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....Q: What species has 4 throats? What is their powerful natural defense?


the only thing I can think of that is *directly* from the movies is that Pod Race commentator...dunno what the species is.... :(


you will have to furnish us with the answer jedispy.... and be weary the invisible line between movies and 'movie EU' ;)


* * *


New Question !


Q. Name 2 members of the jedi council that were present in TPM but not in AOTC ?



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the only thing I can think of that is *directly* from the movies is that Pod Race commentator...dunno what the species is.... :(


you will have to furnish us with the answer jedispy.... and be weary the invisible line between movies and 'movie EU' ;)


* * *


New Question !


Q. Name 2 members of the jedi council that were present in TPM but not in AOTC ?




Yaddle and Yarael Poof

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the only thing I can think of that is *directly* from the movies is that Pod Race commentator...dunno what the species is.... :(


you will have to furnish us with the answer jedispy.... and be weary the invisible line between movies and 'movie EU' ;)

Actually it's a clone wars question. Ithorians (according to Clone Wars vol2) have 4 throats. They can emit a powerul sound that is so potent that it shakes matter nearby.


Q. Name 2 members of the jedi council that were present in TPM but not in AOTC ?



1. Yaddle

2. Yarael Poof



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heh ! pipped to the post jedipsy ! I totally forgot to think about the CW series...NOW I remember where I heard that :p


Still, if you think about it, the pod race announcer probably does have 4 throats :p


* * *


Q. Why was Leia's holorecording looping when Luke first saw it ?



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Q: (ive half asked this question already, but there's more to this one.)


Who has the first and last lines of the series (story order & film order) what are the lines?


Do you mean just the start of TPM and the end of ROTJ... I hope so, becaus I dont know them for all 6 films off the top of my head :(



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i meant - the start of TPM and the end of ROTJ and The start of ANH and the end of ROTS.


First line in TPM was said by the captain of the republic transport. "Yes, sir?"

Last line in ROTS was said by C-3PO. "Oh no!!"

First line in ANH was spoken by C-3PO. "Did you hear that? They've shut down the main reactor. We'll be destroyed for sure. This is madness!"

Last line in ROTJ was spoken by Leia. "Oh. No, it's not like that at all. He's my brother."



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According to the DVD bastardized (that what I call it) version of the trilogy the last line of ROTJ was something like "Weesa free." said by a Gungan on Naboo.
Well you could argue that the last words were "the son of suns!!! Son of the Suns!!!" Someone shouts that during the Coruscant celebration, which I think appears after the Naboo celebration.


What is Lando seen wearing at the very end of ESB?

LOL. Han's clothing!!!



Q: Which one of the following starships does not have movable wings/s-foils?

a. x-wing

b. b-wing

c. Lamda Shuttle

d. a-wing

e. ARC-170

f. Eta-2

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Thats easy jedi - my personal favorite and one of my most decked out ships in all the WEG Star Wars games I played: The A-Wing. Although if you wanted to get technical, some A-Wings did have rotating guns(mine did).


Q: In the scene where the ewok was mourning over his just killed friend, what color was the dead ewok?

Bonus: What color was the live ewok?

Double Bonus: How many ewoks were shown dying/dead?

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Q: In the scene where the ewok was mourning over his just killed friend, what color was the dead ewok?

Bonus: What color was the live ewok?

Double Bonus: How many ewoks were shown dying/dead?


hehe...im giving Kain a point just for asking this question, because DEAD ewoks are my favourite ewoks...


In the scene Kain is referring to, I call it the "ha ha" scene, coz I could just imagine Nelson from the simpsons, stepping in and saying his classic line :p




yes, the dead ewok is black, the live one is brown. Im not sure how many other dead ewoks were visible onscreen...


* * *


Q. Who became angry and used their magic(apart from palpatine :p) ??



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I just wanted to mention that there was more to the answer than just mace (although I'll let the point be awarded.)

Others are:

Darth Vader

Darth Sidious

Darth Tyrranus

Darth Maul


YAR har har har!!! I be sneaky...says I!


A: Lyn Me (female twilek in Jabba's palace) is one. One of the Bespin security guards is another (He's standing behind Lobot while Lando takes the blasters from the stormtroopers.) I'm sure there are more, but you got two more now.

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