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TSL Restoration Project: website up!

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Well the number of issues has rose from 600ish to 700.


Here is a link to some of the tidbits:


(Click on the 'View Issues' menu to see more information.)


You can find the above page when you click on the link that is attatched to 'Tracking 701 known issues'.



After reading up on some of their issues and seeing the list of bugs, my jaw dropped from how much still needs to be done. I am not becoming skeptical about how well this mod will work. But, there are way too many issues, bugs, and obsitcles that need addressing. I am now wondering if there will be a risk.


If anyone could comment, please feel free do to so.

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i start wonderin while reading all this, why the devs of the game didnt/wont do anything to help them. i know it would be kinda... surprise.. but well. this seems to be the one the best mods out there if its done, and we all know that some companys did that for modders (counterstrike anyone? ;) ).. they could even sell it afterwards like "kotor 2 directors cut" or somthing lol

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i start wonderin while reading all this, why the devs of the game didnt/wont do anything to help them. i know it would be kinda... surprise.. but well. this seems to be the one the best mods out there if its done, and we all know that some companys did that for modders (counterstrike anyone? ;) ).. they could even sell it afterwards like "kotor 2 directors cut" or somthing lol

What many people don't realize is that the publisher holds all rights. Obsidian doesn't have any legal holdings on KotOR II. All descissions go through LucasArts. Obsidian doesn't even have legal ground to acknowledge the modding team, and they could be held accountable for giving permissions or participating. Otherwords, Obsidian is doing the right thing by just keeping quiet.


I am not sure if this is one of the best mods out there, for I have not had a chance to play KotOR II with it installed. Therefore, I don't see how you can make a statement about a mod that you haven't tried as of yet.


@funsolo: Actually I would think that they might be able to sell it as an extension of the game like halo did with the halo 2 map pack. Anway in any case this is going to be an awesome mod and I truely can't wait for it to come out.

Obsidian couldn't even do that. They would need permission by LucasArts; therefore, there are legal boundries to overcome.

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how? simple. its going to recreate all the cut content, and will add alotta stuff back in, like it looked on the storyboards till it got cut.. so... this will be somthing.. lets call it.. a "final game"-feeling while playing through the story.. i already added alot of the stuff they came up with and with every piece of the puzzle im enjoying it a bit more. so guess around how i came to that sentence :D

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Obsidian couldn't even do that. They would need permission by LucasArts; therefore, there are legal boundries to overcome.

That was sort of what I was trying to say as I do know that Obsidian doesn't hold all of the rights to the game I know this would have to be passed by lucasarts and approved before anything like that could even be a thought of. So I guess we will see what happens with the mod when it comes out.


Note that some of the Obsidian K2 devs asked Lucasarts to do some content patches, but were turned down. So don't blame Obsidian in this regard...

I don't think anybody here is blaming Obsidian for anything...well maybe some people are but I think mostly everybody wants to play the FULL game not just what came out of the package when the shipped it. Anyway though like I said up there I think that they are doing a good job and I hope they continue to do this awesome mod.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think Obsidian helped already by simply leaving the cut content in the game files. It would have been very difficult, if not impossible, for Team Gizka to restore all that stuff, if that material wasn't there. The voice-files would seem particularly valuable from where I'm sitting, since those are unique - you can rewrite descriptions and mod the graphics, but doing additional voice-work is nigh on impossible for characters already established in the game.


As for the rising number of bugs, I'm not worried. Until recently Team Gizka was busy just restoring stuff. Now that they're done with that and has gotten to the stage where they begin to implement it all, the number of bugs discovered is bound to rise fast. Let's just hope the bugs don't grow too numerous. I doubt I'm the only one eager to see the finished mod ;)

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What I am trying to ask is: Did you make any serious changes, which will conflict with the main game's scripts? The scripts that Obsidian originally created for the game? Did you have to replace any of them?

We haven't wholesale 'replaced' any script but a number have been modified. There won't be any "conflicts" as we're supplying the edited versions.


[Edit - Missed the question entirely :rolleyes:]

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been watching the TSLRP builds but haven't even bothered checking the progress reports. This update will teach me to pay closer attention. :D


Great previews of Atton vs. Sion, Kreia with hood down, the HK factory, and Genoharadan. Like everybody else I eagerly anticipate release of TSLRP "when it's done."

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Wonderful looking update!


I had one tiny question for any TSLRP modders...


Um, by looking at the update, I got to wondering -- with the finished TSLRP, am I going to be "forced" into more of a "romance" (in so much as TSL has romances) with my femme!Exile and Atton, or is there going to be any more content added that focuses more on femme!Exile and Disciple? To tell the truth, I really don't want any kind of a "romance" with Atton forced on me, if it's all the same to you... I'm a Disciple fan through and through. :xp:


I may not be making myself clear with this, but if anyone can understand and answer, that would be great.


And thanks for all of your hard work! It looks great so far! :thumbsup:

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