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The Official SW Saga Trivia Thread


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Q: Who plays Padame's decoy in ep1

Who was the decoy, or who played the decoy? The acress was Kiera Knightly, Natalie Portman's British clone (practically)


Wether or not I'm correct:

q: Which of the following do R2-D2 and C-3PO NOT not have in common:

a. Been shot

b. Buried in sand

c. Captured in a net

d. Eaten

e. Been kicked/slapped around

f. Levitated

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This is a tough one. I don't know if, when R2 is pulled under water in Dagobah's swamp, if he is eaten and then spat back up or just thrown out... and I don't know whether 3PO getting eaten while in the falcoln in the asteroid counts either... And I don't know whether R2, besides 3PO hitting him on the dome, was ever slapped around...


I'm gonna say d. eaten, because I'm pretty sure they both had everything else happen to them. But I'm not sure enough to post a question.

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Who was the decoy, or who played the decoy? The acress was Kiera Knightly, Natalie Portman's British clone (practically)


Wether or not I'm correct...


Yes, you are correct jedispy, and technically you are correct too lil_dude as guybroom did not specify, so a point each :)


Correct Moeller !!

d. eaten.... R2 got swallowed and spit out by the Dagobah swamp creature in ESB


* * *


Q. Name 3 languages C-3PO converses in throughout the saga :)



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It's Galactic Basic actually, but I say it outta be close enough.


Referring back to my prior question:

Q: How many times was R2 shot? When did it happen?


Yes it's Ewok, Huttese and Basic.


A: 3 times is all I remember. By a Jawa with an Ion Rifle, by a Tie Fighter while in Luke's X-Wing and at the door to the Shield Bunker on Endor.

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Firstly, point goes to Kain for the languages question. "Basic" was never actully mentioend in the films, and the language also has been described as "Common Basic" so thats close enough :)


c'mon jedispy that's two "how many" questions in a row ! :(:p


but here are the victims of the welder


(? Buzz droids - not 100% sure about that one)

1. Super Battle Droids - ROTS

2. Salacious Crumb

3. Ewok(perhaps wicket, but cant be bothered checking)


* * *


Q. Of the bounty hunters assembled by Vader, which were droids ? (name them if you can...)



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c'mon jedispy that's two "how many" questions in a row !
Yeah I know it's bad. Sometimes you just gotta have a counting question or two.


(? Buzz droids - not 100% sure about that one)

1. Super Battle Droids - ROTS

2. Salacious Crumb

3. Ewok(perhaps wicket, but cant be bothered checking)

You were actually correct with the Buzz Droids. I don't remember him using it on the Super Battle Droids (I guess I'll need to watch it again.....uh...you know....when it comes out on November 1. Yeah...that's it... :animelol: )


Q: In the movies, what 3 things are able to stop a lightsaber blade? (Not intended on being a "how many question")

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Q: In the movies, what 3 things are able to stop a lightsaber blade? (Not intended on being a "how many question")


As far as the movies go, I thought the only thing that could stop a lightsaber is another lightsaber? I don't remember Cortosis being mentioned and the third one is drawing a total blank.


Battle Droid Shields, maybe?


I've wiped most of Eps 1 and 2 from my memory so if its in there its lost on me:D

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...Q: In the movies, what 3 things are able to stop a lightsaber blade? (Not intended on being a "how many question")...


1. a lightsaber - all 6 movies

2. ray shields - ROTS

3. Water - as per obi wan in TPM (though the CW series does tell us modified sabers can be used underwater - like Kit Fisto)

4. dont know the exact name, but those weapons Grievous' bodyguards use


* * *


Q. It sounds like "Hey!!" but what did Luke actually say when Leia(with Han & Chewie) rushed up to him after returning from destroying the DS1 ? (its a famous 'blooper') ??



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Q. It sounds like "Hey!!" but what did Luke actually say when Leia(with Han & Chewie) rushed up to him after returning from destroying the DS1 ? (its a famous 'blooper') ??
Well the legend has it (although Mark Hamill denies it) is that instead of yelling "Leia", he yells "Carrie", which is the name of the actress who played Leia.


(Not sure if this one's been asked yet)

Q: What is the cause of Grievous' cough?

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@ kain - correct ... the cough came before the crush tho...


I havent been able to find any verification that CW series creators put that in purposefully once they heard about the cough, but I think it makes fanboys sleep easier at night :)


* * *


Q. SW features at least 2 soft porn actresses whose roles were cut from the films ?

*Name the actresses

*Name their characters

*Name the films they were cut from :)



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LOL....sadly I knows me some porn...but not proudly.

Bai Ling was supposed to be Senator Bana Breemu in ROTS, but was cut before final production for posing in playboy.


The other one goes all the way back to the beginning. In ANH, Luke's childhood friend Cammie was played by Koo Stark. She has appeared in a number of porn films.


Yeah.....that's kind of embarrasing that I know that stuff. :tsk:


Moving on.


Q: What species has 4 throats? What is their powerful natural defense?

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