an estimate on its release?
I can do better and give an exact date: the day it's done.

Do you have plans, at all, on releasing this mod
When it's done, yes.

Your last update was a picture of paper, and various notes on some desk. I know it will take away from the suspense, but do you have anything that will revive our spark intrest in this project?
I wasn't aware that interest was waning, given the number of unique visitors to our site every month has remained constant since the start of the year.

Why should another modder help you? What have you done so far, which would raise our moral to join in on the hard work you are doing?
Because modders enjoy modding. Someone's joining should be based on their desire to make cool stuff, not on what we do to get people pumped up.

Several of us are waiting to reinstall KotOR II, so we can get our hands on this project. What type of evidence do you have, which will encourage us to stick around to play the new modifications?
Whether or not people will play the mod when it's done is up to them. It's not our obligation to do a song and dance to make people stick around.

If you people are ready to throw the towel in, and say, "Oky, this project is taking too much time, and we are getting tired as well.", will you make a statement, so that people will not be waiting around?
Were that true, we would indeed. However, it is untrue.

Sixteen months latter, and the public has not seen a beta of this project.
And the public won't see a beta. As is stated elsewhere, we have a closed beta.

I made four releases of a mod, but I made sure people were having fun until they received a finished product. I also got the community involved in various ways, so they were having a little fun while waiting.
Um...bully for you?

What have you done for this community to keep our moral high about TSL Restoration Team?
I wasn't aware our responsibility was to "keep morale high."

What have you done to keep this particullar community intrested in anything that you have done?
Progress reports seem to have done the trick thusfar.

What can you do to revive our intrest in this project, and make us feel good about the work you have and will be doing?
We're not actively trying to revive interest among those that lose it. Trying to maintain the initial interest level in a project that takes this long is a losing battle. We'd rather work on the mod.
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Dashus you CRACK ME UP. :D You guys have your work cut out. Intense work when occupying the life outside modding takes TONS of time and I applaude you guys efforts and the eventual end result. To be honest I have stopped playing and keep myself subscribed to this thread and regularly view the boards on your site for this very reason. My sensei says patience is ones own virtue and I will wait patiently until you all complete it.


So much effort goes into even a graphical texture it's hard to even keep track of like you said changes across all the levels and such. Let alone the "it works in 30 maps why not the rest...lol :p "


You guys are my favorite lil' reptiles hoppin' busily around your lil' forgotten island world so I'll let you all get to it. ;) Keep up the good work and if I had more than graphical skills I'd definately try to find the time to aid in your monumental effort. :thumpsup:


After all in the end it will be the highest downloaded mod of all time and has the potential to be deemed "the patch" to the game to complete it. You all as well as USM team has made leaps and strides to literally finish an unfinished game and I praise both teams.


I have sort of got off track doing Japanese styled sword modifications and have not modded none at all lately but still admire and wait for your work. One day in the winter I'll get an update and there it will be in all its glory. Can't wait till then boys and girls. :D Keep it up :D

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Interesting, I'm still new to the forums so I just ran along this post. I'm curious do you guys get any support with Obsidian on this, or do they completely leave you to put together all the puzzle pieces? Still its interesting thats theres a dedicated community working hard to "restore" the game to its full potential. Hell just for doing so much work you should receive an award or something from LA or other organizations affiliated with KOTOR.

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Interesting, I'm still new to the forums so I just ran along this post. I'm curious do you guys get any support with Obsidian on this, or do they completely leave you to put together all the puzzle pieces? Still its interesting thats theres a dedicated community working hard to "restore" the game to its full potential. Hell just for doing so much work you should receive an award or something from LA or other organizations affiliated with KOTOR.


All on our own or in this case their own. :( They (considering they don't have access to the map editing programs and the like the makers had) literally start from scratch with a few bits here and there.


In my mind Team Gizka is being a bit modest considering it will pretty much be KOTOR III considering what's in it. Just a multitude of stuff you'd never think of. When I read the stuff they omitted on their boards I'm always finding something new...lol

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